InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Yes, that’s a challenge for all my friends, worst case you get to have a taste of the best you’ve ever grown at a lower yield. Worth the sacrifice even more than most of us accepted switching from hps to led for the fire safety and cost savings. Small price to pay friends to help make the world a better place and leave something for future generations to follow….
My dream is to convince everyone that if we all do our small part we can not only leave something behind, our kids will improve upon our ideas and be able to reverse all the damage that’s been done. So for all the otc and synthetic folks, if I’m being hionest with you all, I disagree with your methods and hope to convince you all to leverage your knowledge to attain my goals and will never fault you for it, just encourage you to share what you know to make it even more possible more quickly than I and the few could. Ever hope to do on our own….
Me and my dad are still above ground and loving life in great part because if this ., repeat that again, alive and breathing because of YOU and willingness to help. That’s even bigger than anything I’ve ever mentioned about growing. Start seeing from that perspective and taking it that seriously because that’s truth, it means that much!!!
All joking aside, worms are natures true miracle. They manage their own population, deliver nothing but goodness to the garden and make everything better just being themselves- put them everywhere and see for yourselves !!!!
Worms are the shizz and whenever I see them after the rains I keep them from drowning and move them to dryer soil. Just trying to do my bit for nature in a more urban environment.
People laugh at me about the worms and all purpose unbleached flour stuff but laugh all you want,?grandpas tricks have saved lives and made some of the best smoke ever so keep laughing till you prove me wrong
I tried a worm farm a few years back after @Blew Hiller was nice enough to send me some cross country! I didn't manage to keep it going through the winter and never tried it again. I was just going to top dress my fruit trees with it.

Can't say I've ever heard mention of flour for flowers before though!
My dream is to convince everyone that if we all do our small part we can not only leave something behind, our kids will improve upon our ideas and be able to reverse all the damage that’s been done. So for all the otc and synthetic folks, if I’m being hionest with you all, I disagree with your methods and hope to convince you all to leverage your knowledge to attain my goals and will never fault you for it, just encourage you to share what you know to make it even more possible more quickly than I and the few could. Ever hope to do on our own….
I'm going to do my small part by voting for the future and to keep the Kroger/Albertsons merger from being approved (for reasons). Me going organic won't save the world, but pulling the correct lever might.
Me and my dad are still above ground and loving life in great part because if this ., repeat that again, alive and breathing because of YOU and willingness to help. That’s even bigger than anything I’ve ever mentioned about growing. Start seeing from that perspective and taking it that seriously because that’s truth, it means that much!!!
Because of me?
Worms are the shizz and whenever I see them after the rains I keep them from drowning and move them to dryer soil. Just trying to do my bit for nature in a more urban environment.

I tried a worm farm a few years back that @Blew Hiller was nice enough to send me cross country! I didn't manage to keep it going through the winter and never tried it again. I was just going to top dress my fruit trees with it.

Can't say I've ever heard mention of flour for flowers before though!

I'm going to do my small part by voting for the future and to keep the Kroger/Albertsons merger from being approved (for reasons). Me going organic won't save the world, but pulling the correct lever might.

Because of me?
Vote 🗳️ like your future depends on it because it does. Wishing you n yours all the best Shedster. CL🍀
Thanks Captain, and I'm glad to hear your mom is doing okay. Tell her you'll move the bins from now on. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks Shedmeister but I’m thinking neither one of us will be moving anything. Seriously though I’m trying to figure out how she got a hernia? Enjoy your weekend n wishing you and yours all the best. CL🍀
WOW Shed! I try to read complete journals to catch up… but ummm well, I have read from page 1,800 for sure all the way thru! :laugh: But I’m just in time to see your latest girls finishing up.
:thumb::woohoo::dreamy::drool:🤤:jawdropper: Sorry, I tend to slobber a lot at images!

May I please join in with your grow, Mr Shed?

:hug:Granny Hugs:hug:
Worms are the shizz and whenever I see them after the rains I keep them from drowning and move them to dryer soil. Just trying to do my bit for nature in a more urban environment.
Are you that guy on your hands and knees picking up worms in the the rain?

