InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Today's harvest news is back here!

That's some fine weed there! Cap Junky, gulp, I looked online, yikes! The good wife might talk about this one I'm sure! Hopeful!
Thank you Otter, and I will definitely get you a Mrs Shed smoke report (such as it is). I'll also try to get one from our friend with the more refined palate!
Is that your regular trim or are you thinking of coming back to knock off the sugars with the brush? Everybody being different it's all the same to me. This may be a good level of sugar leaves that when dry, they just plink off. They look perfect like this to me for either.
It's not as tight as my regular trim since I tried to leave most of the sugar leaves on, thinking that I might see how knocking them off works when they dry before I sink nearly $20 into the canna brush. I might leave them on as well depending on how my first attempt at plinking goes. :)
Congrats on the chop Shed, looks like some nice smoke
Thanks con, I hope it lives up to a bit of the hype!
Congrats on the harvest Shed!
Thank you Sparkey! Not as pretty as yours but not too shabby.
Great job Shed. 🍋
Thanks Keith!
While we wait for Carcass to reappear 🔭 here's the CapJunky harvest update!

I scoped the trichomes on all three flowering plants and found that the CJ had the fewest clear, so yesterday was chop day (flip day 72 after 70 days in veg).

Here it was just before I got out the snips:

Here's the flop pic, and I was actually expecting more flop than this:

I saved about 10 ladybugs during the (plain water only) wash process and put them back on the bones while they dried off, but I think they flew away before I took this pic:

Here are the flowers after the wash:

I trimmed them myself while I watched the Chiefs game, leaving a lot of the sugar leaves on this time, so most of what's here are the smooth fans and some now-dead caterpillars:

And here is the drying box with the results:

I pointed a fan at the lower holes and left it on overnight, but today I moved it to be on for 30 minutes every 3 hours to make sure they don't dry too quickly. RH in the garage (where the box is) is around 55%, and not being home during the day makes me want to err on the side of caution.

I hope you all had a great weekend and your teams either won or put up a performance that bodes well for the future. :high-five:
Congrats on the chop! Some fine looking buds there!!!

And thanks for posting the wash comment! Reminds me I need to read about that!
While we wait for Carcass to reappear 🔭 here's the CapJunky harvest update!

I scoped the trichomes on all three flowering plants and found that the CJ had the fewest clear, so yesterday was chop day (flip day 72 after 70 days in veg).

Here it was just before I got out the snips:

Here's the flop pic, and I was actually expecting more flop than this:

I saved about 10 ladybugs during the (plain water only) wash process and put them back on the bones while they dried off, but I think they flew away before I took this pic:

Here are the flowers after the wash:

I trimmed them myself while I watched the Chiefs game, leaving a lot of the sugar leaves on this time, so most of what's here are the smooth fans and some now-dead caterpillars:

And here is the drying box with the results:

I pointed a fan at the lower holes and left it on overnight, but today I moved it to be on for 30 minutes every 3 hours to make sure they don't dry too quickly. RH in the garage (where the box is) is around 55%, and not being home during the day makes me want to err on the side of caution.

I hope you all had a great weekend and your teams either won or put up a performance that bodes well for the future. :high-five:
Congrats on the harvest Shed. I think an elegant flop and most auspicious all the ladybugs 🐞
Fantastic work yet again Mr Shed. It always shocks me how quickly you can dry your flower. I have a plant that's been hanging for 3 weeks now and it's still not done. Maybe putting it in the fridge will finish it off.
Thanks for stopping by Professor! The RH is usually in the mid 50s to 60s, and since I'm dependent on the ambient they can dry faster than I like. If I was living in rainy old England I could see where drying without a dehuey (or AC running all the time 💸 ) would make it tougher. If you have room in the fridge then low and slow is ideal for folks with either too high or too low RH.
What does that CJ smell like? I saw some CapJunky x Platinum that looked insane! I nearly pulled the trigger but got some DJ Short Blueberry instead.
Smelled pretty sweet in flower but I'm not good at putting names to scents unless it's fuel or skunk.
Pathetic flop.
IKR? :sorry:
Congrats on the chop! Some fine looking buds there!!!
And thanks for posting the wash comment! Reminds me I need to read about that!
Thanks Ke0ncp! I used to wash using water and H2O2 for all the PM I had, and then I switched to baking soda and either lemon juice or citric acid. But since I'm using castile soap spray for both the pests and as a medium for the BT lately, I've figured just plain rinsing them off was sufficient.

In an unsprayed tend I would use plain water as well. I like how washing makes the buds evenly damp for more even drying, rather than relying on how much the plant is drinking at harvest time.
Emersome pretty strong Bones!
Stronger than I thought!
Looks like you had it pretty easy trimming!
In previous years I would veg for closer to 100 days and end up with a lot more trimming to do. At 70 days I end up with a much more manageable plant. Of course, having 5 days in the mid-90s a week before harvest does tend to make the fans easier to pull!
I have been playing around with the idea of droughting before Harvest to get rid of the bigger fans.
I'd rather pull them off than force a plant to use them up before harvest, unless I was doing a drought process outlined in this paper:

And that's hard to do anywhere but inside in soil. Everything else tends to dry out faster than the plant can mount the defense process.
Congrats on the harvest Shed. I think an elegant flop and most auspicious all the ladybugs
Thank you Carmen! Elegant flop sounds much better, and the ladybugs knew exactly which of the two plants to land on. :)
While we wait for Carcass to reappear 🔭 here's the CapJunky harvest update!

