InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

It might be nothing to worry about.. But if more tops do the same,,, I'd shit can the soil next grow, and work with new...... It could be alot of things,,, and she might grow outta it. GL with her..............
Is a good-looking plant. Did you take a cut incase?

Around here,,, Portland, I've had afew that the stem did that, and it was bud rott. It started from a wound it got when I did some pruning bottom branches. Started right at the wound and a week or so later I go finding my tops had grey' mold/bud rott whatever one wants to call it... Now if I have any larger wounds I like to smear elymers glue over it to make a 'scab'. Not saying you should have to worry bout that,,, but elymers makes a good safeguard or soft wax hell even latex chalking. Even helps keep bugs that might get in there. Like stem borers. I get rambling sometimes...
Is a good-looking plant. Did you take a cut incase?

Around here,,, Portland, I've had afew that the stem did that, and it was bud rott. It started from a wound it got when I did some pruning bottom branches. Started right at the wound and a week or so later I go finding my tops had grey' mold/bud rott whatever one wants to call it... Now if I have any larger wounds I like to smear elymers glue over it to make a 'scab'. Not saying you should have to worry bout that,,, but elymers makes a good safeguard or soft wax hell even latex chalking. Even helps keep bugs that might get in there. Like stem borers. I get rambling sometimes...
It's a good looking plant, took well to many supercrops, and is bushy as heck! I'll show it off tomorrow. One of the spots in the cloninator is a Gold Leaf so I do have a backup. It's much slower going in that thing than I expected. I'll get some pics of that "progress" tomorrow as well.
I enjoy the rambling of others and almost always learn something I didn't know :cool:
I'm with you 99% ;). There are two members here whose ramblings I find hard to get through, but luckily they're not on my thread. :high-five:
Tuesday morning all and I just found out they're closing the office at 1pm today! :yahoo:

Lots of pics to get through, so let me start with the Gold Leaf, which seems perfectly healthy in all respects. I can't even find the spot where I took off that branch:

Any brown on the stems is bruising from supercrops:

Lower flower with trichomes:

Upper flower:

I don't want to lose any of the stacking in flower, so how do I defoliate this?

Now a pic of the Haze Xtreme quadline so far:

What's going on with the AK-47 clone leaves? Nute issue or pest? I killed a small grasshopper or cricket (sorry, stepped on it too quickly to identify as it hopped off the plant):

The cloninator this morning (pardon the blur on this shot). Haze (bottom) looking a bit feh, as does the Gold Leaf (top):

Temperature and RH range in the bike shed, measured on the lid:

Haze cutting:

Sour G with existing roots from soil, but nothing new:

Sour G:

Gold Leaf with some rooting:

Sour G's:

Sour G's:

I'm thinking it's time to dump the doubled-up Sour G's because I already have one clone growing and the two other ones in the cloninator will probably root eventually. I want to free up space because it's time to strip the AK clone and I want to get a few cuttings from that as well.

Here is the lemon seed from a while ago. That stem thing isn't doing anything but there is something going on just below the soil that I can't quite sort out yet:
View media item 1574917
Brooklyn Sunrise Auto #2 is in flower. Update here.

Lots to look at and comment on, so take your time and don't hold back!
Morning! Took this off the Gold Leaf this morning. I noticed it yesterday but thought maybe it was an early sign the plant needed water.

I didn't see any stem damage and it was never supercropped so I don't know what caused it. The rest of the plant looks fine. Check on the flower and trichomes in the lower right!

The Auto Masszar smells distinctly of coffee when I opened the jars to put the B62s in.

Congrats to MadDab on the NOTM win. :goodjob:

Had one plant sharing a compartmentalized 60L pot that died the same way. In my case it was maybe due to bad supercropping. It s good when you know you have others
Tuesday morning all and I just found out they're closing the office at 1pm today! :yahoo:

Lots of pics to get through, so let me start with the Gold Leaf, which seems perfectly healthy in all respects. I can't even find the spot where I took off that branch:

Any brown on the stems is bruising from supercrops:

Lower flower with trichomes:

Upper flower:

I don't want to lose any of the stacking in flower, so how do I defoliate this?