I did it by the way :snowboating:
Thanks Shedmeister but I’m thinking neither one of us will be moving anything. Seriously though I’m trying to figure out how she got a hernia? Enjoy your weekend n wishing you and yours all the best. CL🍀
I've had two and I'm sure schlepping wet 10 gallon pots had nothing to do with the second one!
WOW Shed! I try to read complete journals to catch up… but ummm well, I have read from page 1,800 for sure all the way thru! But I’m just in time to see your latest girls finishing up.
Sorry, I tend to slobber a lot at images!
May I please join in with your grow, Mr Shed?
Granny Hugs
Glad to have you Granny, and jumping in is the name of the game here! Slobber all you like as the mop is always handy, and you're just in time for a few harvests. ✂️
Are you that guy on your hands and knees picking up worms in the the rain?
I did it by the way
That's me, but mostly on my property. The ones in the street are flatworms. ;)
Nice to see somethings never change and you're all still here... I'm still married and hoping for a divorce before 2025. In the mean time I'm back to many things I used to do when I was single as well as growing... With that being said, I need some help from the group please.

I had two other Jack (Jane) Herer in the tent that have moved to my girl friends house, I decided to keep this one. This plant was on fire until about 2 months ago, it was a sky rocket, off to the top of the tent. Seemed like over night the claws came out and it hasn't been the same since. I've tried reducing the lighting, adjusting the feed strength, and finally, yesterday, I ran three gallons of tap water with 2 tsp of Flora Kleen per gallon thru the soil. I'm not sure if the leaves will recover and the plant is outside for the rest of the cycle.

Anybody know if and what the time frame for recovery may be? Any other thoughts than lockout as a cause for the clawed leaves? I've only seen fungus gnats if anything regarding pests and nothing currently visible. I'm planning to wait for the soil to dry out and then I'll give a quarter feeding of the GH Trio; green, pink, & maroon. Current temp outside for the highs are the 90's, I moved it outside a couple/ few days ago and it doesn't seem to mind the heat.

Thanks in Advance,

Stay Baked!

Nice to see somethings never change and you're all still here... I'm still married and hoping for a divorce before 2025. In the mean time I'm back to many things I used to do when I was single as well as growing... With that being said, I need some help from the group please.

I had two other Jack (Jane) Herer in the tent that have moved to my girl friends house, I decided to keep this one. This plant was on fire until about 2 months ago, it was a sky rocket, off to the top of the tent. Seemed like over night the claws came out and it hasn't been the same since. I've tried reducing the lighting, adjusting the feed strength, and finally, yesterday, I ran three gallons of tap water with 2 tsp of Flora Kleen per gallon thru the soil. I'm not sure if the leaves will recover and the plant is outside for the rest of the cycle.

Anybody know if and what the time frame for recovery may be? Any other thoughts than lockout as a cause for the clawed leaves? I've only seen fungus gnats if anything regarding pests and nothing currently visible. I'm planning to wait for the soil to dry out and then I'll give a quarter feeding of the GH Trio; green, pink, & maroon. Current temp outside for the highs are the 90's, I moved it outside a couple/ few days ago and it doesn't seem to mind the heat.

Thanks in Advance,

Stay Baked!

Hi Agemon clawing like that (& dark green leaves) usually mean a nitrogen toxicity, to much nitrogen
Nice to see somethings never change and you're all still here... I'm still married and hoping for a divorce before 2025. In the mean time I'm back to many things I used to do when I was single as well as growing... With that being said, I need some help from the group please.

I had two other Jack (Jane) Herer in the tent that have moved to my girl friends house, I decided to keep this one. This plant was on fire until about 2 months ago, it was a sky rocket, off to the top of the tent. Seemed like over night the claws came out and it hasn't been the same since. I've tried reducing the lighting, adjusting the feed strength, and finally, yesterday, I ran three gallons of tap water with 2 tsp of Flora Kleen per gallon thru the soil. I'm not sure if the leaves will recover and the plant is outside for the rest of the cycle.

Anybody know if and what the time frame for recovery may be? Any other thoughts than lockout as a cause for the clawed leaves? I've only seen fungus gnats if anything regarding pests and nothing currently visible. I'm planning to wait for the soil to dry out and then I'll give a quarter feeding of the GH Trio; green, pink, & maroon. Current temp outside for the highs are the 90's, I moved it outside a couple/ few days ago and it doesn't seem to mind the heat.

