InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Lol! :rofl: Shed - are you touring? :popcorn:
No...all my best material is inspired by y'all here :).
oddly enough it is only a cannonballs distance away from our house !! and has a lot of historical value as a king died there too.
sadly still have neighbours as live on a council estate within a small town so not quite rural , which is why locals still dont know the benefits of small town living and think of it as a big city. our neighbour contacted local council about " humming noises starting in evening and pumping till the morning " instead of knocking and asking us about it herself. It was the dehumidifier during flowering she cpuld hear and had a lucky escape from visit by housing officers , phew. Told neighbour it was an oxygen pump for sleep apnea and she felt bad for not asking us first !!!. lol
Quick thinking, but that's one loud dehuey if the neighbors can hear it!
look straight at my hands to count my fingers
LOL! Not sure of your skin color but unless you're the US's "dear leader" no one is going to be convinced by a carrot. Parsnip maybe?
one of the benefits of 420 to be able to talk to other growers without fear of a visit from plod.
Even here in legal Los Angeles I don't know any growers (Clone Boy doesn't count).
Is the light issue solved once and for all now? :)
I hope so! I'm waiting for @Graytail to come back to see what he's thinking about the now/then driver scenario, but the boards arrived this morning!

Time to get cracking on the design! If you folks would stop keeping me so busy in your threads I'd have more time to work on that ;).
No...all my best material is inspired by y'all here :).

Quick thinking, but that's one loud dehuey if the neighbors can hear it!

LOL! Not sure of your skin color but unless you're the US's "dear leader" no one is going to be convinced by a carrot. Parsnip maybe?

Even here in legal Los Angeles I don't know any growers (Clone Boy doesn't count).

I hope so! I'm waiting for @Graytail to come back to see what he's thinking about the now/then driver scenario, but the boards arrived this morning!

Time to get cracking on the design! If you folks would stop keeping me so busy in your threads I'd have more time to work on that ;).
heehee. thought u were also a brit. bang in wirh the carrot comment, glad i didnt risk it now. phew.
Just the missus. I'm originally from NY. In case you were wondering where the winning attitude comes from ;).
heehee. so good they named it twice. if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere , it s up to you !. heehee . think derbybud is near me if its the same area that sheep wont enter i suspect ?..
I hope so! I'm waiting for @Graytail to come back to see what he's thinking about the now/then driver scenario, but the boards arrived this morning!

I been watchin. :bongrip:

Now/then sounds good enough to me! :thumb:

But we all know how it goes. The "perfect" thing today is the "not quite perfect" of tomorrow. You'll have different ideas a year from now, and the selection will be different. I probably spent 2 years educating myself on all the gear and its numbers. I saved myself from a COB rig by stalling, and then discovering the HLGs, and then an overseas source, etc. But looking back, I could have built a strip rig for close to the same cost and and efficacy and a lot less hassle.

The best part is that you pulled the trigger, and get to see how these puppies perform. :bravo: The strips will be part of your lighting inventory for 50000 hours. In the future, you can juggle drivers and rigs all you want.
I been watchin. :bongrip:

Now/then sounds good enough to me! :thumb:

But we all know how it goes. The "perfect" thing today is the "not quite perfect" of tomorrow. You'll have different ideas a year from now, and the selection will be different. I probably spent 2 years educating myself on all the gear and its numbers. I saved myself from a COB rig by stalling, and then discovering the HLGs, and then an overseas source, etc. But looking back, I could have built a strip rig for close to the same cost and and efficacy and a lot less hassle.

The best part is that you pulled the trigger, and get to see how these puppies perform. :bravo: The strips will be part of your lighting inventory for 50000 hours. In the future, you can juggle drivers and rigs all you want.
Thanks for keeping tabs and for all your help along the way Graytail. Invaluable support. Next order is thermal tape!
That was fast delivery! I thought you said Friday. :)
The driver is due Friday. No idea why the different ship dates, but it's funny what overnight means to Arrow. It means overnight from whenever they ship them, not from when you order!
Not to bust Crazy's balls over his post, but this:
"South Africa is now the third country on the continent to legalize marijuana in some form. Zimbabwe approved the use of weed for medical purposes in April, but recreational use is still illegal. Lesotho became the first country in Africa to grant licenses to produce marijuana for medical and scientific purposes last year."

And in Europe?

Not to bust Crazy's balls over his post, but this:
"South Africa is now the third country on the continent to legalize marijuana in some form. Zimbabwe approved the use of weed for medical purposes in April, but recreational use is still illegal. Lesotho became the first country in Africa to grant licenses to produce marijuana for medical and scientific purposes last year."

And in Europe?
Well, Sweden is not even legal lol
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