InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Squirrels are my dog's favorite prey! She's killed at least three so far. Doesn't eat them, just snaps their little necks. You could easily still use them for gravy :thumb:.
This made me laugh way too hard. :rofl:

I can't wait until we are in our own house and I can kill all the pesky pests that are going to bother my outdoor garden. No neighbors to complain when I shoot rabbits with my bow or squirrels and chipmunks with my .22. We will also get a couple dogs and encourage them to chomp everything fuzzy, feathery, or furry.
I think it more appreciation of Shed’s consistent ability to take things to another level! :laugh:
Why thank you Amy! That's quite the compliment :).

And speaking of thanking Amy...thank you for reading my in-line questions and answering them, and for being spot-on!
I’d advise checking the bud at the point where that leaf is growing out from. It looks a little bit like what happens when budrot is starting. I hope not - but worth checking

Well looky here:

I cut almost all of it out (couldn't get any more without taking off the top of the apical cola) and sprayed it with a hypodermic needle filled with H2O2. I'll keep an eye out for more. Great catch!
I can't wait until we are in our own house and I can kill all the pesky pests that are going to bother my outdoor garden. No neighbors to complain when I shoot rabbits with my bow or squirrels and chipmunks with my .22. We will also get a couple dogs and encourage them to chomp everything fuzzy, feathery, or furry.
Exactly this Van!!! Thats why I love where im at :circle-of-love: just wish they would change the laws already...the wrong buzz can make me paranoid sometimes :passitleft:
Why thank you Amy! That's quite the compliment :).

And speaking of thanking Amy...thank you for reading my in-line questions and answering them, and for being spot-on!

Well looky here:

I cut almost all of it out (couldn't get any more without taking off the top of the apical cola) and sprayed it with a hypodermic needle filled with H2O2. I'll keep an eye out for more. Great catch!
Good catch. What is your outside RH now?
Morning folks! It's the Thursday quickie update as I had to get to work early to help set up some sort of remote podcast recording. Jerry-rigged but it worked!

So here we have two stages of Sour G cuttings, both taken 26 days ago on September 30th. Here is the only one in the cloninator that is showing roots...finally!

And here is the one that was dunked in Dip'n Grow and stuck into ProMix HP. The AK cutting taken at the same time is getting pretty rootbound and yet this one is showing no roots at all. You can see that the dome is hardly doing anything. I just leave it on there in case it's easing the transition stage.

But if it took the cloninator version 26 days to show roots (and the first AK in there showed roots after something like 9 days), then maybe the dirt version is taking its time as well. At least it's low maintenance!

Carry on!
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