InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

and I'd teach him how to water and train and grow a lot better than the leggy fluff he ended up with.

That's a good (and generous) compromise. When I had clones to get rid of, a friend took them for his friend and says he usually gets a nug from the harvest. I told him I'd be tickled pink to get a nug!! I was just happy someone wanted to grow them... I hate tossing them and still cringe when I prune and there are so many potential clones. If I was independently wealthy I'd live on a large remote property and grow dozens of plants, inside and out. (ok... how'd I get here? oh dear, I'm rambling!)
Were a bunch of ramblers lol. Well if you get wealthy and need a farm hand... I'll move a few hours south!

Glad to hear the caps are working some for him. Any improvement is good!
That's a good (and generous) compromise. When I had clones to get rid of, a friend took them for his friend and says he usually gets a nug from the harvest. I told him I'd be tickled pink to get a nug!! I was just happy someone wanted to grow them... I hate tossing them and still cringe when I prune and there are so many potential clones. If I was independently wealthy I'd live on a large remote property and grow dozens of plants, inside and out. (ok... how'd I get here? oh dear, I'm rambling!)
I gave away two AK-47 clones (and kept one) and he didn't want either. I don't expect anything from the people that took them except that they take care of them!
Were a bunch of ramblers lol. Well if you get wealthy and need a farm hand... I'll move a few hours south!
Glad to hear the caps are working some for him. Any improvement is good!
Thanks! And I get a kick out of making them...makes me feel like a bit of a chemist ever time :).
Awww man I got right fired up with Dabbs!

He said what I was thinking...#junkpunch or maybe guys don’t do that so #throatpunch
I’ve given away multiple clones and mostly because I’m so happy to teach someone how to do this! I would never even think to go around collecting all my free zips!! :D :D

Wouldn’t you rather have a bunch of positive connections with people to make trades of clones or services like me and my bro @SwAggNiFiCeNt I truly don’t understand that type of thinking. You handled it properly in my opinion. Better to be the bigger guy and be kind and patient;)

Anyhow I shan’t ramble too long lol

Ps I dig the scenery pics you’ve been posting! Your part of the great USA is on my hit list so I’m extra curious and it looks so beautiful. Are there mountains around you?
Awww man I got right fired up with Dabbs!
He said what I was thinking...#junkpunch or maybe guys don’t do that so #throatpunch
I’ve given away multiple clones and mostly because I’m so happy to teach someone how to do this! I would never even think to go around collecting all my free zips!! :D:D
Wouldn’t you rather have a bunch of positive connections with people to make trades of clones or services like me and my bro @SwAggNiFiCeNt I truly don’t understand that type of thinking. You handled it properly in my opinion. Better to be the bigger guy and be kind and patient;)
Anyhow I shan’t ramble too long lol
Ps I dig the scenery pics you’ve been posting! Your part of the great USA is on my hit list so I’m extra curious and it looks so beautiful. Are there mountains around you?
He won't be getting anything if this cloninator doesn't start doing its job!

Yes, Los Angeles is in a basin (hence the less-than-stellar air quality) surrounded by mountains to the north, north-west, and north-east. Lots of hikes and bike trails and wildfires and (in the winter) skiing not that far away.
Not good news on the Gold Leaf this morning @Norcaliwood. Two more branches started wilting, both off the same place I took the first one (I found the place I cut that). Here's what I saw when I went outside:

Off it went with a sterilized scissors:

Elmer's glue on the wound (thanks for that tip Norcali!)

Close ups of the bottom of the stem:

I'm thinking of flushing with H2O2 tomorrow, per 420. They say: "After getting rid of the infected plant, apply hydrogen peroxide to the soil to disinfect it. This will also add oxygen to the soil which will improve its quality. To use, add 20cc of hydrogen peroxide per liter of water to achieve these desired effects."

First off, it doesn't say what dilution the H2O2 is, and 20cc of hydrogen peroxide per liter of water is 0.7 ounces/ 34 ounces. I'll probably go with something closer to 1:1 with 3%. Also, I'll be using it on a living plant, not just sterilizing the soil!

On a more positive note, here is the Sour G clone in the bright morning sun:

And since I'm sure most of you don't follow my posts on the Brooklyn Sunrise Auto grow, here are the latest pics.

