InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I was in San Diego in 2003 when they had those crazy fires. I remember driving the I-8 and it looking like movie set with flames surrounding the highway. They closed it down shortly after made it through. The fires got right up to the fence line of Miramar's base and the wind shifted saving a LOT of damage. Crazy times.....don't miss em!
Aww hell yea, Id be honored to grab a couple cuts from ya brother. Maybe we can work a trade out if I ever get my cloning op going on :rolleyes:
Oh you'll grow clones if I can!
I was in San Diego in 2003 when they had those crazy fires. I remember driving the I-8 and it looking like movie set with flames surrounding the highway. They closed it down shortly after made it through. The fires got right up to the fence line of Miramar's base and the wind shifted saving a LOT of damage. Crazy times.....don't miss em!
I remember when I lived in an apartment building in Brentwood and I got up to pee in the middle of the night and looked out the window...I could see the fires of Malibu burning the hills. Driving through those flames on the freeway must have been surreal!
What’s up. :p Family.
Ice Ice baby! We cool here. Chill for a while :).
Yeah they can get real nasty fast... got to respect the fire fighters. Here they throw stones and firecrackers at them.... idiots.
Anyone who throws stones at anyone should be jailed! Crazy Swedes :).
I was in San Diego in 2003 when they had those crazy fires. I remember driving the I-8 and it looking like movie set with flames surrounding the highway. They closed it down shortly after made it through. The fires got right up to the fence line of Miramar's base and the wind shifted saving a LOT of damage. Crazy times.....don't miss em!
Yessir, I was working at the base when it jumped the 15 towards Miramar. Unreal. Had tickets to that monday night football game and they relocated it to AZ :(
Clones, fires, shootings..... Damn my life is boring. We got our first snow today though. Shoot me now.

And I guess the classic thoughts about it was like, it gets a little brighter outside anyway.... ;)

Yup...same weather here Sam...minus 20C windchills forecast tonight...:eek::cough:...thinkin' Mexico can't come soon enuff'...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:...

Jeeez, that sounds pretty far north. High hopes on global warming then? :)
We need to go with "climate change" so the people understand the difference between weather and climate.

Ah sorry. Will bare that in mind. Come to think of a news thing here now. Apparently some one has found a feminist demonstrating for woman's right to vote in Red Dead 2. Now there is a wave of people posting on youtube ways in which they kill her off, bound on railway tracks, eaten by pigs, alligators... Now the Swedish news blames Rock Star for making a anti feminist game... This world...
Yessir, I was working at the base when it jumped the 15 towards Miramar. Unreal. Had tickets to that monday night football game and they relocated it to AZ :( did I!!! I drove from Az (had just bought a house in Yuma) to see the game, only to have them close I-8 on me so I couldn't go back to AZ and and see the game. Too funny. I think they let people in free if they donated money to the relief effort if I remember correctly. The Fins even won that game!! did I!!! I drove from Az (had just bought a house in Yuma) to see the game, only to have them close I-8 on me so I couldn't go back to AZ and and see the game. Too funny. I think they let people in free if they donated money to the relief effort if I remember correctly. The Fins even won that game!!
Haha! Not a bad memory sir! I was a civilian at the time working for an electrical contractor. We had a lot of electrical work there and I was a former Marine, so it was easy to get on base haha
Yeah we moved from San Diego that Friday out to Yuma. I drove back Sunday for the Monday Night game. When I heard they cancelled the game, and moved it to Phoenix, I tried to drive back to Yuma and then to Phoenix but they wouldn't let anyone through I-8.

I swear it was like driving on a set of Donte's Peak.
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