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Is it full spectrum? Need more info on light bud to be able to help better bro . I’m just taking all this Info in currently hurts the ticker feels like mush lol I do not want to give you faulty Info ?

Perfect sun do you have a coloured spectrum graph?

Does it tell you specs. Let’s here and what size of space are you in?

Remeber anything over 85000 lux is wasted hydro for cannabis plants see if I have link still
Scroll down to where it shows what is recommended for cannabis plants that should tell you. Because of you have x amount of space say 8x8 x8 foot space your growing in make sure you have the right amount of lux at tops which means way more powerful lights then mine lol

More powerful Lights and space more food is all I know . Anything over umols co2 boost is needed so I guess that would be starting rh excess 85000 lux is assume ?

Anyways more Info sorry I am really bad at talking sometimes .
Yes! Custom suit without the expense of a tailor. Nice job Shed, :goodjob: and thank you for explaining. Can’t wait to see the girls flourish under your new setup!
Naps are the best!
Got an hour in this afternoon!
Yeah I found or was shared from someone here a wicked conversion chart to convert lux to ppfd
@InTheShed check it out
Online Lux to PPFD calculator converter grow metric -
I feel like I just posted one of these in your thread. Thanks Joe!
Has anyone heard of a white piece of paper putting up to tops of plants and apparently you can see the actual spectrum ? I’m going to try it tonight ?
All you can see is colors, not spectrum. Blurple LEDs are tuned to what the plant needs, not what your eyes can see.
Interesting. So based off that article you shared from @farside05 , would my Perfect Sun work with a Lux meter? Maybe that has too much red and blue?
In order to convert lux to PPFD, you need to know the spectrum of your light. If your light is multi-spectrum, all you can do is guess! That's why it would work with my strips or your HPS, but not with something tuned to to specific areas of the spectrum.
Wednesday update!

Okay so it's late but this is the schedule I'm on when I'm not at work :).

Let us begin with the Candidas. Here they are on day 21. They have the same number of nodes but no-tap (the one without the tap root when I planted it) has more spacing and is taller. What are your thoughts on topping?

I'm thinking of topping them both and moving them into 1 gallon pots. If I top here, should I wait to move them?

On to the AK-47 that I thinned today:

All in prep for flipping soon after BT2 is down. Speaking of BT2, here it is on day 76. Some of the fans are starting to go purple like the last one, which went 84 days:

"Top" cola:

Some lowers:

Quick shot of the smaller plants including the clones I can't keep...

And a parting shot in the shed!

I hope you all had a good day and the run-up to Christmas is going smoothly, whether you celebrate it or not!
Nice update she’s and the ak looks great! Really needed to be thinned out and looks like she will love the new haircut! BT2 is looking spot on ! Are you taking her to the same time as bt1 or just wait and see?
Anywhooo I hope your well
Thanks Dutch! All is well here thanks for asking :).

I'll be taking BT2 when it's looking ripe and ready, but having the first one run 84 days gives me a loose target. Unless you are up against an external deadline, I don't think days matter. I'm getting the feeling this one might run longer than the first. At least I hope so...I want more bulking!
Is it full spectrum? Need more info on light bud to be able to help better bro . I’m just taking all this Info in currently hurts the ticker feels like mush lol I do not want to give you faulty Info ?

Perfect sun do you have a coloured spectrum graph?

Does it tell you specs. Let’s here and what size of space are you in?

Remeber anything over 85000 lux is wasted hydro for cannabis plants see if I have link still
Scroll down to where it shows what is recommended for cannabis plants that should tell you. Because of you have x amount of space say 8x8 x8 foot space your growing in make sure you have the right amount of lux at tops which means way more powerful lights then mine lol

More powerful Lights and space more food is all I know . Anything over umols co2 boost is needed so I guess that would be starting rh excess 85000 lux is assume ?

Anyways more Info sorry I am really bad at talking sometimes .
Hey buddy, here’s what I could dig up on my light. They’re a sponsor here so I don’t think I’m stepping on any toes. I’m in a 4x8 with a 1000wHPS ( throttled down to 600w) on one side and this on the other.

The PAR info confused me. I thought PAR wasn't a measurement of light, but a measurement of light spectrum that plants use. I only know what I've read of course!

"Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR):
AR is used by plant scientists and describes the part of the light that is useful for plants to grow. PAR basically refers to the range of light from 400-700 nanometers (nm). PAR is NOT a measurement unit, as it just indicates that the light between 400-700nm is needed for supporting photosynthesis in a plant."

