InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Looks fine for now.
This ^^
I always found these charts useful. :Namaste: Also keep in mind that 12 hours of tropical sun every day would probably not be a good thing.
Thanks Graytail...great chart! Though 12 hours of living in the tropics about now seems like a dream for most of the Northern Hemisphere :cool:.
shes far enough in flower to not stretch anymore if ye ask me so it should be fine
This ^^
oops wrong thread.... sorry !
Wherever you go you get good answers Dutch!
I get to work and my unread sub list is up to 18! Takes me the rest of the day to catch up with y'all but I get there eventually. And I've got a load of great links from @PurpleGunRack to get through too. Well...that's what they pay me for!

Here's my Tuesday update which features Blue Treacle Auto 1 on day 73. I can't believe how long this is going but I think my math is right. It's a 65 day list and I'm probably looking at 80-85 based on the trichomes.

The buds are solid as rocks and pretty sticky, and I'm glad I transplanted it to a 7 gallon. We'll soon see how much the roots grew into the new soil. Anyway, enough it is:

I think it turned out pretty well considering it was a misfit at the start! Freacle no more :).
I get to work and my unread sub list is up to 18! Takes me the rest of the day to catch up with y'all but I get there eventually. And I've got a load of great links from @PurpleGunRack to get through too. Well...that's what they pay me for!

Here's my Tuesday update which features Blue Treacle Auto 1 on day 73. I can't believe how long this is going but I think my math is right. It's a 65 day list and I'm probably looking at 80-85 based on the trichomes.

The buds are solid as rocks and pretty sticky, and I'm glad I transplanted it to a 7 gallon. We'll soon see how much the roots grew into the new soil. Anyway, enough it is:

I think it turned out pretty well considering it was a misfit at the start! Freacle no more :).
yes and all smokeable bud, no larf at all to be found
I get to work and my unread sub list is up to 18! Takes me the rest of the day to catch up with y'all but I get there eventually. And I've got a load of great links from @PurpleGunRack to get through too. Well...that's what they pay me for!

Here's my Tuesday update which features Blue Treacle Auto 1 on day 73. I can't believe how long this is going but I think my math is right. It's a 65 day list and I'm probably looking at 80-85 based on the trichomes.

The buds are solid as rocks and pretty sticky, and I'm glad I transplanted it to a 7 gallon. We'll soon see how much the roots grew into the new soil. Anyway, enough it is:

I think it turned out pretty well considering it was a misfit at the start! Freacle no more :).
She looks gorgeous Shed! And I know I’ll getgood answers everywhere ! I wasn’t worried about the stretch as much as I was the acclimation of adding in the new LED above the canopy. Manufacturer says only veg switch at 36-40”. But my concern was I can and only have. 20” of space and I want to run both switches but I’ve gotten enough confirmed answers that I went ahead and installed it and just going to watch her closely! Hopefully the tent doesn’t heat up to much more

Thanks again everyone !
She looks gorgeous Shed! And I know I’ll getgood answers everywhere ! I wasn’t worried about the stretch as much as I was the acclimation of adding in the new LED above the canopy. Manufacturer says only veg switch at 36-40”. But my concern was I can and only have. 20” of space and I want to run both switches but I’ve gotten enough confirmed answers that I went ahead and installed it and just going to watch her closely! Hopefully the tent doesn’t heat up to much more
Thanks again everyone !

Like the others have said yoru stretch is done. I would run both switches and you will be fine. When I had issues with mine it was 18" off the plant in early veg. with an 18 on schedule. In flower with only 12 hours they can take the light closer without too many issues.

If you need more head room run that filer sideways across the back. I have mine tied up pretty tight up in the corner and exhaust on the other corner.
That little auto is loaded. LOL For some reason I am amazed at the yield on some of these small plants. Maybe because I can't seem to grow them that way. Good job on that one Shed.
Thanks Sam! This one went into soil after a very slow start and no tap root out of the peat puck. I didn't expect much so I put it into a 1 gallon nursery pot. Of course, it started growing better than expected and I up-canned it to a 7 gallon just when it started showing pistils. Not a lot of stretch on it but it turned out well all things considered. I now have high hopes for the BT2 with the LST training! It's so wide that I have to back out of the shed when I bring it out in the mornings. No room to turn around :).
That is a good problem to have. These plants are funny. I was just telling Chris the same thing. Some people baby the crap out of them and seem to have issues while others like us break stuff off and stress them and they eat it up.
True! I bend the crap out of most of my autos and they seem to like it just fine. And I have never grown a photo out that I have not supercropped every time I walked by (AK-47 experiment for Derby notwithstanding ;)).
No reply just a Question.... 240?! Can do. That trecale though! Stunning plant there uncle shed. I'll get this in the oven and catch up on your garden, but from what I can see all is well. And probably a bakers dozen worth of clones to boot!
No reply just a Question.... 240?! Can do. That trecale though! Stunning plant there uncle shed. I'll get this in the oven and catch up on your garden, but from what I can see all is well. And probably a bakers dozen worth of clones to boot!
240º is decarb temp. I do 90 minutes in a foil pouch to keep in the smell and some of the terpenes. Doesn't work on the smell I can tell you that. 90 mins allows the buds in the foil to reach decarb temps due to the insulating effect of the foil.

I hope your wife isn't home!
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