InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Never had squirrel and I know that I'm not allowed to kill or trap them. I have trapped them anyway (they were eating every peach on the trees), and in order for them not to find their way home they need to be released at least 7 miles away! They did not enjoy the ride in the cage.


Let me start by saying I would make a lot of changes to this, so read the summary for everything I would do differently.

Since I haven't done a decarb tutorial in a while and that was step one, here it is:

Bud goes into the tin foil. Add extra bud because it loses weight as it dries in the oven. This is the AK-47 that I'm not giving to clone-boy:

Not smell-proof BTW...use a turkey roasting bag for that!

240º for 90 minutes to account for the bud to reach decarb temp. Cooled in the fridge for 20 minutes.

15 grams on the nose, just what I needed:

Since I was using so little oil (only 2 ounces of EVOO), I needed to grind the bud to get it covered. I wet the walls of the grinder with oil first so no trichomes would stick. Afterward I just ran my finger around the edges and it came off cleanly.

Bud first, then oil:

Mashed all down so it's wet:

Hole in the tin foil to equalize the pressure.

Into the oven at 170º (lowest my oven will go) for 6 hours, shaking every 30 minutes. The oven has now been on 7½ hours when it's 100º outside. Perfect timing :).

I let it cool over night in the oven for the gummy part of the deal on Sunday.

Here is the gelatin I bought. I used two packets of this which is 2 tbs:

I used the entire package of this:

I only got 1 ounce of oil out of the mash (the leftover mash is so full of THC I'm going to make brownies when the heat breaks):

Dissolve the gelatin(e) in ½ to 3/4 cups of cold water first. Less water = stronger gummies:

Then add the jello and stir over a low light. Then I added the oil. The oil will not blend until the end when it starts to cool down.

I added too much water so I used a makeshift double boiler to try to evaporate the excess. I wanted 3/4 cup of liquid in the end but only got it down to 1 cup.

8 ounces...notice the oil floating on top:

Because I had it at 212º for a long time to try to reduce it, I put it in the fridge to cool down, stirring it every 5 minutes or so. Once it ran off the fork like this I figured the oil was blended in and it would not come running out of the dispenser:

The dispenser was a hair coloring thing that leaks from around the rim:

Hence the drips on the silicone...otherwise it would be perfect:

Into the fridge to cool for an hour. Taking them out is a PITA and they melted when they hit the bowl. These went into the freezer, I refilled that tray, and they stayed in the fridge over night:

This morning I got another tray emptied before the heat began to get to them again so the last tray is back in the fridge again:

I still have enough left in the dispenser (in the fridge) to make another 2 or 3 trays of 50. When it's cooler I'll warm up the bottle and do the rest.

They ended up being somewhere around 4mg/ml THC (or 4mg/gummy) and I'll get some feedback over the next few days and let you know. I'm thinking the minimum dose will be 2.

What did we learn on the show tonight Craig? My summary:

1. Don't attempt when the ambient air temperature in your house is 85º. I know that gelatin is supposed to be solid to 95º but these are not even close. And once done they need to stay in the fridge.
2. Don't buy little bear molds. Too intricate and hard to get the gummies free from them without losing little bits in the eyes, hands, or feet.
3. You don't need to add the oil to the mix until you have everything dissolved and heated. You';re not infusing the oil into the's an oil/water thing. You can probably even add the oil as the mix cools.
4. Remember, you can't get all the oil from the mash so make extra if you want to get your dosage calculated.
5. Next time I'll add more gelatin. Maybe that will make it more stable at room temps.

I hope this helps someone learn from my mistakes. Not sure if I will ever make these again (I mean seriously...who needs 300 THC gummy bears except at some huge party!) but if you do, improve on my process.

If anyone wants to know how to calculate the dosing, let me know and I'll post the instructions here along with a link to the oft-posted calculator from OldBear.

And if anyone has suggestions as to what I should have done differently (@newty!), please post them here for others to find.

Thanks to @newty and @Kismet for their help with this process. :thanks:
Never had squirrel and I know that I'm not allowed to kill or trap them. I have trapped them anyway (they were eating every peach on the trees), and in order for them not to find their way home they need to be released at least 7 miles away! They did not enjoy the ride in the cage.


Let me start by saying I would make a lot of changes to this, so read the summary for everything I would do differently.

Since I haven't done a decarb tutorial in a while and that was step one, here it is:

Bud goes into the tin foil. Add extra bud because it loses weight as it dries in the oven. This is the AK-47 that I'm not giving to clone-boy:

Not smell-proof BTW...use a turkey roasting bag for that!

