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I'm not sure that peach jam will take up the THC they way oil does, but decarb happens well over boiling so I don't think it would make a difference to the THC in the jam process. Bud would add some "texture" to your jam but not necessarily in a good way! I'm thinking more like coconut infused oil blended with peach you're talking :).

How far did you get on the gummies? I ordered molds and gelatin.
I need a bud to gummy version. Photos. Simple to follow. One with oil and another alcohol. Chop Chop Shed.
You ever had that licorice that the Russians and Finlanders eat? We need a thc version of that.
I am finding that at 93º outside and 87º inside, the first gummies melted within a minute of coming out the mold. I tossed them in the freezer and am leaving the rest in the fridge until the heat breaks!
Ser ut som en attack av fusarium, en svamp som attackerar växten från jorden. Därför sänktes det med väteperoxid / vatten i ett försök att döda det och stoppa det från att göra mer skada. Tiden får avgöra.

[Looks like an attack of fusarium, a fungus that attacks the plant from the soil. That's why I soaked it with hydrogen peroxide/water, in an attempt to kill it and stop it from doing any more damage. Time will tell.]

Thanks Derby! It's a great plant and I really hope it survives. No idea if this treatment will work though. Everything I read says toss the plant :eek:.

Hahaha!! I almost shit in my pants when I read that in Swedish. Thx shed. :) Hope she will get on her toes again for you.
Monday and sorry I'm a bit late. I had to train a new person on the ways of our office (from my angle anyway). This will be a two-part update, one with plants and one with the gummy experience. Plants first...

Let's begin with some meters. First up is my water as it comes out of the tap. No one needs to buy that bottled alkali "health water" if they live near me:

But take a look at where it is after standing for 24 hours!!!

Holy moly! No wonder I've been burning through bottles of pH Down :). Next up is the themometer in the shade Saturday:

It was 90º when I left this morning so it's not over yet. And it's 88º in my freaking office as all the AC units on my floor are out :eek:. I don't think the equipment is all that happy and I shoulda worn shorts and a t-shirt (not my 420mag one though).

Let's take a look at the Sour G after the heavy defol on Saturday morning:

I'm seeing some clawing on the small undercarriage leaves so I think the next few waterings will be nute-free and then I'll start some mild flower nutes. Won't take long to flush because I have to water this almost every day now. Check out all the supercrop scars too!

Next up is a cutting I took of the AK-47 clone yesterday. I'm going to wait to see if anything roots in the cloninator before I cut anything else from that plant. I hope things happen soon as I really need to thin it.

AK cutting on top where the fungus Gold Leaf was:

And finally for this update, my critter report (thanks @Amy Gardner for the idea). I was mixing nutes for the Brooklyns this morning and bits of pine cone are falling on my head. I look up and see this:
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I had to stand under the eaves of the garage to avoid getting pelted. Then little bugger moved on and started dropping whole pine cones like in some cartoon! I threw one back at him and he moved on. Alternately, yesterday I had milder company as I mixed my nutes:
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Hope it's not hot as blazes where you are, inside or out!

Gimme a bit and I'll get the gummy thing written and posted for y'alls.
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