#1 at 35 days old. It's a height-challenged plant:

And the more normal and fully trained #2 on day 33:

Those are my updates for the day. And since it's Friday, let me just say :yahoo:. It's going to be a busy weekend, as in addition to flushing the Gold Leaf, I'm going to lollipop the Sour G in prep for flower and possibly the AK-47 clone as well. And I plan on making newty's gummies so I'll need to decarb some of the AK-47 and infuse it too.

Wooooohooooo about gummies and lollipops!

Booooooo about your poor plant:/ I’m sorry I don’t know anything about h2o2. I read what NC wrote in his earlier post but cannot remember the suspected prognosis? Why is it doing that? I have some/many cracked supercrops on gg, should I be glueing? Is there a diff option like could I tape up the wound?
He won't be getting anything if this cloninator doesn't start doing its job!

Yes, Los Angeles is in a basin (hence the less-than-stellar air quality) surrounded by mountains to the north, north-west, and north-east. Lots of hikes and bike trails and wildfires and (in the winter) skiing not that far away.
Not good news on the Gold Leaf this morning @Norcaliwood. Two more branches started wilting, both off the same place I took the first one (I found the place I cut that). Here's what I saw when I went outside:

Off it went with a sterilized scissors:

Elmer's glue on the wound (thanks for that tip Norcali!)

Close ups of the bottom of the stem:

I'm thinking of flushing with H2O2 tomorrow, per 420. They say: "After getting rid of the infected plant, apply hydrogen peroxide to the soil to disinfect it. This will also add oxygen to the soil which will improve its quality. To use, add 20cc of hydrogen peroxide per liter of water to achieve these desired effects."

First off, it doesn't say what dilution the H2O2 is, and 20cc of hydrogen peroxide per liter of water is 0.7 ounces/ 34 ounces. I'll probably go with something closer to 1:1 with 3%. Also, I'll be using it on a living plant, not just sterilizing the soil!

On a more positive note, here is the Sour G clone in the bright morning sun:

And since I'm sure most of you don't follow my posts on the Brooklyn Sunrise Auto grow, here are the latest pics.

#1 at 35 days old. It's a height-challenged plant:

And the more normal and fully trained #2 on day 33:

Those are my updates for the day. And since it's Friday, let me just say :yahoo:. It's going to be a busy weekend, as in addition to flushing the Gold Leaf, I'm going to lollipop the Sour G in prep for flower and possibly the AK-47 clone as well. And I plan on making newty's gummies so I'll need to decarb some of the AK-47 and infuse it too.

Bum deal on that Gold Leaf. Hope it takes well to that H2O2 treatment. Fingers crossed!

Can't believe the drastic difference in those Brooklyn Sunrise girls. Pretty wild how everyone is getting such different results with that strain. Hope mine will end up like your #2... lol
Wooooohooooo about gummies and lollipops!
Booooooo about your poor plant:/ I’m sorry I don’t know anything about h2o2. I read what NC wrote in his earlier post but cannot remember the suspected prognosis? Why is it doing that? I have some/many cracked supercrops on gg, should I be glueing? Is there a diff option like could I tape up the wound?
I think the glue is just for a cut wound. When they cut branches off trees they paint them so it's kinda the same thing.
Bum deal on that Gold Leaf. Hope it takes well to that H2O2 treatment. Fingers crossed!
Can't believe the drastic difference in those Brooklyn Sunrise girls. Pretty wild how everyone is getting such different results with that strain. Hope mine will end up like your #2... lol
Thanks P9, I'm doing my best to save it! And may the gods smile on your BSA and grant you another solid #2 :).
Looking great shed, I had an auto that did that too it was a footlong nug! I f loved it however it was light for a whole plant.
It's free and we're all guinea pigs, so I'm not worried about it. But I'm feeding it the same as the other one even though it's in full flower because I can't be bothered mixing separate nutes for it!
I’m pretty sure my 3 BSA are all sativa dominant and fussy as F! The leaves are a lot skinnier like yours shed less like cabbage
I was just posting in your thread while you were posting in mine! #serendipity

This cultivar doesn't seem ready for prime time, which is probably why they wanted so many growers planting it. Free testing is good. Not good when they sell seeds that they still are unsure of.
Tuesday morning all and I just found out they're closing the office at 1pm today! :yahoo:

Lots of pics to get through, so let me start with the Gold Leaf, which seems perfectly healthy in all respects. I can't even find the spot where I took off that branch:

Any brown on the stems is bruising from supercrops:

Lower flower with trichomes:

Upper flower:

I don't want to lose any of the stacking in flower, so how do I defoliate this?