Whereas "PFD measures the amount of PAR that actually arrives at the plant, or as a scientist might say: 'the number of photosynthetically active photons that fall on a given surface each second.'"

Does Perfect Sun mention PPFD or lux measurements from the light?
The PAR info confused me. I thought PAR wasn't a measurement of light, but a measurement of light spectrum that plants use. I only know what I've read of course!

"Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR):
AR is used by plant scientists and describes the part of the light that is useful for plants to grow. PAR basically refers to the range of light from 400-700 nanometers (nm). PAR is NOT a measurement unit, as it just indicates that the light between 400-700nm is needed for supporting photosynthesis in a plant."

Whereas "PFD measures the amount of PAR that actually arrives at the plant, or as a scientist might say: 'the number of photosynthetically active photons that fall on a given surface each second.'"

Does Perfect Sun mention PPFD or lux measurements from the light?
I checked their site and a couple of the lights and find no mention of PPFD or LUX
Now the more I read on PAR and PPFD, the less I understand. On thing I'm sure of is I'm sure that light is killer! It's going to be great when the weather gets too warm for the HPS.
I have an admission to make Im running it already haha! Ive got it 4' above the Brix crew and the Bedroom Cookies 1 & 2 mothers. Im fairly sure Im going to flower the mothers and keep the wee little ones.

I think turning the HPS will cause my temps to plummet to the point I'll need my heater again. Whats a boy to do!?

Anyhow, I wasnt trying to start anything I was just trying to understand how a lux meter can help me optimize my light distance. Thats an area I feel I could use some attention, dialing in lights. Thanks guys, I am enjoying the conversation and grateful for the wisdom! :Namaste:
I have an admission to make Im running it already haha! Ive got it 4' above the Brix crew and the Bedroom Cookies 1 & 2 mothers. Im fairly sure Im going to flower the mothers and keep the wee little ones.

I think turning the HPS will cause my temps to plummet to the point I'll need my heater again. Whats a boy to do!?

Anyhow, I wasnt trying to start anything I was just trying to understand how a lux meter can help me optimize my light distance. Thats an area I feel I could use some attention, dialing in lights. Thanks guys, I am enjoying the conversation and grateful for the wisdom! :Namaste:
Not at all AW! Your post just made me look up PAR which sent me into a research spiral I had to pull out of when my eyes glazed over o_O.

My Mars generated more heat than these new lights so I'm not even sure they're helping anything grow with temps in the low 60s in there. I feel stupid putting a heater in there after working to lower the wattage on the light!

Use the HPS! Preston is killing it with his.
Not at all AW! Your post just made me look up PAR which sent me into a research spiral I had to pull out of when my eyes glazed over o_O.

My Mars generated more heat than these new lights so I'm not even sure they're helping anything grow with temps in the low 60s in there. I feel stupid putting a heater in there after working to lower the wattage on the light!

Use the HPS! Preston is killing it with his.
Sounds like you could use my HPS right about now ;);)
The Max Yield puts out some heat but it’s different than a heat lamp like the HPS. If I didn’t have the HPS I’m sure I’d wake to find my plants in the 60s in my garage. I know why my hydro run failed so hard last winter now haha. Water temp was probably 50degrees half the time. Especially cause I didn’t insulate them from the floor :rolleyes: Yeah.....
nyhow, can you hold my hand for a quick second - what is the benefit of making your own light? Better control? And then, what kind of light is that you built? LED? I’m sure you’ve mentioned it before, but I managed to miss it. Majority of this light talk goes straight over my head! :hmmmm::laugh:
This was me last year. Was completely lost in the light talk:)
The Samsung strips use similar LEDs to the Quantum Boards (QBs) a lot of members are using, but each strip is only about an inch wide and 22" long, so you can lay them out however you need rather than in large rectangles like the QBs. I got 13 of them in a 2x4 area in the shed. Is that helpful?
The strips give more even coverage but the boards are intense light. If i leave my tent open a bit and walk upstairs there is a light haze.

Yes! Custom suit without the expense of a tailor. Nice job Shed, :goodjob: and thank you for explaining. Can’t wait to see the girls flourish under your new setup!
DIY self keeps the cost down for sure.
I'm hoping the new light will bring the thunder!
Can't wait to see what the new girls do with the light ! Sir Stanksalot cannot be wrong.
have an admission to make Im running it already haha! Iv
Yeah when you get a new light? It's up in a day or two lol.
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