InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

LOL! They're all mine :). The shed is the shed. The bike shed I took over when I needed more room. Those two sit on opposite sides of the backyard. There is a third shed (smaller...also Suncast) that I just use just for storage: nutes, the drying box, table saw, squirrel cage (not fan...trap!), hot tub chems and spare filters, etc.

I think the real issue here is that you have TOO MUCH STUFF...... LOL
So Shed! Quick question for yea pal !
Since you’ve transplanted autos a few times from what I recall would you say that transplanting an auto is “bad” or a “Nono” like so many statements say?
I didn’t notice any slow down or stunting in my WWa when I transplanted them and just trying to solidify my thoughts that as long as they are healthy and growing well and up pot before the flower is ok!
IMO and my from very very minimal experience I don’t feel that they get shocked or slowed down from it.
Cheers pal!
I only did it once and you can see the additional root growth here. I did it because I felt like it would help the plant that was stuck in a 1gallon going into flower so I can only recommend it the way I did it. I'm sure earlier than that would be okay as well, but I was very careful on transplant not to disturb any roots using the inverse-sand-castle method.

All the rest of my autos go directly into their forever homes when they sprout, but I only water in rings around the growth so as not to flood the pot.
I think the real issue here is that you have TOO MUCH STUFF...... LOL
Damn well could be Sam! Certainly now with all these freaking clones. Embarrassment of riches :oops:.

Dont matter how many sheds your got or how big they are.... its always full :)
So true itibiti! It wouldn't have to be this way if we hadn't finished the garage 6 years ago. I had a perfectly wonderful mess all in one place before that :thumb:.

I am going to be much lighter by New Years though. Most of the clones gone, the Blue Treacle 2 harvested...just wait, you'll see :).
Just for clarification to anyone following along...the bike shed is not the shed. The bike shed is a little pre-cast plastic job from Suncast that has bikes, the cloninator, and a couple of CFLs. The shed is where the light is going. The shed I built on the back of my garage with a pitched roof, framed walls, and a standard door with a window in it. I probably should have insulated it but I'm using that last 3.5" of space for storage :).

Thanks for helping to clear that up, I was starting to get a little confused. Thankyou @InTheSheds ;)

Thanks JM! Let's not start adding ohms to the mix unless we're going with :Namaste:

I'm glad Ohm has got a mention at last :D. Credit where credit's due "Sam's equation" is Ohm's law and he discovered the relationship between Watts, Volts and Amps. You won't need a calculator with JustMeds app, just fill in the known values.

These sort of apps were the first thing to make me feel like I'm starting to get old :confused:. Used one on my phone at work for something and thought "wow kids have it real easy now a days". My next thought was about a child me, my parents and electronic calculators :oops:.

I'm glad Ohm has got a mention at last :D. Credit where credit's due "Sam's equation" is Ohm's law and he discovered the relationship between Watts, Volts and Amps. You won't need a calculator with JustMeds app, just fill in the known values.
Oh I'm sure Sam wasn't claiming any ownership of the equation or did you mean Mr. Ohm?

I remember my dad teaching me how to use a slide rule! I remember none of it :).
Thanks for helping to clear that up, I was starting to get a little confused. Thankyou @InTheSheds ;)

I'm glad Ohm has got a mention at last :D. Credit where credit's due "Sam's equation" is Ohm's law and he discovered the relationship between Watts, Volts and Amps. You won't need a calculator with JustMeds app, just fill in the known values.

These sort of apps were the first thing to make me feel like I'm starting to get old :confused:. Used one on my phone at work for something and thought "wow kids have it real easy now a days". My next thought was about a child me, my parents and electronic calculators :oops:.


I was once very adept with a slide rule ... :)

It's a really cool device for when close is good enough, which is almost all the time - quick and efficient.
LOL! They're all mine :). The shed is the shed. The bike shed I took over when I needed more room. Those two sit on opposite sides of the backyard. There is a third shed (smaller...also Suncast) that I just use just for storage: nutes, the drying box, table saw, squirrel cage (not fan...trap!), hot tub chems and spare filters, etc.
The Shed has to little sheds need more sheds.. :rolleyes:o_O:rolleyes:
I was once very adept with a slide rule ... :)
It's a really cool device for when close is good enough, which is almost all the time - quick and efficient.
First you need to find one! Then you need to do a youtube tutorial :).
I would like to find one of those rulers, they are so cool. :)
I'm sure they're on Ebay. I wonder if there is still one at my dad's apartment in NY? I won't find out until I go clear it out after he shuffles off his mortal coil.
The Shed has to little sheds need more sheds.. :rolleyes:o_O:rolleyes:
I wish I had room for more sheds! I did try to put a second story on the garage before we ended up finishing it, but the city said no, no, no :confused:. I wouldn't have needed any sheds then!


Friday update! The sun is out and everything is back in the sun. And did I mention it's Friday? :yahoo:

I want to feature the Blue Treacle Auto 2 today since it's starting to bulk up a little. Here it is on day 64:

I normally shoot pics in the shade so the harsh shadows don't make it difficult to see the whole plant, but when I turned around and saw this angle with the sun behind it I knew I had to include it:

Something is eating one of my clones in spite of the daily spraying with iso/water. Now that they're big enough I'll switch over to neem. Anyone recognize the damage?

That's my update for the day! I hope you are experiencing beautiful blue skies where you are. If not in the sky then in your head :).
That Blue Treacle is a beauty! Nice weather today too! We actually had some sun today also. But then it pissed rain again. Plenty of water again in our lakes, one started to run off to the sea again today its been almost a year since it did.

Ain't seen anything else than the nagging? No poo? :)

I'm sure they're on Ebay. I wonder if there is still one at my dad's apartment in NY? I won't find out until I go clear it out after he shuffles off his mortal coil.

Don't talk like that... you are going to have him on your neck for a while yet! :) When I get a thing like that I like if it have some prominence with it. Wounder if Nasa had their own brand on theirs?
I figure at nearly 94 he has a limited shelf life no matter what! But I'm not clearing out that apartment until I absolutely have to. 50 years worth of stuff in there to go through o_O. And I'm sure NASA's slide rules were made by Hewlett Packard ;).

Oh he is that old? Man he's seen and heard a lot. I'm not sure I even want to get that old.

I understand that, it's a hole life in there to go through. So that apartment is in NY? How do you/him manage to keep that while he is in a home? That must cost a fortune.

Hp, hmm. Got to get me one of those. :)
First you need to find one! Then you need to do a youtube tutorial :).

I'm sure they're on Ebay. I wonder if there is still one at my dad's apartment in NY? I won't find out until I go clear it out after he shuffles off his mortal coil.

I wish I had room for more sheds! I did try to put a second story on the garage before we ended up finishing it, but the city said no, no, no :confused:. I wouldn't have needed any sheds then!


Friday update! The sun is out and everything is back in the sun. And did I mention it's Friday? :yahoo:

I want to feature the Blue Treacle Auto 2 today since it's starting to bulk up a little. Here it is on day 64:

I normally shoot pics in the shade so the harsh shadows don't make it difficult to see the whole plant, but when I turned around and saw this angle with the sun behind it I knew I had to include it:

Something is eating one of my clones in spite of the daily spraying with iso/water. Now that they're big enough I'll switch over to neem. Anyone recognize the damage?

That's my update for the day! I hope you are experiencing beautiful blue skies where you are. If not in the sky then in your head :).
May be thrip damage
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