InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Is there a “perfect cure” time window? Say after 8weeks you will get optimal level of quality? Or is it longer shorter? Just curious !

Morning Btw!
I think it's different based on our tastes alone, plus the environment it's kept in. What I like you may find too thin, etc. I had one friend tell me my ak tasted wicked smooth, the other said it seemed flushed almost to the point where it retained only menthol.

For me, anything less than 3 weeks of cure and it still smells green.

But, the cool thing about growing, we control 99% of what we are aiming for!
I'm with nobodyhere here. It would depend on your tastes. SweetSue says she enjoys smoking it green!


I sprayed everything with spinosad this morning. Since my BT1 is in flower I won't use neem on it, and since the directions say you need to use all the spinosad within 24 hours of mixing it, I didn't want it to go to waste. Next spray of the rest will be neem.

Posting a little bud porn because I have some to post!

Blue Treacle 1 day 46 (I'm assuming that bug will be dead shortly!):

And I think this is leaf damage from the iso alcohol spray, as I didn't see it before. Anyone else get leaves that do this?

Luckily I heard this critter before I got pelted with pine cone bits. The really do eat them the way we eat corn on the cob:

Powering through the week...carry on. :surf:
ever since i started the MJ i have been practically free of artritis on the hipjoint, knowing that i am only a few years away from the age when my dad got his first operation , his mom had 3! and i am happily trucking along painfree and will for sure outlast my dad before i need my new hipjoint ... + i kicked my benzo habbit in a mere few days + my coke habbit in weeks ... there is no one medicine that can claim the same efficacy ...
Sorry Magoo! Should I tell everyone to pipe down? :D
Yeah...make it easier for us to keep up Shed! Sheesh, I had like 12 pages to catch up on here.....and 20 at Newty's, and 10 at Penny's and 35 at mine!
Speaking of that, will be doing a BCP update at some point today I think. Might not be a full one where I move her out of the tent for pics. The backs a bit agitated. I have officially finished tearing apart all our raised beds outside and I have spread all the dirt and torn everything apart. The outdoors is all back to packing! We are supposed to find out today if the Board of Health has approved the Sellers plans for the septic system replacement. If they did, they can start the work on that and then maybe we can close on the house before we are officially homeless! We have to be out of our current place in 30 days. Kind of worried about what I will do with the plants if the house isn't ready. Will have to find a home for them LOL. At least the BCP will be harvested by then!
Speaking of that, will be doing a BCP update at some point today I think. Might not be a full one where I move her out of the tent for pics. The backs a bit agitated. I have officially finished tearing apart all our raised beds outside and I have spread all the dirt and torn everything apart. The outdoors is all back to packing! We are supposed to find out today if the Board of Health has approved the Sellers plans for the septic system replacement. If they did, they can start the work on that and then maybe we can close on the house before we are officially homeless! We have to be out of our current place in 30 days. Kind of worried about what I will do with the plants if the house isn't ready. Will have to find a home for them LOL. At least the BCP will be harvested by then!
Maybe you could rent a shed! Either way as long as the BCP is down and the clone is happy, I'm good :).

Good luck with the septic system!
Nice bud shots Shed :D

And I think this is leaf damage from the iso alcohol spray, as I didn't see it before. Anyone else get leaves that do this?
I’d advise checking the bud at the point where that leaf is growing out from. It looks a little bit like what happens when budrot is starting. I hope not - but worth checking:)
Luckily I heard this critter before I got pelted with pine cone bits. The really do eat them the way we eat corn on the cob:

LOL... Those squirrels are a PITA. I used to have one outside my shed in my old house. He lived in the large oak tree next to it. Every time I would go out there to work on the lawn mower or bike he would silently take shots at me with acorns. When I would yell at him he would just chatter away at me. Pretty animals but they can be trying at times.
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