InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I update my journal once a week... then I go check everyone’s journal and theres 40 pages more then 1 week ago so I’m like....:passitleft:....:passitleft:...:cough: fuck this hahahahhaha LMAO
Feel ya bro
Hey ladies and gents! Hope everyone’s is doing well. I’d pay money to see you moving an 8’ plant around your little jungle :p
Blue Treacle is nice and green man, beautiful man. I hope your garden encourages my garden a little :green_heart: So your Sour G, did we figure out what’s going on? Reveg necessary I suppose.
Kingjoe u have more signatures then anybody i have seen on here lol but thats a good thing bunch of good stuff on there....:reading420magazine: its all good info.
Try to share what I learn in hopes some time some one helps it shares something with me pay it forward right ?
Hey ladies and gents! Hope everyone’s is doing well. I’d pay money to see you moving an 8’ plant around your little jungle :p
Blue Treacle is nice and green man, beautiful man. I hope your garden encourages my garden a little :green_heart: So your Sour G, did we figure out what’s going on? Reveg necessary I suppose.
Thanks AW. I doubt we will ever figure out the Sour G pistil thing. I'll bet they're gonna have to reveg first, but time is NOT of the essence with these so no biggie!

No way I can move an 8' plant around unless it's in a 3 gallon pot ;). I'm losing the ability to lift a 10 gallon pot after watering with a 12" plant in it :oops:.
Thanks AW. I doubt we will ever figure out the Sour G pistil thing. I'll bet they're gonna have to reveg first, but time is NOT of the essence with these so no biggie!

No way I can move an 8' plant around unless it's in a 3 gallon pot ;). I'm losing the ability to lift a 10 gallon pot after watering with a 12" plant in it :oops:.

Youll have to start pumping the iron shed...
lol build up some muscles.. i bet that pot does get heavy specially a 10 gallon pot full of water..
Can definitely understand that
The one I planted today I slid out clean but the one in cut off the other day lost the longest root. I'm sure the rest will be fine. It's not like it was a tap root!
I know all this was a few days ago, but I tore ~50% off of the tap root of my kosher x tangie while removing that netting around a peat puck - darn thing hardly even noticed! Was fairly surprised by that.

Nice, healthy looking garden Shed :passitleft:
I know all this was a few days ago, but I tore ~50% off of the tap root of my kosher x tangie while removing that netting around a peat puck - darn thing hardly even noticed! Was fairly surprised by that.
Nice, healthy looking garden Shed
Thanks Laquer! I know breaking off a tap freaks me out :eek:. I did it when I planted my first Sour G seed last December and that thing turned out huge! So I certainly wasn't going to worry about one long root on an aeroponic clone :). A tap root would probably still make me shudder though.

It was that tap root incident that made me peel the wrapping off the peat halfway up the side before I drop the seed in now!
Thanks Laquer! I know breaking off a tap freaks me out :eek:. I did it when I planted my first Sour G seed last December and that thing turned out huge! So I certainly wasn't going to worry about one long root on an aeroponic clone :). A tap root would probably still make me shudder though.

It was that tap root incident that made me peel the wrapping off the peat halfway up the side before I drop the seed in now!
I threw all the rest of mine to the garbage in a fit of rage LOL. Guess that probably wasn't necessary!
I know breaking off a tap freaks me out :eek:. I did it when I planted my first Sour G seed last December and that thing turned out huge!

You could probably view breaking off the tap root as being like topping the apical meristem above ground, with similar results.
Haha! I can understand why you did that LH! :rofl:

It’s amazing what they can handle tho. I had a similar thing last year when I transplanted a cbd Critical cure. I lost almost a third of the root mass - stuck in the bottom of the pot and tore right off :eek: (lesson to self: don’t use terracotta pots if you’re planning to transplant!). Anyway - the plant didn’t seem to notice at all and gave me 6.5primo ounces 3 months later :D

You could probably view breaking off the tap root as being like topping the apical meristem above ground, with similar results.
That’s an interesting thought Filipe...
Haha! I can understand why you did that LH! :rofl:
It’s amazing what they can handle tho. I had a similar thing last year when I transplanted a cbd Critical cure. I lost almost a third of the root mass - stuck in the bottom of the pot and tore right off :eek: (lesson to self: don’t use terracotta pots if you’re planning to transplant!). Anyway - the plant didn’t seem to notice at all and gave me 6.5primo ounces 3 months later :D
That’s an interesting thought Filipe...
Hey...Amy's back in the house of Shed! I've missed your visits so it's nice to see you again. And funnily enough, I'm in the middle of a PM to you :).

I'm moving away from terracotta pots for almost everything, even house plants, for that exact reason.

You could probably view breaking off the tap root as being like topping the apical meristem above ground, with similar results.

But who would top a plant at 3 days old!
But who would top a plant at 3 days old!

Probably nobody (and I don’t mean @nobodyhere! :p)

I’m thinking of an effect like air-pruning of roots in fabric pots, which encourages more lateral root growth.
Hey Shed! So I know you wont mind if I drop this here. @Pterostychus is an elusive dude (or just a busy one but it amounts to the same around here) but he seems to drop in here whenever he’s around so I’ll call out for his eye on this one... legs like an insect, but no wings so it’s some kind of beetle? But isn’t very beetle like in body ... almost caterpillar like, but not. I don’t even know where to start trying to identify it.
Also worth sharing just because it’s so awesome looking. It was on one of my seedling pots within seconds of me putting thrm outside. I coached it onto this branch knot to remove it. What is it?
Hey Shed! So I know you wont mind if I drop this here. @Pterostychus is an elusive dude (or just a busy one but it amounts to the same around here) but he seems to drop in here whenever he’s around so I’ll call out for his eye on this one... legs like an insect, but no wings so it’s some kind of beetle? But isn’t very beetle like in body ... almost caterpillar like, but not. I don’t even know where to start trying to identify it.
Also worth sharing just because it’s so awesome looking. It was on one of my seedling pots within seconds of me putting thrm outside. I coached it onto this branch knot to remove it. What is it?
ladybug larva
Wow Pt, that was quick! Thanks :thanks:

Crazy-looking bug Amy o_O. Glad it was friend not foe!
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