InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I would think metal window screen would have a similar diffusing effect with less light loss,

I think I can attest to that. It worked fairly well when my Kryptonite got within 11” of the PS Mini. I even used 2 layers. Light stress, but no bleaching.
Every night since I built and hung it, so 4 nights now. I was around 14" off the tops last night at 180 watts. Pics later today!
I’m looking forward to seeing that update brother Shed :thumb:
Oh I miss naps.... edibles are probably the only thing that lets me have even a chance at a nap, and sleep through the night for that matter. Anyhow, can you hold my hand for a quick second - what is the benefit of making your own light? Better control? And then, what kind of light is that you built? LED? I’m sure you’ve mentioned it before, but I managed to miss it. Majority of this light talk goes straight over my head! :hmmmm::laugh:
Oo dank, being busy organising my life from scratch... And I miss the LIGHT PROJECT!!!!
Hope all is well in the shed :)
Oh AB, you had few more important things to do! Glad you're getting situated and you and your girls are safe. That above all.
I’m looking forward to seeing that update brother Shed :thumb:
Will get it here later this afternoon. I have to do some work from home for now :(.
Oh I miss naps.... edibles are probably the only thing that lets me have even a chance at a nap, and sleep through the night for that matter. Anyhow, can you hold my hand for a quick second - what is the benefit of making your own light? Better control? And then, what kind of light is that you built? LED? I’m sure you’ve mentioned it before, but I managed to miss it. Majority of this light talk goes straight over my head! :hmmmm::laugh:
I built a light using Samsung LED strips, and I built it myself to save money and be able to make it fit edge to edge to exactly cover the space I had to fill. The Samsung strips use similar LEDs to the Quantum Boards (QBs) a lot of members are using, but each strip is only about an inch wide and 22" long, so you can lay them out however you need rather than in large rectangles like the QBs. I got 13 of them in a 2x4 area in the shed. Is that helpful?
3 gummys last night a ten...out at 1130 hard, almost to hard
Starting to take after your wife!
I built a light using Samsung LED strips, and I built it myself to save money and be able to make it fit edge to edge to exactly cover the space I had to fill. The Samsung strips use similar LEDs to the Quantum Boards (QBs) a lot of members are using, but each strip is only about an inch wide and 22" long, so you can lay them out however you need rather than in large rectangles like the QBs. I got 13 of them in a 2x4 area in the shed. Is that helpful?
Yes! Custom suit without the expense of a tailor. Nice job Shed, :goodjob: and thank you for explaining. Can’t wait to see the girls flourish under your new setup!
How strong are each of those gummys?
No clue. I am not a big 'edible' person. Maybe once or twice a week. They were made with a touch more than a third cup of oil, and when I made that oil I cleaned out the freezer of trim, maybe a good 3oz, but it was stems, fans and all, not real high quality. I use a big ass gumdrop mold, prob somewhere between 8-15mg per gummy depending on size.
No clue. I am not a big 'edible' person. Maybe once or twice a week. They were made with a touch more than a third cup of oil, and when I made that oil I cleaned out the freezer of trim, maybe a good 3oz, but it was stems, fans and all, not real high quality. I use a big ass gumdrop mold, prob somewhere between 8-15mg per gummy depending on size.
Perfectly good way to use up the trim!:goodjob:
Every night since I built and hung it, so 4 nights now. I was around 14" off the tops last night at 180 watts. Pics later today!

Great! I will look at them tomorrow. Time for the looong nap here now. Been so busy the last days, been at my parents every night now since my brother got home. It's great! But I miss u guys n gals here!

Oo dank, being busy organising my life from scratch... And I miss the LIGHT PROJECT!!!!
Hope all is well in the shed :)

I have missed U birdy! Are you on the move yet?

Oh I miss naps....

Naps are the best! :)
I bought a cheap lux meter off Amazon to get a better idea on how high to run my light since there are no manufacturer specs for our custom built lights. Here's a good quick read from the folks at Royal Queen.


For healthy growth and good yields, almost nothing is more important than providing your cannabis plants with plenty of light. With an affordable lux meter, you can measure and optimise the amount of light in your grow-op to increase your yields.

If you want to max-out your yields, you need to make sure that your cannabis plants are receiving an adequate amount of light. With a lux meter, this all becomes easier than ever!

