InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I can hear him my grandpa thought I was my dad when I was little... then it was fun. A few years later he just yelled at us for being strangers. That wasn't fun at all... it's a scary disease Ahlzeimers... o_O

Haha, I know everyone in NY don't live on Wall St Manhattan.... ;)
My grand father is a crazy funny ass English man . God bless those souls .
First you need to find one! Then you need to do a youtube tutorial :).

I'm sure they're on Ebay. I wonder if there is still one at my dad's apartment in NY? I won't find out until I go clear it out after he shuffles off his mortal coil.

I wish I had room for more sheds! I did try to put a second story on the garage before we ended up finishing it, but the city said no, no, no :confused:. I wouldn't have needed any sheds then!


Friday update! The sun is out and everything is back in the sun. And did I mention it's Friday? :yahoo:

I want to feature the Blue Treacle Auto 2 today since it's starting to bulk up a little. Here it is on day 64:

I normally shoot pics in the shade so the harsh shadows don't make it difficult to see the whole plant, but when I turned around and saw this angle with the sun behind it I knew I had to include it:

Something is eating one of my clones in spite of the daily spraying with iso/water. Now that they're big enough I'll switch over to neem. Anyone recognize the damage?

That's my update for the day! I hope you are experiencing beautiful blue skies where you are. If not in the sky then in your head :).
Is that not a caterpillar shed ? I see on fan there? Those are bad ones they eat the nutes out of plants and neem is not the greatest fight for them . I was suggest a product called seven dust which you can get at Lowe’s here in Canada .

Best I got for of course it is hard to say for sure but my guess .
Gotta love that English sense of humor! I know something about that...I married a Londoner :).
Yeah one thing I’ll alwaya remeber he always said that hallie beery is his future wife . My lil ol 4’10” grandmother would yell pervert to Patrick .

Age is always earned I said . Fought til the death. Why we try to find happiness on thyself .

Your a good son shed . ✊
Thanks Joe, good thinking on the holes. I think spinosad kills them as well! I'll have this covered tomorrow. :thumb:
Kill “em “ all man I hate pest you see what I’ve been battling lol
I do! Never understood why they don't sell spinosad in Canada though. Doesn't seem dangerous at all.
I should take the recipe and maybe alter one or two ingredients and name it cat killer lol bang millionaire lol
First you need to find one! Then you need to do a youtube tutorial :).

I'm sure they're on Ebay. I wonder if there is still one at my dad's apartment in NY? I won't find out until I go clear it out after he shuffles off his mortal coil.

I wish I had room for more sheds! I did try to put a second story on the garage before we ended up finishing it, but the city said no, no, no :confused:. I wouldn't have needed any sheds then!


Friday update! The sun is out and everything is back in the sun. And did I mention it's Friday? :yahoo:

I want to feature the Blue Treacle Auto 2 today since it's starting to bulk up a little. Here it is on day 64:

I normally shoot pics in the shade so the harsh shadows don't make it difficult to see the whole plant, but when I turned around and saw this angle with the sun behind it I knew I had to include it:

Something is eating one of my clones in spite of the daily spraying with iso/water. Now that they're big enough I'll switch over to neem. Anyone recognize the damage?

That's my update for the day! I hope you are experiencing beautiful blue skies where you are. If not in the sky then in your head :).
i dont really see any clues that points to a pest ... for now ... beautiful pic with the backlighting shed ... your improving :ganjamon: just kidding hihi ... sorry i had some scissor hash ;) you know what that means ...
anyway BT looks really good ... shes gonna reward ye handsomely me guess :goodjob:
LOL! You could have found a way to make it relevant :).
I was thinking about the bug holes and writing something else, then got caught up in a blonde moment and lost it..
:laugh::rofl:wasn' my day to multi task..
Your dad sounds like a happy old man, and fun to be around, unless he doesn't want to take a bath.
SWeeD, Alzheimer's is hard on everybody. Just play along and be whom ever they think you are at the time. If you are strangers, see what "time" they are in, for example: before marriage and kids? After? And go from there. Keep telling over and over in a calm voice, my name is x you are my grandpa... You have x children... Your spouse is/was x...
It is hidden in there.
Takes a lot of patience.
I have to partially agree with you AB. It is important to be whoever the person thinks you are (or a stranger if the don't recognize you) and go wherever they want the conversation to go, I don't believe in trying to remind them of what they've forgotten. Reminding dementia patients that they are losing their memory can be upsetting, confusing, and create anxiety.

Let go of the past and accept the new place your loved one occupies would be my advice.
Gotta love that English sense of humor! I know something about that...I married a Londoner :).

I new you were a man of good taste.
I'm a Londoner that married a Septic :D. Has your Mrs got you drinking tea yet ?

Good luck with your bug battle. I got to ask. What's your reasoning for taking your plants outside? I could maybe get away with that here, but haven't because of the risk of bugs/hassle. Whats the advantage?

I have to partially agree with you AB. It is important to be whoever the person thinks you are (or a stranger if the don't recognize you) and go wherever they want the conversation to go, I don't believe in trying to remind them of what they've forgotten. Reminding dementia patients that they are losing their memory can be upsetting, confusing, and create anxiety.

Let go of the past and accept the new place your loved one occupies would be my advice.
Early in the dementia process, re-orienting someone is best, but later in the process, it really doesn’t do much good, and can just frustrate the caregiver as well as the person with dementia.

My grandmother had a type of dementia, but not Alzheimer’s dementia. It pretty much broke my mother trying to care for her at the later stages. By the time my grandmother’s body died, her personality had been gone for years. It made for an odd mourning process.
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