InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Apparently the 35% is "food grade." Whatever, I wouldn't drink my nutes either and I feed them to the plant. I doubt there's anything terrible added to the 3% besides distilled water. After all, it goes on open cuts!

The only difference between food grade and regular is the regular has a high concentration of metals and it wouldn't be good for us to drink. But then again, I probably wouldn't be trying to blow my stomach up drinking food grade peroxide either.
I damn well hope not! Why would they add metals when they dilute it? They know it's going directly into the blood stream on wounds.

LMAO. I know right? "Sir we have good news and bad news. The good news is we managed to cure the skin crawling disease with the peroxide drip. The bad news is now you have enough lead and mercury in your skin cells to make your whole body glow under a black light. But then again, Halloween should be interesting? #PleaseDon'tSueUs
I don't think doing it with 35% will produce results any better than the 3%.

I am willing to bet all the difference is +- 2 or 3 ppm from their distiller water they cut it with. Yep, they use distiller water because it's a process that will also kill microbes in the water.

The stems look too wet to me. I am not sure new cell growth goes with H2O2 use. Generally when we use it on our skin it cleans out and we get a layer of white skin around it. That shit is dead. New stuff is underneath.

I would think it would negate any hormone effect and probably cause an issue where dead tissue holds enough moisture to rot.

Shed-what is your temp and rh outside and it's variance? Different subject.
I don't think doing it with 35% will produce results any better than the 3%.

I am willing to bet all the difference is +- 2 or 3 ppm from their distiller water they cut it with. Yep, they use distiller water because it's a process that will also kill microbes in the water.

The stems look too wet to me. I am not sure new cell growth goes with H2O2 use. Generally when we use it on our skin it cleans out and we get a layer of white skin around it. That shit is dead. New stuff is underneath.

I would think it would negate any hormone effect and probably cause an issue where dead tissue holds enough moisture to rot.

Shed-what is your temp and rh outside and it's variance? Different subject.
Today it was in the low 90s (100.6º in the bike shed). RH probably 50-60. Not sure what time period you mean by variance.

I don't think the H2O2 is strong enough to kill off rooting hormones but once the heat breaks I can run a while without it. Not sure too wet is a problem as some folks run aero 24/7. I can easily change the time interval though.
Today it was in the low 90s (100.6º in the bike shed). RH probably 50-60. Not sure what time period you mean by variance.

I don't think the H2O2 is strong enough to kill off rooting hormones but once the heat breaks I can run a while without it. Not sure too wet is a problem as some folks run aero 24/7. I can easily change the time interval though.

So your growing outside in filtered light for the larger plants in the 70s-90s rh 55. What does it cool off to at night?

100 in the shed is tough.

I use various oxidizers on fish tanks (once in a blue moon), the end result is less living things.
the end result is less living things.
Fewer ;).

I'm growing outside in direct sunlight from about 8:30 to 6:30 these days. The BSAs go under the Mars 300 at night and the HazeX goes along side them. It's usually anywhere from 65º at night to 85º during the day, but we're having a heat wave (a tropical heat wave!) at the moment so our highs are in the 90s now. Low last night was probably 80 and we don't have AC. :rolleyes:

Saturday and I'll do an early update because the sweat is already dripping off my forehead! I started my cannachores at 6:30 this morning to avoid the heat.

Last night the last branch on that leg of the Gold Leaf looked like this:

So I cut it off:

Then I checked the clone and the stem looked had white stuff on it. Thanks to @Norcaliwood for identifying the problem as fusarium. This pic confirms it:

I mixed up a gallon blend of 3% H2O2 at 1:1 with tap water and ran it through the soil. It bubbled up at lot and in the end there was kind of a slim on top:

This is what the runoff looked like...feh!

And here is the patient drying out in the heat. I wanted a before pic in case the H2O2 has some effect:

Then it was on to thinning the Sour G from @The rooster Farms, neglected for a while now:

This took a long time. Here is what went into the green bin as I no longer have room in the freezer!

Here are a few after shots:

I culled some underbuds but left a few stems in case I need more cuttings for clones. Once I have a few rooted I'll take off the rest. After this I gave it a gallon of nutes to help with the heat. I also watered the AK-47 clone and the BSAs for the same reason. Only the HazeX felt damp enough to leave for another day.

I changed the water in the cloninator and didn't add any H2O2 (just an ice pack), and I bleached the net pot and neoprene the Gold Leaf cutting was in. That spot will get an AK-47 clone when I thin that one, tomorrow if it's cooler!

I hope your weekend isn't sweltering. I'm going to start my first attempt at gummies, though today the only thing I'll probably get done is decarbing and infusing the bud.

Is it the heat that kills of shots?
Ser ut som en attack av fusarium, en svamp som attackerar växten från jorden. Därför sänktes det med väteperoxid / vatten i ett försök att döda det och stoppa det från att göra mer skada. Tiden får avgöra.

[Looks like an attack of fusarium, a fungus that attacks the plant from the soil. That's why I soaked it with hydrogen peroxide/water, in an attempt to kill it and stop it from doing any more damage. Time will tell.]
Man that's just terrible about the gold girl. Just never heard of it myself. Hope you get her back in the groove as she was looking steller. Stay hydrated my friend.
Thanks Derby! It's a great plant and I really hope it survives. No idea if this treatment will work though. Everything I read says toss the plant :eek:.
Something new learned there!

