InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

OK, Shed, I did some legwork for ya. :)

I always use octopart when I'm looking for price and selection of these things. If you pick up the model number from a different source, you can just plug it into the search bar with octopart and you'll get a list of suppliers and prices.

So anyway, Digikey has both the single and double row strips in 22" length:

SI-B8U261560WW Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. | Optoelectronics | DigiKey

SI-B8U521560WW Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. | Optoelectronics | DigiKey

If it were me, I'd use single row strips. They'll run cooler and you'll be able to better spread them across the sky. There isn't much price difference.

It's true that there's a lot of wasted light in a white spectrum, but the blue and red bands are still boosted, with peaks in the plant's spectrum, and their efficiency more than makes up for it. Plants do use the green and yellow bands - just not as much of it.
I was just at the Kind LED website (a sponsor here) and they had a great video where they compared a bunch of lights and measured ppfd etc. to see who came out on top. Of course they did, but what was interesting was they're info on white vs. non-white LED lights for plants. He said that the yellow and green spectrum is mostly ignored by the plants yet that is what we perceive as making white boards look brighter.

It's an interesting video no matter what you're kind interested in. You can see the time stamp below for the chart in real time.

Kind lights.JPG

I own a Kind 300 that pulls 175w at the wall.

Kind is correct, there is a lot of light in a white LED that the plant does not really 'use'. Hence using PAR as a measure, whites have about half the par of reds as I understand it. Will watch video.

But, owning both lights, it's really no contest. a single 100w 4k vero grows a heck of a lot more than their red 175w fan fixture (has 4 fans in that wattage~6-12w?).
OK, Shed, I did some legwork for ya. :)
I always use octopart when I'm looking for price and selection of these things. If you pick up the model number from a different source, you can just plug it into the search bar with octopart and you'll get a list of suppliers and prices.
So anyway, Digikey has both the single and double row strips in 22" length:
SI-B8U261560WW Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. | Optoelectronics | DigiKey
SI-B8U521560WW Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. | Optoelectronics | DigiKey
If it were me, I'd use single row strips. They'll run cooler and you'll be able to better spread them across the sky. There isn't much price difference.

Wow thanks Graytail! Can you post a link to the octopart website? I'd like to see what the SI-B8UZ91B20WW goes for now as well. Also, at 22" long what would be the max coverage lengthwise?

It's true that there's a lot of wasted light in a white spectrum, but the blue and red bands are still boosted, with peaks in the plant's spectrum, and their efficiency more than makes up for it. Plants do use the green and yellow bands - just not as much of it.
Most of the ones they featured pretty much drop off at the red end with the exception of Van's Spyder, which drops off but not quite as soon.

Of course, I'm talking based on what I know so far, which ain't much I have to admit!
I own a Kind 300 that pulls 175w at the wall.

Kind is correct, there is a lot of light in a white LED that the plant does not really 'use'. Hence using PAR as a measure, whites have about half the par of reds as I understand it. Will watch video.

But, owning both lights, it's really no contest. a single 100w 4k vero grows a heck of a lot more than their red 175w fan fixture (has 4 fans in that wattage~6-12w?).
They're out of stock on those now. Let me know your thoughts on the video since you have Timber and Kind.
My room is pretty pink ... these are 3000Ks.

I just grabbed the first spectrum I saw on Images, but the drop-off is only at the very top end. Someday, I'll get some near-red/far-red to play with.
Definitely bluer. Is 3500K a better start-to-finish than 3000K, particularly since my plants live outside during daylight hours?

Let me explain my grow to see if it helps. Every morning the plants go into the sun. During veg, every evening they go in the shed under the lights. When I decide to flip my photos, they go into the shed for 12 hours of darkness. So I'm waiting for my autos to finish (so I can get them max light 20/4) before I convert the shed to dark at night and flip the photos. During the winter I try not to run autos while I'm flowering photos.

What that means practically is that only autos will be flowered under these lights. The only time the photos will be under them during flower is if it's cloudy or raining. During veg, everything is under the lights at night.

Does that change any decisions about color temp?

Interesting question for autos. :hmmmm: I don't have enough experience with them to know.

Do we want more leaf growth in an auto, or more flower growth? :hmmmm:
Well, 4000K should shorten internode length, and that wouldn't be all that welcome, so 3000K or 3500K might be better.

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