InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thanks AW! I'm wondering if the clones are going to have to reveg o_O.

Hope your evening is going well. Keep a jar of nugs handy :).
Re the reveg: I mean I hope not for your sake. I got about three huge sniffs planned for right after this post. Might take me a while to get to it, my legs are numb again :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I appreciate that nobody. My response to Crazy was focused on the youtube response and not the media's. The youtube response is much more disturbing and significant!

I had not seen the original game, or anyone comment on it on youtube, and in all honestly, should not be throwing my 2 cents in the mix, because I don't follow that stuff.

But, fires still suck. So does loosing your home.
Nah, we're good!
I was meaning for the pic he posted and what he was showing like how he had the fans. I wasnt meaning the whole thread just the pic lol.. :thumb:
My phone didnt load up the pic of you showing the smoke in the air the first time i viewed it wow thats crazy bet it smells to dont it has to be getting smells in houses.. does it get bad enough around there where u gotta wear air mask? cali has to be devistated in alot of places after all these fires in the recents yrs.. you all need balanced rains to where it can recover.. once the sun gets out of its 20 yr solar cycle the weather can change and hopefully give you all more rain then you want were almost to the end of the cycle like 1-2 yrs left..
We haven't had to wear masks yet where I am but I don't see anyone out for a run! I don't think we'll see any improvement in rainfall patterns going forward here in the state. We're trying to get prepared the new normal.
[QUOTE="InTheShed, post: 4197637, member: 2

Yeah well then we better get prepaid on north east coast to. here in ky, we have gotten record rain fall over 80 inches since like april and it was the same last yr just about will be losing farmland and the yr before that.. but I remember ky being in a drought for like 5 yrs and they were saying it was never gonna change, bc of GW bc the ohio river actually stop flowing it got so bad we had to do the same as what cali was doing it was in the 1990’s i walked the bottom of lakes down in litchfeild ky 75 ft in depth.. so it can change anytime and when it does itll switch and yall will have all the rain and will go back into drought like we were.. theres actuall plaques around on side of road where farmers had remeberences of it.. the north eastern drought has been the worst on history.. so cali has hope in when it comes its gonna come down hard in you guys will have more rain then you can think of.
We haven't had to wear masks yet where I am but I don't see anyone out for a run! I don't think we'll see any improvement in rainfall patterns going forward here in the state. We're trying to get prepared the new normal.
Thats why ky has the most water on land then any state in the country bc of the droughts we had the amry core of engineering dug lakes everywhere that they could we have a lake every 5 miles it seems lol
You'll be pumping that water west soon enough! We need snow here to survive the year. Rain doesn't help us :(.

Yeah i didnt think about the snow.. you got a point there.. but i know me n wife plan on going to cali next yr with the kiddos for vaca.. where are some beautiful places to go there and stay and a view thats breath taking?
Hey I'm sorry Shed for even making that post in your thread. It wont happen again.

LST training with a fan? Hmm. You could say its a form of training but it will definitely not give you large colas. It will help the plant to strengthen up and be able to hold up itself with colas.

That flowering cutling you got must have been taken right in the transition from veg to flower. No wounder its taken two months to develop root. But dam nice root! The interesting thing begins when you put this in soil, what will it do with the flower? :)
Hey I'm sorry Shed for even making that post in your thread. It wont happen again.
No problem Crazy.
That flowering cutling you got must have been taken right in the transition from veg to flower. No wounder its taken two months to develop root. But dam nice root! The interesting thing begins when you put this in soil, what will it do with the flower? :)
That's what's so strange. This is the Sour G I transplanted a few weeks ago. It's never been in flower!
No problem Crazy.

That's what's so strange. This is the Sour G I transplanted a few weeks ago. It's never been in flower!

What stage was the mother plant in when you took the cutling? If they have started the transition towards flower I think this is very hard to stop, especially since you are growing with natural sun light. How do you give these cutlings light, hours?
First off: please, no sexist jokes or political tropes in my thread. Keep that to yourself and then try to open up your mind to a new way of thinking about things.

Now...Saturday night update!

We're not in fire danger where I am, but the smoke started rolling in all of a sudden when the wind shifted early this afternoon. I moved most of the plants into the Oval of Brightness® pretty early because the MarsHydro 300 was pumping out more lux than this!

But before that, I did a few plant-related things I thought I'd post :). I planted the Sour G with the loooong root from the cloninator. This was cut on 9/30:

I soaked it with distilled water and put it back into the bike shed on the heat mat under the 23w 6500K CFL which is on 24/7. I mention that because if you look at the top of it, you can see pistils kicking out. The mother plant was not in flower and this is always in the light, so I have no idea what's up with that.

Also, this is the next Sour G with roots, and it's doing the same thing!


One look at the AK-47 and I knew it was time for another trim. I remember this from the spring, so out came the scissors. Here is what I took off (try to figure out what the table cloth and what is the AK!):

Here is the overhead shot after the trim. You can see the supercropping I did to fill in the spaces I created by taking off a lot of the weak interior growth:

And who doesn't like a before/after pic!

Anyway, that's the story from here. My son is hosting a birthday party for two friends, one of whom was evacuated from the fire zone and has no idea if her house is still standing. She knows her best friend's house burned down.

I hope you are all safe and sound. Have a great night and Sunday as well :peace:.
Holy Batman

That is an awesome long tap no worry about it reaching the bottom of the cup lol
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