InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time


So hey. I’m gonna post a grow question for you here, instead of my thread because, well, because I feel like a change... :) and I havent’ started my outdoor journa yet, so I thought I’d put my feet up in your garden a while and quiz you on themes relating to my current gardening events

OK these outdoor autos that have grown waaaaay slow, maybe (prob’ly) ‘cause of gnats, maybe cold (2 x DDA and 2 x Auto Pounder). For context they were planted together (by strain) in a 1gal pot each pair and I was gonna experiment a bit with transplanting them at 2 weeks or so, just before flower (risky I know, but I was parrying gnats at the time and less soil volume seemed a good idea for a bit), into 8 gal pots, 2 plants in each. Well they’re still tiny and we’ve just hit 3 weeks and of course this morning, just as I’m thinking they’re pretty dry so I could transplant today, I see they’re juuust showing the beginning of flowering at the tops. So I’m not sure it’s going to be worth it to go into that big of a pot. I am interested in what you would do. :battingeyelashes:

I also thought I’d have begun training them a lot sooner, in terms of time, but they just didn’t grow so I couldn’t start until just the other day. Is it worth trying to continue to train them? I haven’t even got to the ‘tip lower than the next node down’ stage of training them - that next step would’ve started today, based on the size of the plants (and i’d expected to be in the bigger pots already). I hope that makes sense and that you can I understand what questions I’m asking :hmmmm:. I’m a bit high right now. I twinged my back moving a tote of soil this morning, bit of a pinched nerve so a vape was necessary :) ... and then another :D

I’ll get out to the garden to take pics a bit later, if you need them, but you saw them the other day at my place, on day 1 of training. They basically have only the first true node (5 bladed leaf set).

Ooohkaaay, so I hadn’t really finished asking the first question: I’m thinking about upcanning them into smaller pots than originally intended and just feeding them a bit randomly and experimentally with a mixture of different organic options I have floating around here, and dropping another photo period seed instead for the larger pot and proper, non-experimental, high brix kit grow. I have to do some math there too - I have a certain amount of ‘kit’ soil and want/need to use it all.

Any perspective you have on that is going to help my thought process a lot :Namaste:

I hope the afternoon is being good to you and you get to go home soon. And cheers everyone else! Hope y’all dont mind me distracting Shed with Qs about my plants :ganjamon:
So I’m not sure it’s going to be worth it to go into that big of a pot. I am interested in what you would do.
Well if you can wait until tomorrow morning (my time) I will inspect the roots on the BT1 to see if they grew into the new soil, since I went from 1 gallon to 7 gallon just when pistils began to show. That will at least give you an idea as to what happens down there with autos after flowering.
I haven’t even got to the ‘tip lower than the next node down’ stage of training them - that next step would’ve started today, based on the size of the plants
This is the problem I have found with autos outside. Unlike folks who control the environment (like Pt!), outside growers just plant and pray (just made that up :)). That said, spogs® grow in tents as well.

So that preamble leads me to say that there's no harm in continuing the bending. With luck you'll get a long veg like my BT2 and the lower nodes will have time to get taller than the apical stem. If not, you just have a bent plant. No big deal and better sunlight down below :thumb:

You also have time to drop more auto seeds now that the colder weather has passed.

Hope y’all dont mind me distracting Shed with Qs about my plants
Nobody minds plant talk here regardless of whose plant it is! At least they better not :cool:.

Did I answer your questions?

idea as to what happens down there with autos after flowering.
Well, we might both get an idea first hand. Just talked it over here a bit too and I might do it today as the opportunity presents itself for help :)
plant and pray (just made that up :))
no harm in continuing the bending.
also have time to drop more auto seeds now that the colder weather has passed.
Exactly - I will drop 2 more autos of each I think and maybe end up with 4 each in a larger pot. That sounds like fun :D
Did I answer your questions?
Yes you did! :thanks::Namaste:

I’ll just go back and see how much your BT changes from the 1g to the 7. :ciao::nomo:
And since you've now seen Blue Treacle 2, here is BT1 (aka Blue Treacle Freacle). It's got side branching so not going to be a spog®:

Hi again. So you transplanted after this then, is that right? Do you know/remember how many days old this was? Mine are nowhere near that far along...

I’m off for my afternoon nap now, tonight you’d appreciate that
Plans need to be made... so there’s something to change :Namaste:

I wouldn’t blame me either. Not saying it’d be easy. But I don’t have the capacity to have lots of stragglers in little pots around. Last season I planted some stuff at solstice and it grew out pretty well. I could still drop another photo.

Thanks Shed. Based on some of that, and other things, I don’t think it’s worth putting these runty autos into a bigger pot. Ima sleep on it. So I’ll get the benefit of your experience after all. :)

Off to do gardening business now. It’s possible everything needs a drink :yummy:
Seems like you had a good time at that car show Shed. Great to hear and see!

Of course I will black out the name brands from the pics to comply with the 420mag guidelines for light builds.

Had NO idea of this... They should be happy with people using their brain to build new and more effective lights. 420 starts more and more to look like a big corporation to me...
I think 60 is too cold for seedlings and 80 is too hot. That would cook the roots?
When I use a heat mat to germinate it’s an hour on, few hours off pattern. So it’s not on full time while the seed is sprouting. Others may have experience that suggests otherwise :)

Would it work to raise them up off the heatmat a bit?

Hey ... you’re up late :D
I think 60 is too cold for seedlings and 80 is too hot. That would cook the roots?
When I use a heat mat to germinate it’s an hour on, few hours off pattern. So it’s not on full time while the seed is sprouting. Others may have experience that suggests otherwise :)

Would it work to raise them up off the heatmat a bit?

Hey ... you’re up late :D
The heat mat is 80 but the roots probably aren't as they are in cups in cups, but I get your point! Still, your recommendation is heat and CFL over cold and LED?
Norcali drives by, but I guess they did more than repair your heart while you were under!
But people use their names on a daily basis here. So that is not allowed?
Not with photos. That's the rule.
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