InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Oh yes she looks really cleaned up! I like that you left the top! I always trim middle and lower but tend to leave the tops especially in flower. #newtyapproved
:thanks: I was holding the scissors thinking, "What would newty do?" :)
Were you putting H2O2 in the cloner? I have not had one rot off like that.
I'm adding about 4 ounces of 3% H2O2 to 64 ounces of tap water, twice a week. That seems to be the only stem with that problem as the others seem fine. Not enough H2O2?
I never put it in mine at all. I am wondering now if it may be burning or killing the little root sites. Like I said I am wondering. I know lots of people use it. That one may have had an issue going in, and this is not an issue at all. I will keep this in the gray matter for future use though.
I never put it in mine at all. I am wondering now if it may be burning or killing the little root sites. Like I said I am wondering. I know lots of people use it. That one may have had an issue going in, and this is not an issue at all. I will keep this in the gray matter for future use though.
I am getting some rootlets starting on a few but if I stop using it I would probably change the water ever 3 days or so just to keep it clean.
It's a good looking plant, took well to many supercrops, and is bushy as heck! I'll show it off tomorrow. One of the spots in the cloninator is a Gold Leaf so I do have a backup. It's much slower going in that thing than I expected. I'll get some pics of that "progress" tomorrow as well.

I'm with you 99% ;). There are two members here whose ramblings I find hard to get through, but luckily they're not on my thread. :high-five:
You mean I am not a rambler Shed?

Bet I know who one of em is.....and they are on my list as well. I just scroll by.

Hope u had a great 4th brother.
You mean I am not a rambler Shed?
Bet I know who one of em is.....and they are on my list as well. I just scroll by.
Hope u had a great 4th brother.
Scroll on by is great advice! Hard to do when they monopolize a thread though. Makes finding the good stuff a lot harder.:rolleyes:

Hope you all had a great July 4th, whether it was your country's independence day or not! Went to the same barbecue as last year but this time there was great peer pressure to have hot dogs and hamburgers and it worked! An afternoon of hanging out next to a pool (only the kids went in) and then we drove to watch the fireworks over Marina Del Rey, and once that 20 minute show was over, we drove down the 405 to the 105 to the 110 to see the thousands of people who shoot professional-grade fireworks from their backyards all over LA! Lots right next to the freeways so you're driving through a shower of sparkly light.

We pulled on to the shoulder of the flyover of the 405 to the 105 and I took this pic. It wasn't the busiest side of the view but it was the one I could shoot without getting hit!
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On another topic, the Gold Leaf clone looks pretty sad. There was even some white stuff growing on the top of the stem just under the neoprene. I dunked the stem in a 50/50 mix of water and 3% H2O2 and put it back. We'll see.

One last thing. I met the grower who gave me the AK-47 clone last October and he asked how I did. I told him about 6 ounces, and he said "so half of that is mine, right?" He wasn't kidding. I said no, and he said how about an ounce. I said "What? You're joking right?" He said no, that I wouldn't have that plant if it weren't for his clone. I said, no instead it would have been one of the many seeds I have in the fridge. He kept telling me I owed him and that I didn't need it because I didn't smoke. I mentioned that my dad needs it, my wife needs it, and every time I make topical oil it's another two ounces gone. I offered him a clone back (I already offered him one of the first batch of clones and he said he was done growing and turned it down) and he rode off on his bike all pissed and told many in our group what an ass I was.

If he had just said he was running out of weed and could he have some I would have said sure. But his attitude just put me right off. I saw him later at the barbecue and my wife told me I should apologize. So I came up with a great line! I said, "I'm sorry I took you seriously about me owing you weed...I should have known you were kidding." Brilliant huh?

After explaining that I spend 45 minutes every morning 7 days a week custom mixing nutes and pruning and training and it's a lot different from the way he grows where he opens his grow shed and waters with the hose and closes it up, he realized that he was re-enacting the story of The Little Red Hen. So we settled on a different plan. I'd give him some topical oil, a couple of clones, and I'd teach him how to water and train and grow a lot better than the leggy fluff he ended up with.

All's well that ends well :).
what a douche to expect you to dump a qp in his hand because he gave you a Or did you sign a contract that said you were entering into a restricted gift?

Have you tried cloning via clonex yet? I know you mentioned a previous method that was marginal...what was that?
what a douche to expect you to dump a qp in his hand because he gave you a Or did you sign a contract that said you were entering into a restricted gift?
Have you tried cloning via clonex yet? I know you mentioned a previous method that was marginal...what was that?
I told him when I got the clone I'd return the favor when he was ready to grow again but he said he was done. Seems that turned into free weed!

Previous versions were cuttings in peat pucks and then cuttings in peat pots with soil. The latter were the only ones I ever had success with. Not having the expected luck with the cloninator yet though it will be months before I call this off. I have the clonex gel now but it's not making a difference in aero.
Well I had the quoted edited but it decided to mess up.

Just wanted to say I like the end of your 4th of july update.

