InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Safe travels bud. I gotta catch up a bit but wanted to check in, forgot your picking up the kiddo.

I could never be a ice toad trucker... those dudes are next level
Love that show
Kind of looks like fusarium???? You might want to go look it on google/images. If that is it,,, it's soilborne. Did the stem on the branch look to be what I call browned out alittle? GL
Kind of looks like fusarium???? You might want to go look it on google/images. If that is it,,, it's soilborne. Did the stem on the branch look to be what I call browned out alittle? GL
The stem looked fine where it came out of the main branch it was growing from (nothing untoward in that photo that I can see). The rest of the plant looks fine. I can flush it with pH'd H2O2 to kill whatever might be in the soil and then do a heavy dose of Great White, but I'm not sure if I should go that severe since that was the only one that looked that way of many tops on the plant.

I'll get a pic of the rest of the plant tomorrow as well as a close up of where I cut that.

Thanks Norcali!
I just wanted to mention that the Therm-pro meter has a 1 year warranty. I bought it May 22nd of last year and the display went out on it about 54 weeks later :).
perfect timing to sell you a new one ... to close for coincidence...
Send it back if the company has any integrity at all they will replace it for you.
Just an update on the Thermopro TP-50. I took @gr865's advice and sent them an email with a pic and description. They responded with 24 hours and said they would send out a new one, and it arrived today! They didn't want the old one back.

Just wanted to put in a good word for their customer service.

Kind of looks like fusarium???? You might want to go look it on google/images. If that is it,,, it's soilborne. Did the stem on the branch look to be what I call browned out alittle? GL
Isn't fusarium pretty limp in the stem when you see it?
Sometimes that shit hits one branch and not another. Other times it affects the whole plant. Alot of times you can see the difference between the healthy stem and affected one. The affected one shrivels up. I've grown a big outdoor before, like 25 plants,, and one wood get it and not the plant next to it. The only thing I've heard that works is Actinovate. It's another microbial inoculation. Suppose to help with fungus, Costy shit and it didn't do alot of good. they say Actinovate will even help with sprouts damping off and dying. Now does it work? I couldn't tell. I used it for afew years hoping it wood help with the bud rott. Didn't...

Sometimes that shit hits one branch and not another. Other times it affects the whole plant. Alot of times you can see the difference between the healthy stem and affected one. The affected one shrivels up. I've grown a big outdoor before, like 25 plants,, and one wood get it and not the plant next to it. The only thing I've heard that works is Actinovate. It's another microbial inoculation. Suppose to help with fungus, Costy shit and it didn't do alot of good. they say Actinovate will even help with sprouts damping off and dying. Now does it work? I couldn't tell. I used it for afew years hoping it wood help with the bud rott. Didn't...
GL do I worry about the next 3 months or do I act? And if I act, should I just go with H2O2 as some sites mention to inoculate the soil? I'm not worried about the microherd as I can add Great White to help with repopulation and I'm not working organic. I don't want to lose the whole plant after 8 months!
? Wish I could say what it is and how to fix? Might be nothing? Can I ask what you use for soil?

We have so many molds here,, I don't like to reuse my soils seeing it can hold the spores that winter over... .
I think H2O2 is wishful thinking. I would not go overboard, the cure might be worse than the disease. And nobody's 100% sure.

The answer, is just grow more plants. If I was really paranoid (multiple observations) I would try another soil. It also could be a plant that has zero resistance to it.
I think H2O2 is wishful thinking. I would not go overboard, the cure might be worse than the disease. And nobody's 100% sure.
The answer, is just grow more plants. If I was really paranoid (multiple observations) I would try another soil. It also could be a plant that has zero resistance to it.
I don't think the H2O2 is going to hurt the plant. People use it to kill fungus gnats when they get out of control. Or I can wait and see what develops!
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