InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I wounder how Shed is doing, with all the fires going on. I read today the air is so polluted by the fires it's the worst air in the world today.

Hope you are fine buddy.
Yea man UK
Howdy legendpenrose! Welcome back to the site :welcome: and my little corner.
Thanks man. Guess things there are rough. Good to be back thanks buddy
Weekend update with InTheShed! Hope I get this done before we leave to go see Bohemian Rhapsody at at 4:20 show ( :) ).

Let's start with yesterday's action...time to top the Peyote Critical. I'll be quadilining this so I only left the 4th and 5th nodes and will be burying it a bit deeper when I transplant it in a few weeks.



Naked as a jay-bird! And of course the top went in the cloninator after a nice swim in Dip'n Grow. Speaking of Dip'n Grow, I had some AK cuttings sitting in a cup from what I took off last week. I dipped them and put two in the cloninator and put 4 back in the cup of water because IDGAF any more but can't throw them out :).

Here is the cloninator today:

Here is the cup!

And here is the pot of AK cuttings taken 10/21 no longer living under the dome. Sink or swim and it looks like a few have roots already.

Also cut and dipped yesterday were 4 shoots from my non-fruiting olive tree. Pretty woody but we'll see:

Next up is the AK-47 transplant, using the inverse sand-castle technique:

Derby told me to remember to put mykos in the hole so I did :):

I also sprinkled it on the roots. Here it is after the transplant. I didn't water it because the soil was damp out of the bag and I want to let it dry a bit before I feed it.

This will get flipped along with the Sour G as soon as BT2 is done. Speaking of BT2, I culled some of the lowers and cut some leaves that were brushing the dirt or close to it. Here's what I took off:

Either tonight or tomorrow morning I'll put some pics up in the LST tutorial (see my sig) on how and why I do this with a well-trained plant. I'll let y'all know when that update is up.

That's what I've got, and I've got to run out the door, so I will catch up with everyone later on. In the meantime...have a great rest of your Sundays!
I had :Namaste: nothing but peace and love! Just having some fun ayeee! Nivek!
No sweat Dutch.
The quad will be cool to follow.
I hope so Penny. My last quad took forever to get moving after the pruning!
Ya Penny, I’m looking forward to that too.
Quite the productive day Shed!
Thanks Felipe! I'm hoping this once gets moving faster than the Haze X (which turned out to be a male).
Thanks for the before and after on the Quadline beginnings... maybe one day :)
Whenever it is we'll be there a'watching :)
Great job on the quad start! Excited
Thanks newty. As long as I have you and Derby I'm in good :hands:.
I keep looking at my MMG Nagaui and thinking I should quad it and take clones of the lowers. I just topped it tonight. Just don't want to screw up the plant as it's a grow for a friend.
Looking great man....
Quadding won't screw it up and it's fun to train. Grab some clones and go. Thanks nobody!


Bohemian Rhapsody was definitely worth seeing. I laughed, I cried, and I was never even much of a Queen fan!
Hey Shed, hope you and family are doing well and safe. Hope that your dad is doing well (haven't seen anything on him lately so I am assuming no news is good news). Plants and clones are looking good bud! Cheers brother!
Looking good Shed! :thumb:
Thanks Crazy!
Hey Shed, hope you and family are doing well and safe. Hope that your dad is doing well (haven't seen anything on him lately so I am assuming no news is good news). Plants and clones are looking good bud! Cheers brother!
No news is good news Van! Thanks for asking. The assisted living place is no longer dead set on kicking him out so they've sorted how to help him in a way best for his style. It must be working out well because I never get the complaining calls from them anymore. I have no idea if the THC/CBD cookies are doing anything but he likes chocolate chips so I'll keep making them! If he's not fast asleep when I visit he's usually in pretty good spirits :).


Monday update lite!

I overloaded you with so many pics this weekend I'll just post one this morning. Here is the heat mat as it stands now. I've got to get two of these off into the elements as there are two with roots in the cloninator that need solo cups and heat. Prime candidate is the Sour G lower left (labeled 9/30) and the AK lower right (labeled "into soil 10/20"). I'll start hardening those off this week (if it doesn't start raining on Wednesday!) and have them outside by next Sunday.

On another topic, does anyone have an opinion of QB vs Samsung strips? About a year ago, @Rider509 was kind enough to put a whole list together for me with parts and prices and places to buy them. Seeing as how the odds of Growant ever fulfilling their prize obligations, I need more coverage in the shed now that I'm not just working with two autoflowers at a time. The MarsHydro 300 was fine for that but it doesn't cover the long narrow area in the Oval of Brightness®.

LED technology might have changed by now so I thought I'd ask y'all for your thoughts. The area I need covered is probably 2x4, maybe 2x5. And I don't want to run up the electric bill either. This is supplemental to the sun, not the main source of umols!