Thanks in Advance,

Stay Baked!

The clawing looks to have stopped already as the very top growth seems fine. I would agree with Con and say that it was a nitrogen issue though how that happened, I can't say. Looks like a nice plant though.
I had two other Jack (Jane) Herer in the tent that have moved to my girl friends house, I decided to keep this one. This plant was on fire until about 2 months ago, it was a sky rocket, off to the top of the tent. Seemed like over night the claws came out and it hasn't been the same since. I've tried reducing the lighting, adjusting the feed strength, and finally, yesterday, I ran three gallons of tap water with 2 tsp of Flora Kleen per gallon thru the soil. I'm not sure if the leaves will recover and the plant is outside for the rest of the cycle.

Anybody know if and what the time frame for recovery may be? Any other thoughts than lockout as a cause for the clawed leaves? I've only seen fungus gnats if anything regarding pests and nothing currently visible. I'm planning to wait for the soil to dry out and then I'll give a quarter feeding of the GH Trio; green, pink, & maroon. Current temp outside for the highs are the 90's, I moved it outside a couple/ few days ago and it doesn't seem to mind the heat.
:ciao: Age! I moved my reply over to your thread so as not to have to cross post.
While we wait for Carcass to reappear 🔭 here's the CapJunky harvest update!

I scoped the trichomes on all three flowering plants and found that the CJ had the fewest clear, so yesterday was chop day (flip day 72 after 70 days in veg).

Here it was just before I got out the snips:

Here's the flop pic, and I was actually expecting more flop than this:

I saved about 10 ladybugs during the (plain water only) wash process and put them back on the bones while they dried off, but I think they flew away before I took this pic:

Here are the flowers after the wash:

I trimmed them myself while I watched the Chiefs game, leaving a lot of the sugar leaves on this time, so most of what's here are the smooth fans and some now-dead caterpillars:

And here is the drying box with the results:

I pointed a fan at the lower holes and left it on overnight, but today I moved it to be on for 30 minutes every 3 hours to make sure they don't dry too quickly. RH in the garage (where the box is) is around 55%, and not being home during the day makes me want to err on the side of caution.

I hope you all had a great weekend and your teams either won or put up a performance that bodes well for the future. :high-five:
That's some fine weed there! Cap Junky, gulp, I looked online, yikes! The good wife might talk about this one I'm sure! Hopeful! :bravo:

Is that your regular trim or are you thinking of coming back to knock off the sugars with the brush? Everybody being different it's all the same to me. This may be a good level of sugar leaves that when dry, they just plink off. They look perfect like this to me for either.
While we wait for Carcass to reappear 🔭 here's the CapJunky harvest update!

I scoped the trichomes on all three flowering plants and found that the CJ had the fewest clear, so yesterday was chop day (flip day 72 after 70 days in veg).

Here it was just before I got out the snips:

Here's the flop pic, and I was actually expecting more flop than this:

I saved about 10 ladybugs during the (plain water only) wash process and put them back on the bones while they dried off, but I think they flew away before I took this pic:

Here are the flowers after the wash:

I trimmed them myself while I watched the Chiefs game, leaving a lot of the sugar leaves on this time, so most of what's here are the smooth fans and some now-dead caterpillars:

And here is the drying box with the results:

I pointed a fan at the lower holes and left it on overnight, but today I moved it to be on for 30 minutes every 3 hours to make sure they don't dry too quickly. RH in the garage (where the box is) is around 55%, and not being home during the day makes me want to err on the side of caution.

I hope you all had a great weekend and your teams either won or put up a performance that bodes well for the future. :high-five:
Congrats on the chop Shed, looks like some nice smoke
Fantastic work yet again Mr Shed. It always shocks me how quickly you can dry your flower. I have a plant that's been hanging for 3 weeks now and it's still not done. Maybe putting it in the fridge will finish it off.

What does that CJ smell like? I saw some CapJunky x Platinum that looked insane! I nearly pulled the trigger but got some DJ Short Blueberry instead.

Pathetic flop.
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