InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Too many clones! o_O

Thanks Penny! Doing okay at this point with only some creatures to look out for. Of course, we've seen lots of plants freak out when going from blurple to white LEDs mid-grow. I have to keep an eye out for calcium deficiencies when I turn on the new light.
why does that happen with led lights does it just strip the calcium out the plants i guess its from the intensity
Thank you Amy! I'm sure the conversation with Graytail and PGR violated a few of those but when I build it the pics will go through Photoshop before they get uploaded.


Speaking of Amy...the Tuesday update includes the BT1 rootball :yahoo:. Okay maybe not that exciting...

Here it was on transplant day, October 10th:


And here is where the roots grew to over the following 52 days, all of it in flower:

They got to within about 2" of the side of the pot. I'd say that almost all of the root growth was lateral with very few roots reaching down toward the bottom of the pot.

So was up-potting the auto early in flower beneficial? Looks like it base solely on root growth!

In other news dating back to is a Sour G cutting taken Oct 21st with a root on it, along with its companion that seems to have a root bump on the bottom of the stem. I have way more clones than I can possibly grow. Maybe I'll keep them under a CFL until spring and then plant them in a public park somewhere :).

Speaking of way more clones than I can grow, here are the smaller plants that live outside during the day. I still have the AK pot o'clones, an AK and a Sour G from the cloninator, and a Sour G x2 all on the heat mat.

Top row from the left:
Peyote Critical quadline, AK-47 clone, AK-47 clone
Middle row from left:
Sour G, Sour G x2, AK, Sour G
Bottom row from left:
Sour G x2, Candida, Candida, Sour G

I hope you are all well and it's bright and sunny where you are, inside and out :).
looking good shed got you a box of lucky charms there my friend :Namaste:
I'd assemble the frame first, that's how I did it.
Want to keep all the delicate stuff as far away from drill bits as possible. No matter how careful you are they can slip. Of course that's assuming your drilling your frame.
The watt metre I used in my build was slightly cheaper than 16 dollars, but with the hassle of building containment for it, and wiring it up. 16 bucks plug and play is a steal :).
Although the one I used could be mounted direct on the frame of your light, depending how it's built. If you want a link to mine drop me a PM.
The frame is coming to me pre-cut and pre-drilled by an incredibly generous member here so drilling won't be an issue, but I do think having the entire thing stable would make it easier to get the tape on cleanly and the strips as well.

The driver isn't being mounted to the frame so I'll be keeping the watt meter at the outlet. Thanks though!
Assemble the rig first and then put the lights on it. Less chance of something happening to the strips.
You told me you had a dc clamp meter, use it. Can't get any better than that. :thumb:
I have a clamp meter and no clue how to use it! I know you put it around one side of the wiring and it tells you something depending on where the dial is set :).
mid 60 room temp i would sleep good in that room lol
Gets even colder at night. All you need is a good down comforter!
why does that happen with led lights does it just strip the calcium out the plants i guess its from the intensity
That's a damn good question that I don't know the answer to! It just seems to be true.
I have a clamp meter and no clue how to use it! I know you put it around one side of the wiring and it tells you something depending on where the dial is set :).

That's ok I will guide you through it. It's easy as child's play. You can upload a pic of the clamp meter if you don't keep up with the instructions.

1. Turn on the meter in DC mode and Amp measuring.
2. Clamp around the plus cable usually red coming from a MeanWell driver.
3. Make sure the drivers potentiometer is set to minimum current, with the potentiometer turned counter clockwise in the bottom.
4. Turn the driver on with the lights connected
5. Start to slowly turn the potentiometer up and keep watching the clamp meter as the amp start to rise and the lights get brighter.
6. Stop turning the potentiometer when desired amp is reached.

Done. :)
That's ok I will guide you through it. It's easy as child's play. You can upload a pic of the clamp meter if you don't keep up with the instructions.

1. Turn on the meter in DC mode and Amp measuring.
2. Clamp around the plus cable usually red coming from a MeanWell driver.
3. Make sure the drivers potentiometer is set to minimum current, with the potentiometer turned counter clockwise in the bottom.
4. Turn the driver on with the lights connected
5. Start to slowly turn the potentiometer up and keep watching the clamp meter as the amp start to rise and the lights get brighter.
6. Stop turning the potentiometer when desired amp is reached.

Done. :)
I'll check it when I get home and see if there is a DC mode Amp metering. How many amps am I aiming for if I want 250 watts?
How many amps am I aiming for if I want 250 watts?

Didn't catch what driver you chose but the formula for watts, P. Is P=U(Volts)*I(amps) 250W=U*I

Why #3? Does it matter whether it starts at max or minimum?

I don't know which driver you guys are talking about so I don't know what max of the driver and what the lights are drawing. When I set I driver I always set them down to minimum whether that's a constant current or constant voltage driver, that way you are sure you won't damage any components.
The driver is spec'ed at 3.5 amps, and the internal adjustment will take it down as far as half ... = 1.75 amps.

So ... 2.5 amps at 240 watts?
If 320 watts = 3.5 amps

then ...

240 watts = 2.333 amps
250 watts = 2.734 amps


Still doesn't tell me the watts though unless I math somehow. I think I'll spend the $16.00 unless it's a simple calculation.
I know a guy that can help you on this the thing is getting him to create a 420 account lol i can ask him tho if you like . he is a whiz on electric and situations like this he can wire a banana and orange together and they would create a watermelon he is good he wires all of our resto cars and anything we need done in the shop he would tell you exactly what to do and you be done
If 320 watts = 3.5 amps...I dunno, does it? Do we know the driver is putting out exactly 320 watts at maximum on the pot? I thought the A's overdrive the listed specs. By how much? Who knows!
How much voltage have you in your load?
Damned if I know.

This was my point! Heading off to Amazon...

I know a guy that can help you on this the thing is getting him to create a 420 account lol i can ask him tho if you like . he is a whiz on electric and situations like this he can wire a banana and orange together and they would create a watermelon he is good he wires all of our resto cars and anything we need done in the shop he would tell you exactly what to do and you be done
Thanks MGR but if Gray and Crazy can't explain it to me I think I'm beyond learning this at my age!
If 320 watts = 3.5 amps...I dunno, does it? Do we know the driver is putting out exactly 320 watts at maximum on the pot? I thought the A's overdrive the listed specs. By how much? Who knows!

Damned if I know.

This was my point! Heading off to Amazon...

Thanks MGR but if Gray and Crazy can't explain it to me I think I'm beyond learning this at my age!
Just trying to help buddy, yeah im sure these guy will get you taking care of electric is a pain in ass to follow bc of the formulas and everything else so i get what you saying good luck shed cant wait to see it in action..
gray and crazy take care of my boy now you hear!!! :goodluck::bong:
Good point Shed.

The boards run at 22 to 23 volts each. At 700ma they'll run at about 15 watts, and at 1050ma they'll run at about 23.

At minimum, 13 panels at 700ma will draw 2.0 amps (13 x 0.7amps x 22volts)
At maximum,13 panels at 1050ma will draw 3.14 amps (13 x 1.05 amps x 23volts)


[Edit} Crap, I meant target, not minimum. Minimum would show 1.7 amps or so.
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