Hi Shed - hope you’re staying cool somewhere in all that LA swelter!
Ps I dig the scenery pics you’ve been posting!
:thumb: me too!

Man I hope that treatment works for the GL. Thanks for providing us with a never-before-seen event! Has your research confirmed whether the disease comes from the soil or from the plant (genetic?)?

Fewer ;).

I'm growing outside in direct sunlight from about 8:30 to 6:30 these days. The BSAs go under the Mars 300 at night and the HazeX goes along side them. It's usually anywhere from 65º at night to 85º during the day, but we're having a heat wave (a tropical heat wave!) at the moment so our highs are in the 90s now. Low last night was probably 80 and we don't have AC. :rolleyes:

Saturday and I'll do an early update because the sweat is already dripping off my forehead! I started my cannachores at 6:30 this morning to avoid the heat.

Last night the last branch on that leg of the Gold Leaf looked like this:

So I cut it off:

Then I checked the clone and the stem looked had white stuff on it. Thanks to @Norcaliwood for identifying the problem as fusarium. This pic confirms it:

I mixed up a gallon blend of 3% H2O2 at 1:1 with tap water and ran it through the soil. It bubbled up at lot and in the end there was kind of a slim on top:

This is what the runoff looked like...feh!

And here is the patient drying out in the heat. I wanted a before pic in case the H2O2 has some effect:

Then it was on to thinning the Sour G from @The rooster Farms, neglected for a while now:

This took a long time. Here is what went into the green bin as I no longer have room in the freezer!

Here are a few after shots:

I culled some underbuds but left a few stems in case I need more cuttings for clones. Once I have a few rooted I'll take off the rest. After this I gave it a gallon of nutes to help with the heat. I also watered the AK-47 clone and the BSAs for the same reason. Only the HazeX felt damp enough to leave for another day.

I changed the water in the cloninator and didn't add any H2O2 (just an ice pack), and I bleached the net pot and neoprene the Gold Leaf cutting was in. That spot will get an AK-47 clone when I thin that one, tomorrow if it's cooler!

I hope your weekend isn't sweltering. I'm going to start my first attempt at gummies, though today the only thing I'll probably get done is decarbing and infusing the bud.

Man I hope that peroxide treatment works. For once just let something work.
The sour G looks nice and green. Sending you positive vibes Shed.
Something new learned there!
Hi Shed - hope you’re staying cool somewhere in all that LA swelter!

:thumb: me too!

Man I hope that treatment works for the GL. Thanks for providing us with a never-before-seen event! Has your research confirmed whether the disease comes from the soil or from the plant (genetic?)?
90º F (32º C) and about 45% RH at the moment. Staying indoors for now, though the oven is on to decarb the buds for the gummies, so I'm staying far away from the kitchen ;). Of course, when that's done the oven will be on again for 6 hours making the oil the OldBear method (in a jar). I'd use the MB2 but I only need about 2 ounces of oil.

It seems that fusarium comes from the soil but any seed from a plant that had it will pass down the fungus in the seed. But since this is a clone from a clone from a plant from seed, it has to be environmental.
Man I hope that peroxide treatment works. For once just let something work.
The sour G looks nice and green. Sending you positive vibes Shed.
Thanks Retrix, I'm hoping that it hasn't spread too far into the plant. Last ditch effort either way. :thanks:
Man that sucks. Maybe take clones of the plant and see how the clones do? It's a could be soil, could be genes overly prone, or ? IDK if I would look to a soil change at this point, because in other fruiting plants there are some varieties that are extremely intolerant. But I would keep my eyes open.

We just picked our first load of peaches, spent most of the morning making jam. Think I have about 50 jars of Kids can take their pb or nutella and jam sandwiches for lunch and save me an arm and a leg.

80s at night without ac is a bitch.
Man that sucks. Maybe take clones of the plant and see how the clones do? It's a could be soil, could be genes overly prone, or ? IDK if I would look to a soil change at this point, because in other fruiting plants there are some varieties that are extremely intolerant. But I would keep my eyes open.

We just picked our first load of peaches, spent most of the morning making jam. Think I have about 50 jars of Kids can take their pb or nutella and jam sandwiches for lunch and save me an arm and a leg.

80s at night without ac is a bitch.
The clone I took ended up with the fungus but I have no idea where I cut it from (i.e. if it was from that branch). As soon as the heat breaks I will find another spot to cut from and see if I can root one.

This is definitely peach harvesting time! When we used to have two Babcock peach trees it was always around July 4th when they would start to ripen. I miss those trees, but the bark split and bugs got in them and they would drip sap and eventually stopped producing. Now there's a couch in that spot!
Yeah, peach trees are nasty. I have a pair that are 20+ years old, and yes, they snap under their own weight, major pita. I swear I am pulling em, but every damn year there back and loaded. One year we stopped weighing around 90# and were not halfway there.

I am waiting for the gummy bear thread. I need to get a mold first.
Hmmmm....if I made more jam, and tossed in some decarbed bud and stirred before pushing through cheesecloth into a jar to set in the think that would work maybe 1/4 to a small ball jar?

I don't think a hot water bath for 10min at boiling would do the thc well. Thinking of putting it in in the cooling cycle.
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