A lux meter is a relatively simple device with which you can measure the amount of light (lux=lumens/m²) in your grow room. What makes a lux meter attractive compared to a PAR meter or quantum light meters used by professionals is that it is much cheaper. While a good PAR meter can easily cost €1,000 or more, you can obtain a lux meter for a lot less. Simple lux meters start at €20 and upwards.

Helps Increase Yield

A lux meter can help increase the yield of your cannabis plants—an obvious benefit to growers. With it, you can determine the optimal spots within your grow room, or you can use it to determine the proper distance from your lights to your plants. A light meter/lux meter also lets you know when the light you’re using is simply not enough for maxing out yields.
Tells You When You Need To Replace HID Grow Lights
Some types of grow lights, such as MH/HPS bulbs, have a limited lifespan. In due time, they get increasingly dimmer, and this is why they need to be replaced at certain intervals. The light meter can reliably let you know when you need to replace your MH/HPS bulbs.
Prevents Some Plant Problems
Both insufficient light and too much light can be bad for your cannabis plants. The light meter can help you ensure healthy plant growth throughout all stages. The proper amount of light, not too much and not too little, will reduce stress on your plants, preventing further issues like light burn and bleaching.

How much light your plants need will vary based on each phase of the grow cycle. Seedlings can’t take a lot of light, but once a plant is in veg, it needs just about all the light it can get. This allows plants to grow vigorously to their full potential. The same goes for flowering. Although plants in bloom thrive under a different spectrum of light than during veg, they still need a lot of light exposure to make sure the buds are as big as they can be.

  • Clones and seedlings: 5,000–7,000 lux
  • Vegetative growth: 15,000–50,000 lux
  • Flowering: 45,000–65,000 lux
  • Maximum recommended amount of light: 75,000 lux
What about even more light? At some point, increasing the light beyond a threshold plant can manage will actually diminish returns. Said differently, once you reach about 85,000 lux, it’s simply too much. Some strains may already show signs of light stress at only 75,000 lux, with the risk of light bleaching increasing at over 80,000 lux. To keep it safe, it is best to stay at or below 75,000 lux.

When you use a lux meter to measure the amount of light in your grow room, make sure you measure at the height of your plants’ canopy. This allows you to determine how much light they’re actually receiving. Even if the distribution of light across your growing area may appear even, you should take a number of measurements in different spots of the grow room. This is how you can find blind spots or optimal spots that are not always obvious to the unaided eye. When you locate these spots, you can rearrange your plants accordingly for best results.

A lux meter works with all types of “white” lights, which includes HID, CFL, and white LEDs (COB LEDs). However, it doesn’t work with “purple” LED lights, which emit a purple light due to their combination of blue and red LEDs. Unfortunately, most cheaper LED lights are these purple types. So, if you use one of these for growing, you would have to rely on manufacturer information about how much light the product really emits. Alternatively, you could obtain a light meter that can be used with these types of LEDs. But be aware that these often cost a lot more.
Yeah I found or was shared from someone here a wicked conversion chart to convert lux to ppfd
@InTheShed check it out

Online Lux to PPFD calculator converter grow metric -
I've just used the lux numbers from the article with no conversion. The initial plan was to test the penetration at various power levels and note the drop off at different heights. Example. 100 percent, find the distance from the top of the tallest cola that is 70,000 lux, then measure 6 inches and 12 inches down and note the drop off. Turn it down to 75 percent, find the distance that is 70,000 lux, then measure 6 and 12 inches down from that. The power level and distance that shows the least drop off should be the most efficient. I've never really done that yet. I've just been blasting them at 100 percent and lowered the light to where the top cola of the tallest plant is getting 70,000 lux. May not be the best, but that's where I currently stand.
Has anyone heard of a white piece of paper putting up to tops of plants and apparently you can see the actual spectrum ? I’m going to try it tonight ?
Well I didn’t see any lights green blue etc wonder if I turn off bloom ?

However I can def see how much brighter that piece of paper is for sure it’s crazy this new light hits 20 thousand lux at the farthest of plant in width and closer to 27 000 now

But with the paper you really can see the difference it like blinds me lol
Well I didn’t see any lights green blue etc wonder if I turn off bloom ?

However I can def see how much brighter that piece of paper is for sure it’s crazy this new light hits 20 thousand lux at the farthest of plant in width and closer to 27 000 now

But with the paper you really can see the difference it like blinds me lol
Interesting. So based off that article you shared from @farside05 , would my Perfect Sun work with a Lux meter? Maybe that has too much red and blue?
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