Thanks for your input! Hope you're off to a great start for a short week :).
Thanks Crazy!

No news is good news Van! Thanks for asking. The assisted living place is no longer dead set on kicking him out so they've sorted how to help him in a way best for his style. It must be working out well because I never get the complaining calls from them anymore. I have no idea if the THC/CBD cookies are doing anything but he likes chocolate chips so I'll keep making them! If he's not fast asleep when I visit he's usually in pretty good spirits :).


Monday update lite!

I overloaded you with so many pics this weekend I'll just post one this morning. Here is the heat mat as it stands now. I've got to get two of these off into the elements as there are two with roots in the cloninator that need solo cups and heat. Prime candidate is the Sour G lower left (labeled 9/30) and the AK lower right (labeled "into soil 10/20"). I'll start hardening those off this week (if it doesn't start raining on Wednesday!) and have them outside by next Sunday.

On another topic, does anyone have an opinion of QB vs Samsung strips? About a year ago, @Rider509 was kind enough to put a whole list together for me with parts and prices and places to buy them. Seeing as how the odds of Growant ever fulfilling their prize obligations, I need more coverage in the shed now that I'm not just working with two autoflowers at a time. The MarsHydro 300 was fine for that but it doesn't cover the long narrow area in the Oval of Brightness®.

LED technology might have changed by now so I thought I'd ask y'all for your thoughts. The area I need covered is probably 2x4, maybe 2x5. And I don't want to run up the electric bill either. This is supplemental to the sun, not the main source of umols!

Thanks for your input! Hope you're off to a great start for a short week :).
@Graytail is kind of the Samsung strip guru from what I can remember. He would be a good one to ask anything about them as I believe he runs them in his 4x4.

Lots of others can give you input on QBs, very popular on this site.

Any idea of the budget you want to stay within?
@Graytail is kind of the Samsung strip guru from what I can remember. He would be a good one to ask anything about them as I believe he runs them in his 4x4.

Lots of others can give you input on QBs, very popular on this site.

Any idea of the budget you want to stay within?
The one Rider put together last December was less than $300 all in with 3 strips, driver, and bits. I'd like to stick close to that. I'll see what Graytail has going on. :thanks:
I’d say what you have from Rider is pretty much good to go Shed. Just check whether you’d prefer the newer diodes. The ones on the strips he recommends are probably LM561C - that’s what I have and what all of Grays are. I’ve seen comparisons of the newest diodes and the LM561C and they’re pretty much just as good so far as folks have reported.

QBs and strips are the same, just arranged differently - so different ways of arranging the diodes. No diff. Strips are the bees knees IMHO and if I ever upgrade my current one or build a new one, it will be with strips. Same diodes on strips and boards, just more flexibility in design. :thumb:

Gee - I didnt even have to look anything up... lean so much round this place. :) This time last year I would have skimmed right past that ;)
I’d say what you have from Rider is pretty much good to go Shed. Just check whether you’d prefer the newer diodes. The ones on the strips he recommends are probably LM561C - that’s what I have and what all of Grays are. I’ve seen comparisons of the newest diodes and the LM561C and they’re pretty much just as good so far as folks have reported.

QBs and strips are the same, just arranged differently - so different ways of arranging the diodes. No diff. Strips are the bees knees IMHO and if I ever upgrade my current one or build a new one, it will be with strips. Same diodes on strips and boards, just more flexibility in design. :thumb:

Gee - I didnt even have to look anything up... lean so much round this place. :) This time last year I would have skimmed right past that ;)
^ What she said. :) There's nothing new enough to change plans. :thumb:
Thanks gang! These are the ones Rider included in the list:
SI-B8UZ91B20WW Samsung F-Series Gen3 100W FB24B double row led strip 3500K

Is that too old school? I haven't researched yet to know if they're LM561C or not. They already have like 3 model numbers in that description! I'm completely new to this part of the game:rolleyes:.

[here's the list from Rider in total if anyone has suggestions:
SI-B8UZ91B20WW Samsung F-Series Gen3 100W FB24B double row led strip 3500K
3 x $48.07 = $144.21
Mean Well HLG-320H-48A 320W LED driver
1 x $84.10 = $84.10

Figure about $50 in miscellaneous stuff to assemble. You'll end up with way more light and better coverage.
This design is working with the de facto standard of 35W per square foot for leds.
These components play really well together and return about 95% efficiency.

You'd need 12' of 1.5x1x0.125 Al u-channel, some thermal tape (which I can send you),
a standard 15A male cord plug, and some wire and wire nuts to put it all together.
No soldering required. There are lots of ways to make a single fixture. I chose to use all-thread just because it was easy
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