InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time


Maybe now is the time to jump into your kitchen then. Lemme know here when you do and I’ll come over :)
Yeah, that thread should take off soon as everyone harvests... lol

It comes in waves.... go figure!
He's not hiding it. He's not capable of that concept. He lives in an assisted living facility and spends most of his day in a wheelchair. He'll be 94 next month and fights mightily when they try to bathe him. Sometimes successfully and sometimes not! Next time they manage to get his shirt off without getting hit I'm sure they'll try to get a look at it :).

Still, he's fun to be around when nothing hurts!

Just catching up, thought I’d say something today.
First sorry to hear your dad fell! 94’s up there
I am a maintenance man, engineer... currently I work at a homeless shelter and detox/rehab center in my city which is interesting and fun, previous to that for 7 years I worked in a fully assisted care home. Best job ever, I loved working with the elder people, we had some gooood times, 2 hr lunch breaks in there suites listening to them babble on about stuff, how it used to be mostly, with the old men if I ever had to change a shower head or tap etc in their suite I always tried to get them involved no matter their condition, they always enjoyed holding and passing tools to me, if they could or id just wheel them up to watch me work. They’d always have lights burned out also, I’d go in flick the switch on, we’d laugh about it and I’d be back in 4 hrs doing the same switch again and having a laugh :) back to the journal now....
Thanks for the help tonight also :ganjamon:
Just catching up, thought I’d say something today.
First sorry to hear your dad fell! 94’s up there
I am a maintenance man, engineer... currently I work at a homeless shelter and detox/rehab center in my city which is interesting and fun, previous to that for 7 years I worked in a fully assisted care home. Best job ever, I loved working with the elder people, we had some gooood times, 2 hr lunch breaks in there suites listening to them babble on about stuff, how it used to be mostly, with the old men if I ever had to change a shower head or tap etc in their suite I always tried to get them involved no matter their condition, they always enjoyed holding and passing tools to me, if they could or id just wheel them up to watch me work. They’d always have lights burned out also, I’d go in flick the switch on, we’d laugh about it and I’d be back in 4 hrs doing the same switch again and having a laugh :) back to the journal now....
Thanks for the help tonight also :ganjamon:
You're good people Stu.

And today my dad was fine and dandy! We'll never know what happened but I'm not surprised really.
I have also used evoo as well as coconut. I just prefer the taste of the coconut. But if evoo is cheaper (usually is)...then either way.

Shed-that light done yet?
LOL! And that's where you decide to save money?
In time... In time.... God needed 7 days....
My story will start of a little slower than that one!
Okay. I will take my coconut oil (and shove it up your) and follow your recipes. Jk
I already know a table spoon of this puts veteran smokers on their butt. Makes me a little sleepy bout it.
Prolly 30g of flower in 1.5 cups of oil hehe. Not sure what the saturation point is but I’m looking.
Okay. I will take my coconut oil (and shove it up your) and follow your recipes. Jk
I already know a table spoon of this puts veteran smokers on their butt. Makes me a little sleepy bout it.
Prolly 30g of flower in 1.5 cups of oil hehe. Not sure what the saturation point is but I’m looking.
At 15% THC and an 80% efficiency rating you're only at 10.14 mg/ml so nowhere near the saturation point I'm sure.
Everything you want to know about oil is in this thread!
SweetSue's Cannabis Oil Study Hall
Cant wait, I'm jumping up and down right now! :)
Calm down Crazy or you'll throw your neck out again! Still working on getting the metal-work. Things move slower in the shed than in the CrazyLab ;).
Everyone can use a pickle Roost! Thanks for stopping by :).
Hey Shed!
Catching up since I’m behind but all is looking good over here Shed and I hope your well!
All is well Dutch. Thanks for asking! Pissing down with rain here but nothing leaked so that's good :).

No tap roots on the Candidas yet which is fine because I wouldn't be moving them outside today anyway :cool:. But they're both growing toward the CFL!
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