Now a pic of the Haze Xtreme quadline so far:

What's going on with the AK-47 clone leaves? Nute issue or pest? I killed a small grasshopper or cricket (sorry, stepped on it too quickly to identify as it hopped off the plant):

The cloninator this morning (pardon the blur on this shot). Haze (bottom) looking a bit feh, as does the Gold Leaf (top):

Temperature and RH range in the bike shed, measured on the lid:

Haze cutting:

Sour G with existing roots from soil, but nothing new:

Sour G:

Gold Leaf with some rooting:

Sour G's:

Sour G's:

I'm thinking it's time to dump the doubled-up Sour G's because I already have one clone growing and the two other ones in the cloninator will probably root eventually. I want to free up space because it's time to strip the AK clone and I want to get a few cuttings from that as well.

Here is the lemon seed from a while ago. That stem thing isn't doing anything but there is something going on just below the soil that I can't quite sort out yet:
View media item 1574917
Brooklyn Sunrise Auto #2 is in flower. Update here.

Lots to look at and comment on, so take your time and don't hold back!

They look great! Regarding the spots on the leave last time I saw that was when I watered under lights on
Haha I like that your off early so get your update done:D sounds like someone else I know lol #newty

I’d say pest for sure! Ugh every time I go outside, there are new pest bites grrrrrr and I neem every few days.

Ok that quad looks great! Clones look great!

Now for the good stuff! If you remove those bigger middle fans it won’t hurt the stacking, just don’t remove sugar leaves. I just did my gals and they are stacking more now that I removed some fans. Also wait until she’s done stretch, anytime after day 17-23 of flower is usually the end. I’ll give you a before and after on my page in about 30;)

Also daaaaaang #themsupercropsthough
Shed please tilt that gold leaf to the flat part so it looks like a crown. :cool:
You mean in the middle to fill in the blank spot?
Had one plant sharing a compartmentalized 60L pot that died the same way. In my case it was maybe due to bad supercropping. It s good when you know you have others
I was thinking a failed supercrop but I don't think it was bent. It might have been just above a bend but like I said, I can't find where I cut it from!
They look great! Regarding the spots on the leave last time I saw that was when I watered under lights on
I water in the mornings but only the soil. The leaves never get wet.
Haha I like that your off early so get your update done:D sounds like someone else I know lol #newty
I’d say pest for sure! Ugh every time I go outside, there are new pest bites grrrrrr and I neem every few days.
Ok that quad looks great! Clones look great!
Now for the good stuff! If you remove those bigger middle fans it won’t hurt the stacking, just don’t remove sugar leaves. I just did my gals and they are stacking more now that I removed some fans. Also wait until she’s done stretch, anytime after day 17-23 of flower is usually the end. I’ll give you a before and after on my page in about 30;)
Also daaaaaang #themsupercropsthough
Thanks newty and glad you're back from camping. :thumb: Not sure when an outside plant is done with stretch though. And this one has been showing pistils since long before June 21st so who knows! I mean 12/12 doesn't happen until Sept. 21st. Derby and I were having this conversation about a month ago on his thread about when to strip if you never get to flip :).

I'll do one branch and post a pic and you can tell me if that's what you mean.
Lol phewf it’s not me;)
Phew! Me neither :slide:

Damn that unsolved mystery!! If there wasn’t a hole left in the canopy I’d say someone put that dying stem there to trick you!

How long have the clones been in the -inator for now? Should be seeing some more roots soon hopefully. Go little clones!!! :cheer:
How long have the clones been in the -inator for now? Should be seeing some more roots soon hopefully. Go little clones!!! :cheer:
my clones can beat up your clones (bc their prob all male)

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY to all my fellow Americans!

I'm sure any clones will always be able to beat up my clones any time, so that's not saying much! They went into the cloninator on Jun 17th, so that's 2½ weeks ago. And today, the stem rotted off the HazeX!

So I took off the lowest leaves and moved it lower into the neoprene. If you have been following this journal from the beginning you would remember I don't give up easily!

And here is a clearer pic of the cloninator. The really sad one at the top is the Gold Leaf with roots coming in.

Summoning @newty to check out the defol on one stem of the Gold Leaf. I approached it like I was trimming after chop, so tell me if this is what you had in mind...



It that's correct I will do a stem every other day to give the plant a chance to recover in between.

Last pics of the day, here is what I'm contributing to the July 4th AK-47! Only been curing a little over 2 weeks but I thought I'd get some feedback from the stoner crew we hang out with:

Because it's so leafy and 62% RH, it wasn't easy to grind, but I got it done:

Rolled one and left the rest for the pipe:

I'm off for the parade, so I hope those of you celebrating celebrate safely and funly, and those watching from other places remember that we are not just our present government, but we are the ideals set forth in 1776 :).
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