Now a pic of the Haze Xtreme quadline so far:

What's going on with the AK-47 clone leaves? Nute issue or pest? I killed a small grasshopper or cricket (sorry, stepped on it too quickly to identify as it hopped off the plant):

The cloninator this morning (pardon the blur on this shot). Haze (bottom) looking a bit feh, as does the Gold Leaf (top):

Temperature and RH range in the bike shed, measured on the lid:

Haze cutting:

Sour G with existing roots from soil, but nothing new:

Sour G:

Gold Leaf with some rooting:

Sour G's:

Sour G's:

I'm thinking it's time to dump the doubled-up Sour G's because I already have one clone growing and the two other ones in the cloninator will probably root eventually. I want to free up space because it's time to strip the AK clone and I want to get a few cuttings from that as well.

Here is the lemon seed from a while ago. That stem thing isn't doing anything but there is something going on just below the soil that I can't quite sort out yet:
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Brooklyn Sunrise Auto #2 is in flower. Update here.

Lots to look at and comment on, so take your time and don't hold back!
Cloning looks like something that I would be really fucking up at.

However this shit is going to kill us for REAL this time.
Scroll on by is great advice! Hard to do when they monopolize a thread though. Makes finding the good stuff a lot harder.:rolleyes:

Hope you all had a great July 4th, whether it was your country's independence day or not! Went to the same barbecue as last year but this time there was great peer pressure to have hot dogs and hamburgers and it worked! An afternoon of hanging out next to a pool (only the kids went in) and then we drove to watch the fireworks over Marina Del Rey, and once that 20 minute show was over, we drove down the 405 to the 105 to the 110 to see the thousands of people who shoot professional-grade fireworks from their backyards all over LA! Lots right next to the freeways so you're driving through a shower of sparkly light.

We pulled on to the shoulder of the flyover of the 405 to the 105 and I took this pic. It wasn't the busiest side of the view but it was the one I could shoot without getting hit!
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On another topic, the Gold Leaf clone looks pretty sad. There was even some white stuff growing on the top of the stem just under the neoprene. I dunked the stem in a 50/50 mix of water and 3% H2O2 and put it back. We'll see.

One last thing. I met the grower who gave me the AK-47 clone last October and he asked how I did. I told him about 6 ounces, and he said "so half of that is mine, right?" He wasn't kidding. I said no, and he said how about an ounce. I said "What? You're joking right?" He said no, that I wouldn't have that plant if it weren't for his clone. I said, no instead it would have been one of the many seeds I have in the fridge. He kept telling me I owed him and that I didn't need it because I didn't smoke. I mentioned that my dad needs it, my wife needs it, and every time I make topical oil it's another two ounces gone. I offered him a clone back (I already offered him one of the first batch of clones and he said he was done growing and turned it down) and he rode off on his bike all pissed and told many in our group what an ass I was.

If he had just said he was running out of weed and could he have some I would have said sure. But his attitude just put me right off. I saw him later at the barbecue and my wife told me I should apologize. So I came up with a great line! I said, "I'm sorry I took you seriously about me owing you weed...I should have known you were kidding." Brilliant huh?

After explaining that I spend 45 minutes every morning 7 days a week custom mixing nutes and pruning and training and it's a lot different from the way he grows where he opens his grow shed and waters with the hose and closes it up, he realized that he was re-enacting the story of The Little Red Hen. So we settled on a different plan. I'd give him some topical oil, a couple of clones, and I'd teach him how to water and train and grow a lot better than the leggy fluff he ended up with.

All's well that ends well :).

Look at that. Shed turning a negative into a positive. Walk in the Light, and Smite the Darkness. But yeah, Unless that was an agreement up front, he has some serious balls.
Cloning looks like something that I would be really fucking up at.
However this shit is going to kill us for REAL this time.
Naw, it's smaller than the AK and much smaller than your Kharma. Just looks impressive from above. Also, it may be dying anyway :confused:.
Look at that. Shed turning a negative into a positive. Walk in the Light, and Smite the Darkness. But yeah, Unless that was an agreement up front, he has some serious balls.
Dude that wilt is seriously weird! Idk much about diseases... but hope that the h202 works. Works on gnats, but that's. Ot your problem....