240º for 90 minutes to account for the bud to reach decarb temp. Cooled in the fridge for 20 minutes.

15 grams on the nose, just what I needed:

Since I was using so little oil (only 2 ounces of EVOO), I needed to grind the bud to get it covered. I wet the walls of the grinder with oil first so no trichomes would stick. Afterward I just ran my finger around the edges and it came off cleanly.

Bud first, then oil:

Mashed all down so it's wet:

Hole in the tin foil to equalize the pressure.

Into the oven at 170º (lowest my oven will go) for 6 hours, shaking every 30 minutes. The oven has now been on 7½ hours when it's 100º outside. Perfect timing :).

I let it cool over night in the oven for the gummy part of the deal on Sunday.

Here is the gelatin I bought. I used two packets of this which is 2 tbs:

I used the entire package of this:

I only got 1 ounce of oil out of the mash (the leftover mash is so full of THC I'm going to make brownies when the heat breaks):

Dissolve the gelatin(e) in 3/4 cups of cold water first:

Then add the jello and stir over a low light. Then I added the oil. The oil will not blend until the end when it starts to cool down.

I added too much water so I used a makeshift double boiler to try to evaporate the excess. I wanted 3/4 cup of liquid in the end but only got it down to 1 cup.

8 ounces...notice the oil floating on top:

Because I had it at 212º for a long time to try to reduce it, I put it in the fridge to cool down, stirring it every 5 minutes or so. Once it ran off the fork like this I figured the oil was blended in and it would not come running out of the dispenser:

The dispenser was a hair coloring thing that leaks from around the rim:

Hence the drips on the silicone...otherwise it would be perfect:

Into the fridge to cool for an hour. Taking them out is a PITA and they melted when they hit the bowl. These went into the freezer, I refilled that tray, and they stayed in the fridge over night:

This morning I got another tray emptied before the heat began to get to them again so the last tray is back in the fridge again:

I still have enough left in the dispenser (in the fridge) to make another 2 or 3 trays of 50. When it's cooler I'll warm up the bottle and do the rest.

They ended up being somewhere around 4mg/ml THC (or 4mg/gummy) and I'll get some feedback over the next few days and let you know. I'm thinking the minimum dose will be 2.

What did we learn on the show tonight Craig? My summary:

1. Don't attempt when the ambient air temperature in your house is 85º. I know that gelatin is supposed to be solid to 95º but these are not even close. And once done they need to stay in the fridge.
2. Don't buy little bear molds. Too intricate and hard to get the gummies free from them without losing little bits in the eyes, hands, or feet.
3. You don't need to add the oil to the mix until you have everything dissolved and heated. You';re not infusing the oil into the's an oil/water thing. You can probably even add the oil as the mix cools.
4. Remember, you can't get all the oil from the mash so make extra if you want to get your dosage calculated.
5. Next time I'll add more gelatin. Maybe that will make it more stable at room temps.

I hope this helps someone learn from my mistakes. Not sure if I will ever make these again (I mean seriously...who needs 300 THC gummy bears except at some huge party!) but if you do, improve on my process.

If anyone wants to know how to calculate the dosing, let me know and I'll post the instructions here along with a link to the oft-posted calculator from OldBear.

And if anyone has suggestions as to what I should have done differently (@newty!), please post them here for others to find.

Thanks to @newty and @Kismet for their help with this process. :thanks:
i like it,bro:goodjob:
I loved fried squirrel,,, pressure cook for 1/2 an hour then flour and fry just like chicken... But I've never eaten a city squirrel. But is a fun small game to hunt like a rabbit...

Yea those are some small gummy bears. Pretty cool tho. GL with them.
I know you are in good hands with Newty and Derby here already to help with quadlining. I don't think you lost the haze in the whole disease/problem that you recently had but I didn't see a picture on the last update either? Hopefully it's still growing well! I'll be watching in the background (as I have been for weeks) and I'll jump in if I need to help out but I shouldn't have to considering you have OG #1 and OG #2 already helping. Hopefully you get good results from quadlining.

It's a lot of fun for me to watch others that I have trained teach people now as you had mentioned in Derby's thread. I don't want that to seem like I'm unwilling to help, but rather they know what they are doing so I just keep an eye on it nowadays. They need a fair shot to teach so that I'm not just constantly going over the top of them. If you need my help though just hollar.
I loved fried squirrel,,, pressure cook for 1/2 an hour then flour and fry just like chicken... But I've never eaten a city squirrel. But is a fun small game to hunt like a rabbit...
Yea those are some small gummy bears. Pretty cool tho. GL with them.
Thanks Norcali! If they get someone high I'll consider it a win :).

