InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Open question:

Are the Candida sprouts better off under the MarsHydro 300 @ 30" at night but with temps in the low 60s, or on the 80º heat mat directly under a 23 watt (100 w equivalent) CFL?
Heat over cold from Newty. I’m losing clones left and right to cold mold...I think my seedlings were chilly at night which might have been part of the reason my Candida was so slow to grow. You should see this B now though....woah she likes sleep:) I have her running 11/13 and she fricken exploded. I’ll get an update this week.

Thanks for including your fun time at the car expo! I love seeing pics of LA :oops::cool:
...personally, I would go with the heat mat and CFL(s) for the first few weeks, possibly running the mat on/off for a few hours at a time, depending on ambient room temps...cheerz...h00k......
Thanks h00k! The mat is on a thermostat now so it keeps the very bottom of the cup at 80º while the room temp in my house is probably in the mid 60s.
Heat over cold from Newty. I’m losing clones left and right to cold mold...I think my seedlings were chilly at night which might have been part of the reason my Candida was so slow to grow. You should see this B now though....woah she likes sleep:) I have her running 11/13 and she fricken exploded. I’ll get an update this week.
Thanks for including your fun time at the car expo! I love seeing pics of LA :oops::cool:
The car show was fun and the train made it even parking!!!!!

I'm going to have the nearest family member put the Candidas on the heat mat when they get home in the afternoon and I'll put them back out in the morning. Once the new light gets built the shed should be much warmer than it is with just the Mars 300 in there.
So my photos of Autopots, MeanWell, Chilleds, inFlux are banned here? This doesn't make sense... I'm more of a rebel than I thought then.
You don't have any pictures of your light build that shows the manufacturers. And correct me if I'm wrong but Autopots aren't lights ;).
I think it's more a matter of commercial enterprise. For instance, they're not going to let one of us start promoting our own kits or point to some other guy's business builds.

But knowledge is good stuff. So showing folks how to buy parts and wire up their own lights is ok as long as it isn't accompanied by a lot of loud promotion, etc. Giving people a parts list and suppliers to duplicate a current sponsor's COB rigs would also be frowned upon. :)

your recommendation is heat and CFL over cold and LED?
I suppose it was! lol I kind of didn’t really make one did I :hmmmm:
But yes I concur that heat better than cold but I wouldn’t have the heat mat on all the time and if you have to, then perhaps put something under the seedlings so they don’t get cooked. :Namaste:
part of the reason my Candida was so slow to grow. You should see this B now though....woah she likes sleep:) I have her running 11/13 and she fricken exploded. I’ll get an update this week.
Ill be looking forward to that! Mine is going sooo slowly it’s crazy. I should go back and look at early photos of yours to see how bad my stalled issue is.
Folks say cold is bad, I know, and these new ones of mine are outdoor so it does get cold over night. Thing is tho’, I planted even earlier in spring last year and those babies never got coddled with coming in on the coldest nights like the current ones, and they didn’t stall the way my current crop have. So it seems more so the gnat activity than only the cold. It’s so hard to know if they’ll take off.
I very much look forward to your Candida update newty :)

So my photos of Autopots, MeanWell, Chilleds, inFlux are banned here? This doesn't make sense... I'm more of a rebel than I thought then.
Crazy... scroll down on this page to the LED section. I mean, read it all sometime, but the relevant stuff to this conversation is in the LED section :thumb:

Forum Guidelines - Please Read Before Posting
Crazy... scroll down on this page to the LED section. I mean, read it all sometime, but the relevant stuff to this conversation is in the LED section :thumb:
Forum Guidelines - Please Read Before Posting
Thank you Amy! I'm sure the conversation with Graytail and PGR violated a few of those but when I build it the pics will go through Photoshop before they get uploaded.


Speaking of Amy...the Tuesday update includes the BT1 rootball :yahoo:. Okay maybe not that exciting...