And I'm with you new new. Arctic did and does soooo much to help me. I suppose I did help him knock out the panda paper I his grow space (certinaly more work than a little tub), but if he expected pay back that didnt even home close to the ounces and ounces hes given me. Only thing he has asked latley is for me to test some of his new crosses... maybe I'll just offer him my next born child, lol. I would happily offer him some meds, but he has an ENTIRE fridge full. So I've been thinking up a cool gift for him. Maybe a cool custom knife or something?

....Anyway I'm back to rambling! Point is friends help friends regardless, expecting nothing in exchange. I know they had a previous arrangement, but still...


Ihope your cloneinator seals the deal for you! still debating what to seal my (watering system) deal with.... I may try nothing likeyou suggested too? cant hurt... me or the wallet ;)

oh and Your boy scouts (BSAs) look nice. crazy training on the one, and another nice Spog for the record books

I was reading hortaculture articles about using H202 in soil mediums because I was concerned about it killing microbes. It does. lol However I also retained something else of value for you Shed.

Mixing 1 part 35% food grade peroxide with 10 parts water will kill almost any disease that your plant suffers from when watered through the soil. Just drench once a week until the symptoms go away. However it kills all of the microbes in the soil too. Oh yeah and 35% hydrogen peroxide is nasty, will burn your skin on contact and it costs about 50 dollars a gallon so there's that.
Naw, it's smaller than the AK and much smaller than your Kharma. Just looks impressive from above. Also, it may be dying anyway :confused:.


I hope not. The overhead shots just look so boutique.
Dude that wilt is seriously weird! Idk much about diseases... but hope that the h202 works. Works on gnats, but that's. Ot your problem....
And I'm with you new new. Arctic did and does soooo much to help me. I suppose I did help him knock out the panda paper I his grow space (certinaly more work than a little tub), but if he expected pay back that didnt even home close to the ounces and ounces hes given me. Only thing he has asked latley is for me to test some of his new crosses... maybe I'll just offer him my next born child, lol. I would happily offer him some meds, but he has an ENTIRE fridge full. So I've been thinking up a cool gift for him. Maybe a cool custom knife or something?
....Anyway I'm back to rambling! Point is friends help friends regardless, expecting nothing in exchange. I know they had a previous arrangement, but still...
Ihope your cloneinator seals the deal for you! still debating what to seal my (watering system) deal with.... I may try nothing likeyou suggested too? cant hurt... me or the wallet ;)
oh and Your boy scouts (BSAs) look nice. crazy training on the one, and another nice Spog for the record books

Ah, but they changed their name so they're just Scouts now ;). I haven't committed to the spog® thing yet, though it certainly is heading that way :rolleyes:.

That guy is weird anyway and hardly anyone likes him (even his wife won't talk to him when he's drunk...did I mention he's drunk almost every time we see him?). All's cool now.

If you are running that PVC under pressure you absolutely have to glue it.

I was reading hortaculture articles about using H202 in soil mediums because I was concerned about it killing microbes. It does. lol However I also retained something else of value for you Shed.
Mixing 1 part 35% food grade peroxide with 10 parts water will kill almost any disease that your plant suffers from when watered through the soil. Just drench once a week until the symptoms go away. However it kills all of the microbes in the soil too. Oh yeah and 35% hydrogen peroxide is nasty, will burn your skin on contact and it costs about 50 dollars a gallon so there's that.
I'm good with killing the microbes in the soil as I'm not running organic and I'll add back Great White to help populate what I can. Better than killing the plant! Definitely not running 35% H2O2, so 0.35 : 10 as .03 : 0.9 so my 3% dilution basically should be 1:1. Funny, that's what I was going with.

Wish me luck!
Ah, but they changed their name so they're just Scouts now ;). I haven't committed to the spog® thing yet, though it certainly is heading that way :rolleyes:.

That guy is weird anyway and hardly anyone likes him (even his wife won't talk to him when he's drunk...did I mention he's drunk almost every time we see him?). All's cool now.

If you are running that PVC under pressure you absolutely have to glue it.

I'm good with killing the microbes in the soil as I'm not running organic and I'll add back Great White to help populate what I can. Better than killing the plant! Definitely not running 35% H2O2, so 0.35 : 10 as .03 : 0.9 so my 3% dilution basically should be 1:1. Funny, that's what I was going with.

Wish me luck!

You know it is funny that you say that because I was wondering the same thing myself. Could I just pour straight 3% in instead of spending so much money on the 35%?
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