I know you are in good hands with Newty and Derby here already to help with quadlining. I don't think you lost the haze in the whole disease/problem that you recently had but I didn't see a picture on the last update either? Hopefully it's still growing well! I'll be watching in the background (as I have been for weeks) and I'll jump in if I need to help out but I shouldn't have to considering you have OG #1 and OG #2 already helping. Hopefully you get good results from quadlining.

It's a lot of fun for me to watch others that I have trained teach people now as you had mentioned in Derby's thread. I don't want that to seem like I'm unwilling to help, but rather they know what they are doing so I just keep an eye on it nowadays. They need a fair shot to teach so that I'm not just constantly going over the top of them. If you need my help though just hollar.
Glad you stopped by Ase! Thanks for checking in on the HazeX. It's doing fine these days and I'll have an update tomorrow. Those long skinny leaves are a trip :).
Good job Shed !! Maybe try adding a tablespoon of corn syrup to the mix. Think it makes the bears easier to get out of the molds.
Ahhh, I asked newty if I could go without it and she said yes. I wonder if it would help keep them from melting so easily as well :confused:.
Been meaning to catch up on your thread. When i was lurking was watching . Laughed about the plant rolling down the hill. About 45 pages behind at the moment.
Don't even remember a plant rolling down a hill!
Hmmm. well this all sounds interesting. Did you say 1 fluid oz?! That's some concentrated oils indeed.... I'm thinking I will make the dabs tomorrow then just add 1 part to 1 part oil to shatter... I'll have to double check with GT on how he decarbs his oil though... I assume like bud its better to do seperate and before mixing with the EVOO or avocado etc.

Assuming 700 to 800 mg of thc per gram of wax. 2 grams ,is approx, 1500mg making 24 gummies with each mold being 0.3 ounces would put my gummies at about 62.5 mg thc per gummie... sounds good to me!

What size are your molds buddy?
Hmmm. well this all sounds interesting. Did you say 1 fluid oz?! That's some concentrated oils indeed.... I'm thinking I will make the dabs tomorrow then just add 1 part to 1 part oil to shatter... I'll have to double check with GT on how he decarbs his oil though... I assume like bud its better to do seperate and before mixing with the EVOO or avocado etc.

Assuming 700 to 800 mg of thc per gram of wax. 2 grams ,is approx, 1500mg making 24 gummies with each mold being 0.3 ounces would put my gummies at about 62.5 mg thc per gummie... sounds good to me!

What size are your molds buddy?
1 ml each bear assuming no limbs were left behind in the mold.

Use the damn spreadsheet will ya? Don't make me come up there!

I don't think you want a gummy at 62.5 mg THC per. That's 6x the legal limit for edibles sold OTC.

GT decarbs in the toaster oven.
1 ml each bear assuming no limbs were left behind in the mold.

Use the damn spreadsheet will ya? Don't make me come up there!

I don't think you want a gummy at 62.5 mg THC per. That's 6x the legal limit for edibles sold OTC.

GT decarbs in the toaster oven.

Yeah well #diet so sugar free bears cause that gelatin is keto friendly too. And I can eat lots of fat lol.

I dont want them to be much below 20 mg.... but again my calculations were based on a mold with 8x bigger gummies... so at 1ml they would be under the otc limit (in your state).

I guess I'll go look at bears thread.... wouldn't want you to have to leave that 100° weather for our mid 60s ;):cool:
Yeah well #diet so sugar free bears cause that gelatin is keto friendly too. And I can eat lots of fat lol.

I dont want them to be much below 20 mg.... but again my calculations were based on a mold with 8x bigger gummies... so at 1ml they would be under the otc limit (in your state).

I guess I'll go look at bears thread.... wouldn't want you to have to leave that 100° weather for our mid 60s ;):cool:
I've only linked you that spreadsheet 5 times! Because 60 would be horrible :).

Make sure your guests know to start with just a bit of gummy then o_O.
I have 3 friends who consume cannabis and 2 will be transferring by months end. And I think arctic has enough caps for half the state....

Honestly I just need to see what size molds first so I can calculate how to blend them. I'm not against weaker gummies necessarily, if they're smaller. I just dont want to have to eat too many. Mainly cause the wife doesnt fully grasp that there is varying strengths. She will just see it as "why do you need to eat so many?!"

Perhaps I'll opt for a larger mold and then I can quarter the portions? Then i can say "honey i only ate half!" :laugh:
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