Here it was on transplant day, October 10th:


And here is where the roots grew to over the following 52 days, all of it in flower:

They got to within about 2" of the side of the pot. I'd say that almost all of the root growth was lateral with very few roots reaching down toward the bottom of the pot.

So was up-potting the auto early in flower beneficial? Looks like it base solely on root growth!

In other news dating back to is a Sour G cutting taken Oct 21st with a root on it, along with its companion that seems to have a root bump on the bottom of the stem. I have way more clones than I can possibly grow. Maybe I'll keep them under a CFL until spring and then plant them in a public park somewhere :).

Speaking of way more clones than I can grow, here are the smaller plants that live outside during the day. I still have the AK pot o'clones, an AK and a Sour G from the cloninator, and a Sour G x2 all on the heat mat.

Top row from the left:
Peyote Critical quadline, AK-47 clone, AK-47 clone
Middle row from left:
Sour G, Sour G x2, AK, Sour G
Bottom row from left:
Sour G x2, Candida, Candida, Sour G

I hope you are all well and it's bright and sunny where you are, inside and out :).
:yahoo:. Okay maybe not that exciting...

it kinda was tho’, cause I’d forgotten and am about to sign out for few days and just caught this before I did. I’ve some decisions to make in the next few days so the timing was perfect:slide: Hoenstly, mine barely have a 4th node... at day 21!

Nice family in the garden shot :) Look at all your clones :eek::thumb:

it kinda was tho’, cause I’d forgotten and am about to sign out for few days and just caught this before I did. I’ve some decisions to make in the next few days so the timing was perfect:slide: Hoenstly, mine barely have a 4th node... at day 21!

Nice family in the garden shot :) Look at all your clones :eek::thumb:
Too many clones! o_O
Looks like everyone is on cruise control.
Thanks Penny! Doing okay at this point with only some creatures to look out for. Of course, we've seen lots of plants freak out when going from blurple to white LEDs mid-grow. I have to keep an eye out for calcium deficiencies when I turn on the new light.
I haven't used thermal tape so PGR is your goto on that question.

I went to 'zon for the watt meter plugin - no brand - just a "digital energy meter".
Back to light building for a moment...

Once I get the metal components, should I build it and then put the thermal tape and the strips on? Or do the strips on the loose U-channels and then assemble the whole thing?

Also, besides Kill A Watt ($16.00), does anyone have any other (inexpensive) watt meter suggestions so I'll know how far down to dial the Meanwell?

I'd assemble the frame first, that's how I did it.

Want to keep all the delicate stuff as far away from drill bits as possible. No matter how careful you are they can slip. Of course that's assuming your drilling your frame.

The watt metre I used in my build was slightly cheaper than 16 dollars, but with the hassle of building containment for it, and wiring it up. 16 bucks plug and play is a steal :).

Although the one I used could be mounted direct on the frame of your light, depending how it's built. If you want a link to mine drop me a PM.

Once I get the metal components, should I build it and then put the thermal tape and the strips on? Or do the strips on the loose U-channels and then assemble the whole thing?

Assemble the rig first and then put the lights on it. Less chance of something happening to the strips.

Also, besides Kill A Watt ($16.00), does anyone have any other (inexpensive) watt meter suggestions so I'll know how far down to dial the Meanwell?

You told me you had a dc clamp meter, use it. Can't get any better than that. :thumb:
Thanks h00k! The mat is on a thermostat now so it keeps the very bottom of the cup at 80º while the room temp in my house is probably in the mid 60s.

The car show was fun and the train made it even parking!!!!!

I'm going to have the nearest family member put the Candidas on the heat mat when they get home in the afternoon and I'll put them back out in the morning. Once the new light gets built the shed should be much warmer than it is with just the Mars 300 in there.

You don't have any pictures of your light build that shows the manufacturers. And correct me if I'm wrong but Autopots aren't lights ;).
mid 60 room temp i would sleep good in that room lol
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