I scoped the trichomes on all three flowering plants and found that the CJ had the fewest clear, so yesterday was chop day (flip day 72 after 70 days in veg).

Here it was just before I got out the snips:

Here's the flop pic, and I was actually expecting more flop than this:

I saved about 10 ladybugs during the (plain water only) wash process and put them back on the bones while they dried off, but I think they flew away before I took this pic:

Here are the flowers after the wash:

I trimmed them myself while I watched the Chiefs game, leaving a lot of the sugar leaves on this time, so most of what's here are the smooth fans and some now-dead caterpillars:

And here is the drying box with the results:

I pointed a fan at the lower holes and left it on overnight, but today I moved it to be on for 30 minutes every 3 hours to make sure they don't dry too quickly. RH in the garage (where the box is) is around 55%, and not being home during the day makes me want to err on the side of caution.

I hope you all had a great weekend and your teams either won or put up a performance that bodes well for the future. :high-five:
Congrats on the harvest bro finished up in great time and looks like a nice haul
Thanks GV! I'm wondering what the g/day number will be with a shorter veg time. :hmmmm:
how's the bud density for outdoors does the smaller plant and light dep make a difference t that?
The buds are solid, but there isn't any more light deprivation going on than in a 12/12 tent...just a lot higher DLI!
Thanks marcus!
Thanks GV! I'm wondering what the g/day number will be with a shorter veg time. :hmmmm:
The buds are solid, but there isn't any more light deprivation going on than in a 12/12 tent...just a lot higher DLI!
Oh yeah that's true, I was meaning more the fact that you flipped them with light dep. So comparing a sept finish to a Oct/ Nov finish it gives you the density as it's a better DLI period.. and if that is the case then your G/day will definitely be very interesting to know 🤔 but your are definitely getting more aggressive with the lolly popping too 👌 something I find difficult to do but regret being a p*ssy come harvest 🤣
Oh yeah that's true, I was meaning more the fact that you flipped them with light dep. So comparing a sept finish to a Oct/ Nov finish it gives you the density as it's a better DLI period..
Oh good question! It's been about 5 years since I flowered anything by the sun and I vegged for a long time back then (well over 100 days), so my g/day numbers weren't all that great, but the harvests were consistently around 10oz/plant.
and if that is the case then your G/day will definitely be very interesting to know
I'm curious to see if they're both close to each other and close to most of my summer plants (other than the 4g/day I pulled off the nearly 18oz 5 Killer Cookies in the SWICK-ish last year). Not that I care much about it since I'm well stocked, but it's the only number I've tracked since I started growing.
but your are definitely getting more aggressive with the lolly popping too something I find difficult to do but regret being a p*ssy come harvest
That's funny, because I deliberately didn't lollipop these before flip...they did it to themselves in flower! Here is the difference from flip day 3 to flip day 53. :)
Congrats on that lovely harvest. I'm about to flower a Cap Junky x Princess Haze, it's buds like this that get me excited about Cap Junky lol.
Thanks g-one-three! I hope your Cap cross shows the same sparkle that most of the CJ's do here.
Nice looking harvest Shed!
You get 10 gold stars for having the patience and skill to be able to string all those buds up in that box harvest after harvest!
That's funny, because I deliberately didn't lollipop these before flip...they did it to themselves in flower! Here is the difference from flip day 3 to flip day 53. :)
I think I remember you Keeping her tidy as she grew just leaving the fan leaves though? I do a pre flip trim so she looks naked but come mid flower she's burst out buds all the way down even by the dirt! 🤦‍♂️🤣 So surprised you don't have that either. Maybe that should be another selling point of self lollypoppin strains 🤣
While we wait for Carcass to reappear 🔭 here's the CapJunky harvest update!

I scoped the trichomes on all three flowering plants and found that the CJ had the fewest clear, so yesterday was chop day (flip day 72 after 70 days in veg).

Here it was just before I got out the snips:

Here's the flop pic, and I was actually expecting more flop than this:

I saved about 10 ladybugs during the (plain water only) wash process and put them back on the bones while they dried off, but I think they flew away before I took this pic:

Here are the flowers after the wash:

I trimmed them myself while I watched the Chiefs game, leaving a lot of the sugar leaves on this time, so most of what's here are the smooth fans and some now-dead caterpillars:

And here is the drying box with the results:

I pointed a fan at the lower holes and left it on overnight, but today I moved it to be on for 30 minutes every 3 hours to make sure they don't dry too quickly. RH in the garage (where the box is) is around 55%, and not being home during the day makes me want to err on the side of caution.

I hope you all had a great weekend and your teams either won or put up a performance that bodes well for the future. :high-five:

Damn…. Budzilla i can smell it from here, good luck with the divorce, i had one of those about 10yrs ago, not easy even when its easy, which mine was not.

Got a call from my coworker that they were out at my place taking tech pics after i moved out that my Ex distroyed my theater room, like took a knife to every speaker, it was insane 🙄

Been married 10yrs now to a wonderful person, it comes around
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