And then I would like to ramble about your "friend" expecting a qp.....

That's got to be the funniest shit I've ever heard! I guess I owe arctic a few zips (more than i already do?)...

I honestly would have probably put my fist in his mouth! That's like giving someone a nug that has as seed then that seeds grown into a huge plant and the person wants the weed. .. I'm not sure how that equates at all??? Or even worse! Handing you a piece of clay then when you sell a masterpiece sculpture asking for the money... basically that clone has potential, potential to fail or succeed, and the success came from you not him.

I guess I'm glad you cleared it up but wow.... apparently it's not just millennials that are entitled arrogant asses!

Rant over.

And I think I know the 2 members you're talking about. My biggest complaint is use a period. Or even the return button commas idfc but use something lols.

Wish I got to see some good fireworks... they do them a lot for new years here.

Have a good day shederino!
Well I had the quoted edited but it decided to mess up.

Just wanted to say I like the end of your 4th of july update.

And then I would like to ramble about your "friend" expecting a qp.....

That's got to be the funniest shit I've ever heard! I guess I owe arctic a few zips (more than i already do?)...

I honestly would have probably put my fist in his mouth! That's like giving someone a nug that has as seed then that seeds grown into a huge plant and the person wants the weed. .. I'm not sure how that equates at all??? Or even worse! Handing you a piece of clay then when you sell a masterpiece sculpture asking for the money... basically that clone has potential, potential to fail or succeed, and the success came from you not him.

I guess I'm glad you cleared it up but wow.... apparently it's not just millennials that are entitled arrogant asses!

Rant over.

And I think I know the 2 members you're talking about. My biggest complaint is use a period. Or even the return button commas idfc but use something lols.

Wish I got to see some good fireworks... they do them a lot for new years here.

Have a good day shederino!
Thanks Them! I suppose it is better to do them when it's dark!

This guy is mostly okay except when he's been drinking which is usually these days, so there's that. Anyway, in the interests of keeping things calm among our social group, I worked my charm and he seems happy with the solution. I give away the topical oil to most people (some people I hit up for a bit of cash depending) and giving him back a clone of his own plant seems fair (as long as I can sort that out ;)). And it's no biggie to teach the guy the right nutes and how to pH, and I'll show him a few training tricks...and peace will reign throughout the land!
Yeah that's a good solution. Just the nerve of some people? Maybe if it was a super rare clone only cut... it MIGHT be worth a zip. But I digress. Problem solved peace reigns.

Like you said it was more of the assumption than it was the gift. But again if you can teach him to grow, more for you anyways.

Did you get positive feedback on the AK?
Yeah that's a good solution. Just the nerve of some people? Maybe if it was a super rare clone only cut... it MIGHT be worth a zip. But I digress. Problem solved peace reigns.
Like you said it was more of the assumption than it was the gift. But again if you can teach him to grow, more for you anyways.
Did you get positive feedback on the AK?
I did. No one was fond of the joint because no one liked the Crop King rolling papers I used (not the first negative review on those papers actually). But the reviews on the ground bud in the pipe was a bunch of people too stoned to finish their sentences. Or if they managed to get to the end, they then said, "I don't think that's what I meant to say but I'm not sure what it was."

I'm calling that a win!
Hey if it works it works! Smell good when you ground it up? I cant smoke 62% I always just let nugs dry all the way out, or as much as they can. Wet bud just doesnt taste as good or as much.... imo.

I just opened up some gloria nugs to blast. After months of cure I immediately noticed a minty smell that wasnt there before.

Is it quitting time yet? I'll catch you later on. Somehow this child of mine has been asleep 4 hours.... that's more sleep than I get most nights lol.

Hey if it works it works! Smell good when you ground it up? I cant smoke 62% I always just let nugs dry all the way out, or as much as they can. Wet bud just doesnt taste as good or as much.... imo.
I just opened up some gloria nugs to blast. After months of cure I immediately noticed a minty smell that wasnt there before.
Is it quitting time yet? I'll catch you later on. Somehow this child of mine has been asleep 4 hours.... that's more sleep than I get most nights lol.
I've had complaints about some too-dry bud so I try to keep it at 62% in those jars. But this stuff isn't cured anyway so I don't think that I can give you deets on the smell yet.

Got an hour to go before I go visit my dad, and wouldn't it be great if napping was something we could teach! I'd be a fricking tenured professor :p. I feel for ya though Them. I've gone through long periods of insomnia. Nowadays I just don't go to bed early enough.
Well hope your dad is doing better.
I was gonna include that in the last post but then I started rambling lol.
Well hope your dad is doing better.
I was gonna include that in the last post but then I started rambling lol.
LOL! Thanks Them, I appreciate it. He's ok. Turns out he's only aggressive when they wake him up in the morning and he has no idea what's going on. It was purely a reaction and situational, not behavioral at all. I still make the capsules for him though because they say it's really helping with his appetite. Same effect on my son who eats up everything in the garage cabinets!
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