InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thanks guys! And to Pt, I actually did use about 1000 ladybugs a week after I went into flower...which I'm pretty sure is why they are still at "bay" and plant is still kicking butt!

I also released two large counts of nematodes of the sf variety at around the same time. This was all after I'd cleaned the leaves and everything of all the neem I had been spraying! Clearly it wasnt enough to completely eradicate them, but at least I'll get to harvest!

LOL...removing is never an option


As you can see it isn't too bad, but if they're indeed mold mites. I have a feeling that will be rather hard to deal with. Wouldnt that make the mulch layer pretty enticing to them?
Thanks guys! And to Pt, I actually did use about 1000 ladybugs a week after I went into flower...which I'm pretty sure is why they are still at "bay" and plant is still kicking butt!
I also released two large counts of nematodes of the sf variety at around the same time. This was all after I'd cleaned the leaves and everything of all the neem I had been spraying! Clearly it wasnt enough to completely eradicate them, but at least I'll get to harvest!
LOL...removing is never an option
As you can see it isn't too bad, but if they're indeed mold mites. I have a feeling that will be rather hard to deal with. Wouldnt that make the mulch layer pretty enticing to them?
They look like they'll survive until harvest, but I think the iso/water mix would be the fastest way to knock them down. It will probably take out the ladybugs and nematodes as well but you won't need them if it works on the mites!

I use the 4 gram ones in quart jars and they work great. I've got some jars from last summer and they're still spot on and smell great when you open the jar!

If you have meters in there and they're sitting where you like them then no need for the Bovedas. I have way more jars than hygrometers though so I feel better with one in each jar. Haven't found the 62s too damp but nobody is vaping them, it's almost 100% going into glass pipes.

Boveda packs, whichever % you pick, don't speed up the curing. What it does is maintain the humidity in the jar for long term storage. So if you open the jar and the ambient RH is 70% or 50% you won't end up with damp/dry buds next time you go to grab one. It stabilizes the RH inside the jar, within limits.


It's so cool to come back and find that y'all have been chatting and passing the knowledge around. I'm glad you all feel at home here.

Got a few updates today and a jar-hack! Let's dive in...

First up is the LST training of Blue Treacle 2. I started to lay it over now that it's tall enough to clear the edge of the pot. I used a wire to hold the stem straight and propped it up with a stone to make sure the bend of the stem didn't end up too close to the soil and stress the roots.

It will get a little flatter every day!

Next up is the AK-47 with roots in the cloninator. It was time to get that sucker in soil to see how it wants to proceed.

It's in ProMix HP (I remembered the mykos @Derbybud!) and distilled water. If it grows it will be

Moving on to the jar hack! I often find that when I'm drying and rolling and burping jars, I lose the hygrometer in the buds and can't see what's going on. That's no good! Enter Blu-tack (available on Amazon). We use it for a lot of things here including keeping pictures level (put a small ball on the back of the bottom corner of the frame and press it against the wall), and to keep things from moving and falling off shelves during an earthquake. Here it is:

You tear a small piece off and pull it like taffy a few times to get it ready:

I put a tiny ball at the top two corners of the meter and stuck it to the inside of the jar. Can you tell from the RH that the Santa Ana's are still blowing!

Done and done!

Within two hours they were all at 62% :).

That's the Saturday update! From the look of the unreads in my Sub list it looks like everyone has been pretty busy. Heading over to catch up now. See you soon!

Nice job on the blue tack Shed!
Shortcuts gets you either hay or musty. Take the time to cure longer in a bigger quantity and product does much better in smell and potency.

People may not agree but my cannabis gets really good after 6 months and even better after a year.
Glad you liked it Sam! Before that I would use a tongs to fish out the hyrgrometer instead of dumping out the jar ;).

Thanks Joe! In soil now so let's see how it likes it.

Thank you for finding that Amy!

It definitely made it easier to decide on the training for the new one. See below:


Monday morning and I'm dragging a bit. I hope the green tea has enough caffeine to perk me up! Let's get to the Weekend Update pictures while I wait for it to kick in...

Beginning with the trimming session for Sour G 1.1 and AK-47 Clone Boy came by and I gave him three cuttings from each plant, and after he left I finished the job. I took of loads as you will see.

Sour G before and after:

AK-47 before and after:

I did a bit of supercropping on both to open up the middles, and you can see how the AK goes from the shape of the most recent one to the version from this spring. I'm going to give them a week to recover and up-pot them to 10 gallons next weekend.

So you're wondering...did he throw out all that greenery he cut off? Of course not. The thing I need most is for a clone of Sour G since I already have 3 AK clones. So I took 8 cuttings, used Dip'n Grow at 10% dilution, and put them 2-to-a-cup of ProMix HP and distilled water:

And 2 more are sharing a neoprene in the cloninator. I used the same Dip'n Grow method on the AK and added 1 to the remaining one in the cloninator. Here is what it looks like now (the unlabeled-rest are Sour G taken 9/30):

But surely Shed, you had more than one AK cutting after seeing the before and after pic! First off, stop calling me Shirley, and second, I present the remaining AK cuttings (I think there are 10 in there):

Can you tell I'm running out of room?

Now let's take a look at the bike shed as it currently sits this morning:

Getting mighty busy in there. You may notice (you're nuts if you do) that the other two AK-47's in solo cups are not in there any more. That's because they are hardened off and living outside during the day, and under the Mars Hydro 300 at night.

Last pic is of some bugular damage to the leaves of BT1. I diluted some 70% ISO @ 1:9 per @Van Stank, and test-sprayed a few leaves to see how they look tonight. If all looks okay then I will do the whole plant tomorrow morning.

Hope you're feeling perky this morning, whatever you're up to :cool:.

We need to upgrade from the shed to IntheBarn
Have you already forgotten how to multi-quote? Something about cannabis and memory but I can't recall right now...

I've got some year-old stuff in jars. The old AK-47 auto is a favorite!

I think I forgot. You know that memory loss thing.
Hey Laquer! I'm going to contradict Pt here and say never use diatomaceous earth on a plant in flower. As the plant matures it will incorporate the dust into the buds and can't be washed off after harvest. It's something you never want in your lungs. If you are only making ingestibles then it's fine, but if you smoke it, no DE. I would try spinosad alternating with a 1:9 mix of 70% isopropyl alcohol and water. First take off any dying leaves to make it easier to spray the surviving ones.

I second no DE.

And if you can, a lot of this crap can be eliminated for the indoor grower by just buying a 20 buck rubbermaid container for their potting soil (and store it in the sun covered).
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