InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

A pain in arm.... Coming from what?
Muscles? Nerves? Bone?
Just below his left arm pit. No clue as to the source. He can't tell you and I'm not subjecting him to x-rays. I'm guessing it was from a fall that no one saw, but we will probably never know. I'm hoping it just gets better and better like his pains usually do!

Not what I was expecting.
Seed looks good, plugs now? I thought they were evil.
Evil for clones. If you'd been paying attention you would know by now that those are the only way I have ever sprouted seeds!

Light is made up of RGB to make white. Hence the colors in the graph. Jeez you need everything explained?
I was thinking.. (Are they called) glands?!
Did they examine him, feeling looking?
It is an odd place to hurt yourself.
Does it look red? Is it more warm than the other side? Swollen?
I was thinking.. (Are they called) glands?!
Did they examine him, feeling looking?
It is an odd place to hurt yourself.
Does it look red? Is it more warm than the other side? Swollen?
He's not too happy about raising his arms or his shirt so I didn't check. He wouldn't let me get close enough to the spot to press on it. I think it was lower than the armpit glands though. Either way there's not much to do.
He's not hiding it. He's not capable of that concept. He lives in an assisted living facility and spends most of his day in a wheelchair. He'll be 94 next month and fights mightily when they try to bathe him. Sometimes successfully and sometimes not! Next time they manage to get his shirt off without getting hit I'm sure they'll try to get a look at it :).

Still, he's fun to be around when nothing hurts!
:hug: I had a lady neighbour (96) and her daughter just like that.
The stories they told about the old days were amazing, we would talk about cooking and lots of gardening.
Funny thing, when they got disoriented, you would hear them call my name, not their daughters/granddaughters that lived next to me. The old would look at the daughters asking "who are you". And continue calling for me, I gladly ran over there every day.
Calmed them down and all back to normal.
Sure can WeenB! Let me begin by saying that the cooking thread I hang out in is this one:
Cooking with The Chronic
but if you want a basic gummy recipe, here's the last one I made:
InTheShed Grows Autos & Photos, Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Skip the first half of the post and get right to the pics of the Jello.

The most important thing to keep in mind though is making the oil you're using strong enough to do what you want. That's a whole other post. Let me know if you want to get serious and calculate the strength of your oil! I get more detailed than a lot of people care about :).

:welcome: to my slice of the 420magazine pie!
Raising hand ! Need to learn to make evo oil so I can try the gummies. Unless it can be done with coconut oil. I would love to know the mg amounts. Only thing is I fear it will take a stupidly potent mix for me to enjoy.
94!! Love to your Paw !
Great update! Can’t wait to watch those Candida:D

You deserve to win member of the year and basically member of the month every month. I always see you everywhere helping everyone! You are a real true mentor to me here!

Thanks @Advocate420! I've seen EVOO and avocado oil so I'd stick with one of those. But nobody uses coconut oil!

EVOO is dead simple to make if you have a small crock pot, simpler still if you have a Magical butter machine, but you can do it with a Mason jar in the oven as well.

Decarb your dried bud or trim at 240º for an hour or so. Turkey bags are good If you need to keep the smell contained. After you take it out, put it in the fridge for 15 minutes to cool down. Then crumble it and put it in the crock pot or jar, add your oil, mix it up, and heat it to around 160º (my oven starts at 170º) for 8 hours. Stir it as often as every 20 minutes if you're using a crock pot or shake it if it's in the oven. The more often you shake it the better but if you can't be bothered to do it every 20 minutes that's completely understandable.

When it's when it's done, add 1 tablespoon of liquid sunflower lecithin per 8 oz of oil if you have any and blend it well. Put it in the fridge overnight and you're done!

If you want to know how strong the oil is going to be, shoot me a PM (or post it here) with the number of grams of decarbed weed, the amount of oil you're using, and the percentages of THC and CBD in the buds, an estimate is fine.
Hey Shed please don't be offended if I don't go back and read all 372 pages.

I'll sit over there and and try to get up to speed as best I can.

Not even got time to go back a few pages right now, but at least you'll appear in the "threads with your posts" section. Which is a good start at least.

All the best to your old man.

Hey Shed please don't be offended if I don't go back and read all 372 pages.
I'll sit over there and and try to get up to speed as best I can.
Not even got time to go back a few pages right now, but at least you'll appear in the "threads with your posts" section. Which is a good start at least.
All the best to your old man.:Namaste:
Thanks PD! Please don't ever read through all that until you decide to write my biography :). A few pages back will be fine if you ever have that kind of time, but starting here is just dandy!

Briefly, this is really a perpetual grow now but it started out with many many dying clones. Now I can clone fairly well and am growing a few of those (the AK-47 and the Sour G, which is a cross by The Rooster of Sour Diesel, Gorilla Glue, and THC Bomb), two Blue Treacle autos, and a Peyote Critical quadline. Candida seeds are in peat pucks and have just sprouted. There, you're caught up!

Ask any questions you want, it's why we're here!
hmm ... no lineage known for candida .. at least the original CD-1 ... do you have genetic background on them shed ?

I don't Pt. It's the CD-1 from MMG is all I know. Everyone growing Candida is growing the same strain as far as I know.

I know I said ‘names out of a hat’ for this month but, really truly? what newty said!
One vote at a time Amy! Thanks for the love and the support and the help that you give to me and the site as well.


Wednesday update and speaking of the Candida, here they are on Day 1 :yahoo::

And here are their neighbors on the heat mat. From the left is the Shoebox of Light®, AK-47 from the cloninator (in soil this past weekend) over the Sour G x2 from October sometime, the Sour G from the cloninator (in soil this past weekend), and the AK pot o'clones for Clone Boy this weekend (he'll also get a couple of Sour G clones). The two with domes are Olive cuttings that can take 2 months to root:

It's a nice bright sky this morning but rain is supposed to move in by 5pm so everything had to stay indoors. Should be raining through Friday after that. :grey:

Off to catch up here and then lay out the grid for the lights. A very kind member here has offered to cut and drill the needed pieces for me so I want to get that out to them!

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