InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

How's it going with all of you? My job changed a bit up to work - I'm doing all the water tests now, not just the shitwater haha.

I got a whole room for growing now and not just a cold closet. I just planted a couple seeds this week - the first ones to be planted in here - and the cat ate the first one, needless to say.
I'm about midway through flower with my current group of girls. Healthy & happy. Swing by my journal (link in sig) if you wanna check things out.

Hope to see some plants in your future...

Personally, I'm doing really good right now. Landed a few big plumbing contracts lately, so I'm super busy.

Ready for a bit of time off to chill over the holidays.
As I was talking about earlier the year, I got my Early Miss auto pollinated, and now I have 2 of the the F1 generation pollinated for the second lot of seeds. And here in the new room I have the space to use 5-gal buckets to get some growth on them. My plan is to either cross it with hash plants , but more likely backcross it with more Early Miss and introduce some CBD genetics into it to get my own babies. The tentative name for it is Autocross - not original but it has a dual meaning so that works for me.

Other than that, the depression has me ground into the dirt this year. I have a referral from my doctor for a phototherapy light so I'm going to see if I can get one through Blue Cross. My back is doing a bit better but the arthritis is worse.
As I was talking about earlier the year, I got my Early Miss auto pollinated, and now I have 2 of the the F1 generation pollinated for the second lot of seeds. And here in the new room I have the space to use 5-gal buckets to get some growth on them. My plan is to either cross it with hash plants , but more likely backcross it with more Early Miss and introduce some CBD genetics into it to get my own babies. The tentative name for it is Autocross - not original but it has a dual meaning so that works for me.

Other than that, the depression has me ground into the dirt this year. I have a referral from my doctor for a phototherapy light so I'm going to see if I can get one through Blue Cross. My back is doing a bit better but the arthritis is worse.
Good to hear you got the garden rocking. Hope the depression gives you a break soon. I'm sure the slightest bit of stress relief will help with some of that pain too.
Hope they get ya all fixed up brother!
Man, I'm fighting it hard. I don't know what the guys think at work, with me walking around in a stupor all day every day. It gets that bad for me that I have to pull the car off the highway in the morning to puke. It goes well past the brain; it strikes the whole body. But I do my best not to dwell on it and I'm still getting used to all the water quality stuff - lots of water chemistry to play around with.

I got "phased out" of the other hatchery. The place has its own dedicated crew now that the place is up and running. Just as well. Too much running back and forth. The new people can do that now.
Hoping the phototherapy works for you.
Yup, me too. I just hope Blue Cross pays for it. Right now I'm basking in a sea of blurple, hoping the blue end of the grow light might stimulate something in the old thinker.
I haven't because I'm sure I would end up with a FIMTFIM (fuck I missed the fuck I missed).

LOL - an f’d up FIM is just a topping. What do ya have to lose?
Working out of town too much these days to be able to grow. But my brother is turning into a stellar grower, so I’m growing vicariously through him right now.

BTW, your deviant art is great!
Since the company got bought out almost 10 years ago I don't have to do the two spikes of going on the road. Don't much miss it myself.

And thanks, I only got back onto DA the other day too. You can see my new growroom here in my gallery Palette Project . I just finished making a nice table so growing will be easy on my back, and I have a couch in here to veg on and smoke my stupid brains out.
Been away from my usual haunts on the web the second half of the year. I had a wonderful summer but the depression is hitting me hard this fall. Had to come back because I miss all you guys.
Not sure our paths have ever crossed but I’m no stranger to depression. I empathize with you although we’re strangers.
I’d love to strike up a conversation about how you deal, strains you might recommend, etc. I’ve found chemovarieties high in the terpene limonene help with my anxiety and depression.
Not sure our paths have ever crossed but I’m no stranger to depression. I empathize with you although we’re strangers.
I’d love to strike up a conversation about how you deal, strains you might recommend, etc. I’ve found chemovarieties high in the terpene limonene help with my anxiety and depression.
Hey man! Nice to meet ya.

I'm here in Eastern Canada and although I'm near the southern side of the country the underlying depression makes the seasonal cycle worse, and in turn the daily epicycles due to the weather make the lows pretty stupefying to say the least, and on a bad arthritis day I have another complicating factor thrown into the biological and psychological correlation we call life.

But you know like I said, I try not to let it get the best of me. The wife understands because she has depression too. We just have different cycles.

I've never looked into a strain specifically for limonene; I'm going to have to look it up and see what seeds I can find. For a nice pick-me-up in herbal form, from my personal experience I'd have to strongly recommend either Super Silver Haze or Thai Stick. Any sativa, I guess.

Now that we have legal weed here I can go buy whatever I need at the store: sativa for the depression, indica for arthritis, hybrid for a real nice buzz, and CBD weed for bad days. I recently started a project to make a nice CBD strain. It'll take a couple years if I do it the way I want, but it'll be a fun project.
Hey welcome back flytier
Hey Derb, how goes the battle? It's nice to be back on - I really missed everyone but I had an off week for the last 6 months haha.
I've never looked into a strain specifically for limonene; I'm going to have to look it up and see what seeds I can find.

You might like Super Lemon Haze. It has a lot of limonene.

SLH and limonene
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