InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Looks like you might have cut out the Terpinator (you offered to give away a couple gallons). Are you still feeding the BT1 with:
  • 2T (30 ml) Big Bloom
  • 3/4t (3.75 ml) ProteKt
  • 6 ml CalMag+ ?
If so, you’ll recall that there was only 10 ppm P in that mix. She might be a bit deficient.

Edited because I forgot to write ‘ProteKt’
Looks like you might have cut out the Terpinator (you offered to give away a couple gallons). Are you still feeding the BT1 with:
  • 2T (30 ml) Big Bloom
  • 3/4t (3.75 ml)
  • 6 ml CalMag+ ?
If so, you’ll recall that there was only 10 ppm P in that mix. She might be a bit deficient.
Today I think I went with (I was really late today so I'm not sure I have this right!):
½ tsp Pro-tekt
6 ml cal-mag+
½ tsp Tiger Bloom
2 tbs Big Bloom

I've cut out the Terp on this plant. Have two 2.5 gallon bottles to give away and I'll still have practically a full bottle left!

I swear I have not forgotten about your spreadsheet btw!
I know that this is an older post but I wanted to offer a bit of a take on this. I know that we probably don't equate a fan as training and depending on what you are using that fan for, it might not be. But if you use it up specifically for strengthening the stem or branches, what are you doing? You are training it to do what you want.

Most of us use fans to keep the air moving and to prevent pests from getting easy access to the top of the soil. Its probably not the best form of training for strengthening up branches and stems. I have found that shaking the plants (gently when they are seedlings, and more aggressively as they grow stronger) or their branches, you can see crazy increases in the strength and rigidity of the plants.

Shed, you remember how lanky my ATF was about a week or two ago? I have been shaking that solo cup back and forth a few times a day to simulate higher winds that trees and plants experience in nature. In less than a week, it doesn't even look like the same plant. It has virtually no bend in the stalk as I shake it now. I have been doing the same things with my Tangie Ghost Train clones and the branches are strengthening up faster than any other methods I have tried. Original credit on this technique goes to Dabber, but I took what I saw him doing and started doing it on my seedlings and I can assure it is training!

I put a fan blowing on my seedling from the start and if it’s to stong for it I put a ring around it like this
So it can still move around but not get kikked down and I see a big difference from My Og that I did not do that and the other 3 that I did that to(I shacked them a bit) have bigger main stem then the OG..
ah one of the finest strains around ... a good choice.. .go for it
Couldnt agree more. SLH is phenomenal! Like lemon heads candy when you break into a nug. Makes my mouth water. First strain I grew in my sig below. Its a mess but Ill never forget the smoke. I was cleaning my house top to bottom like a madman!

Edit: Definitely give it the warmer months and she would have the potential to get very nice size outdoors!

Here ya go!
Well, keep in mind first grow and all, plenty of mistakes. I learned first hand sativas can be finicky with regards to over fertilization.
Do y'all ever start a list of strains you want to go back and grow? This is on that list for me, along with Northern Lights. I just feel like I could grow them better knowing what I know now. That, coupled with the fact I actually want to grow them out again cause I enjoyed the chemovariety so damn much. Blueberry I never got to taste, had a reveg due to high heat, I believe. Ive come a long way since then lol, lot farther to go! Im rambling. Apologies. ;)
Do y'all ever start a list of strains you want to go back and grow?

Yeah absolutely! I can’t wait to grow this blue Dream again and I haven’t even tasted it yet! I just have a good feeling about it. And I’d live another go, like you say Archie, because I know what mistakes I made and I’m sure I’ll grow it better next time (I have a plan at least ;) ).

I keep hearing this Super Lemon Haze described in ways that make it very appealing :D It’s making its way into my list!
I keep hearing this Super Lemon Haze described in ways that make it very appealing :D It’s making its way into my list!

Hi Amy! :high-five:

My brother @BTzGrow is also currently growing SLH. His ladies are almost done, but you can check them out at:

BTzGrow’s SLH
Morning Shed and all!
Yeah Amy I had no idea what I had stumbled on with SLH. A local dispensary had ten seeds for 20 bucks. I figured what the hell I'll give it a go! SLH was a cup winner at least once maybe more
Morning Shed and all!
Yeah Amy I had no idea what I had stumbled on with SLH. A local dispensary had ten seeds for 20 bucks. I figured what the hell I'll give it a go! SLH was a cup winner at least once maybe more
Y’all convinced me! It’ll be part of my next seed order (whenever that may be), that and some white widow, and gorilla glue. :laugh: I need more tents!
I wanted to drop a Blue Dream this week. But I had a plan to thank the sponsors so I followed through.

After testing some of missnewty’s GG4 I think I need some of that in my life too.

So many strains, 4 at a time makes it hard to get to them all
I agree, but Im most interested in classics, like blueberry, Jack Herer, Super Silver Haze. The other stuff is fun too though haha!
I agree, but Im most interested in classics, like blueberry, Jack Herer, Super Silver Haze. The other stuff is fun too though haha!

Yeah that’s why I dropped Skunk #1, and almost dropped Jack Herer but, another time. I really wanted to find NL5 but no love, closest I got was a cross. NL5 x Haze x kali mist from Greenhouse Seed Co
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