InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I don't stick my fingers in anything electrical so I should be okay, no? Where am I gonna get shocked?

Accidents can always happen how careful you are, trust me I know the hard way. :)

a friend of mine once urinated on the electric fence of a cowpasture ... judging from his high pitch howling ... that to left a tickle

Huge wingspans but I couldn't get a pic of them in flight:
:D:D:D I love this pic! So hard to capture flight... I think this pic captures something of their atmosphere very nicely... suggests the imminent swoop downward onto unsuspecting creatures very nicely.
I don't like cats or small dogs so I'm good. Oh that sounds awful!

:rofl: You’re terrible, Muriel!

I don't stick my fingers in anything electrical so I should be okay, no? Where am I gonna get shocked?

All I know is i read about a grounding issue, which is eliminated if your driver is mounted to the steel the boards are mounted to (which may or may not be the same with strips). That’s why I put my driver on the frame. Apparently if you put the driver outside the tent, or anywhere seperate from the frame, then you need a grounding wire. I haven’t looked into it any further, but I plan to before next indoor season bc I’m thinking about moving the driver outside the tent... :battingeyelashes:
You’re terrible, Muriel!
We quote that in my house all the time!
Apparently if you put the driver outside the tent, or anywhere seperate from the frame, then you need a grounding wire.
I was planning on hanging it from the rafters above the light to keep the heat/weight down on the boards, but I could ground it to the frame if that's what the electrical folks here suggest.

Accidents can always happen how careful you are, trust me I know the hard way.
Okay but from where?
After a little late night back and forth with @Graytail and @PurpleGunRack, it doesn't look like there are any changes to the lighting order, so next I'll post a mock-up of the frame to get feedback from y'all.

In the meantime, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend (or just a nice weekend) and it's time for the Monday update!

I didn't get anywhere near as much done yesterday as I had intended (and didn't even get a nap :() but I did get a couple of tails to sprout on my Candida seeds!

They seemed long enough to skip the paper-towel-in-the-ziplock routine so they went directly into peat pucks yesterday, and into the Shoebox of Light®.

Not much room on the heat mat anymore but that's okay because I've moved a lot of Solo-cup-clones outside (and under the Mars last night). Here is the Outdoor family portrait:

If you know of anyone in L.A. who can use a few clones, please let me know! And that pic doesn't include the ones still on the heat mat o_O. The outdoor clones all got ¼ strength veg nutes this morning.

Last, here is the critter update. Mine will never compete with @Amy Gardner's, but we seemed to have a pair of Great Horned Owls move in. Maybe that will cut down on the rat population that has taken over. You can see them on the tallest branch and the one to the left of that. Huge wingspans but I couldn't get a pic of them in flight:

That concludes the Monday update. I now have to get a mug of green tea so that I can catch up on what you have going on this morning. Enjoy the week! :slide:
what a life u have mate. enjoy
nice update. The small uk town where i moved would have a local pitchfork hunt if they saw any wildlife besides mangey cats and growling bull terriers. We do have bats behind us in summer which i het to listen to but even they have the locals covering their doorways and windows with Garlic !!. I nearly got burned as a witch when i told them about carpets and inside toilets from the city i came from. i used to buy gloves in winter but since i came here i cant as i dont know what to do with the extra finger in them. confused the shit out of me when i first heard " nice goal , gimme me six !!" . Fathers day here is worse than " The Purge" too , some confused kids on that day !!!!
peace brother
what a life u have mate. enjoy
nice update. The small uk town where i moved would have a local pitchfork hunt if they saw any wildlife besides mangey cats and growling bull terriers. We do have bats behind us in summer which i het to listen to but even they have the locals covering their doorways and windows with Garlic !!. I nearly got burned as a witch when i told them about carpets and inside toilets from the city i came from. i used to buy gloves in winter but since i came here i cant as i dont know what to do with the extra finger in them. confused the shit out of me when i first heard " nice goal , gimme me six !!" . Fathers day here is worse than " The Purge" too , some confused kids on that day !!!!
peace brother
"The West" or "The North"? Love those signs in the UK!
"The West" or "The North"? Love those signs in the UK!
east midlands -Robin Hood country and near where kings fell too. Historic old market town with the mindset to match lol. love it here although finding cartwheels can be a pain !
east midlands -Robin Hood country and near where kings fell too. Historic old market town with the mindset to match lol. love it here although finding cartwheels can be a pain !
I've been as far north as Sheffield and the Peak District but no further east up there. My wife's from London so I spent a lot of early vacations seeing England (and a bit of Wales) but I haven't been there in a long time. She visits her family and friends without me so I don't have to sit around listening to them rehash old times!

Not surprising some places are still in the 13th Century!
hanging it from the rafters above the light to keep the heat/weight down on the boards, but I could ground it to the frame if that's what the electrical folks here suggest.
I’m sure someone will. LED Gardener covers it in that build video i linked you to the other day. ANd you’ll find plenty of info about it I’m sure. I didn’t look into it any further - cause i didnt need to, but I am considering it for next time - getting the driver out of the tent. Consider having easy access to the dimmer port in case you need to adjust it - it can take a little to get it to the ‘happy’ place.
Nah - you didn’t. Maybe he just mentions it in passing while talking about mounting the driver on the board the way he does. Maybe it was in one of his others.

And the driver itself is grounded fine... the frame isn’t so attaching the driver to it ensures the frame is grounded too. Might not be an issue with the strips...
Maybe I can ask a more basic question: with the 13 boards that I ordered (SI-B8V261560WW), what's wrong with the driver I ordered (HLG-320H-C1050A) to go along with it? Besides the flexibility to make modifications down the road?

I want to run the system at approximately 250 wall watts, but have the ability to run it balls to the wall if I move into the house with it.

Nothing is ''wrong'' :)
But there are limitations and risks:

You cannot run the strips harder than 58% of max.
You looking at above 300 Volt in the system, if something goes wrong and the frame is electrified, touching it will hurt

Heheh, I can tell you know a little sumpin 'bout them electronix stuffs. Sorry about the CC and "wattage"- in a hurry - got careless - I often count on editing to fix the boners, but you caught me. :slide: As far as max wattage, you know more about the CVs than I do - I merely looked at the datasheet, which says 187.2 watt maximum.


Not much about electronics in general, but I've been studying datasheets for while, and building many different builds for local growers and myself has given me quite a bit of hands on experience with strips and MW drivers ;)

You can't trust the descriptions on the driver and many sellers (like mouser) only list part of the important data.
My lovely Polish supplier has full descriptions on drivers HLG-185H-24A MEAN WELL - Pwr sup.unit: switched-mode | TME - Electronic components and also a beautiful parametric search which is very useful when choosing drivers ;)

I watched that video but don't remember him mentioning grounding. He goes from wiring the connector to wiring the boards positive and negative. At 10:42 he just has 2 wagos on the far end of the connector cable that he connects to positive and negative from the boards.

Don't worry about grounding.

The AC input to the driver has 3 leads, one of which is ground (green/yellow), if your outlet is grounded then so is the driver. It probably isn't :)
Hey everyone, just sitting back watching the snow come down and reading some comments. Love the community! Cheers from Canada :green_heart:
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