InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Monday update! It's been a sweltering (for West L.A. so don't @ me desert-dwellers) with temps in the 90s and 86º in the house during the day. I've had a fan of one type or another pointed at me for the last 3 days and the plants are showing signs of heat stress on the leaves. I did manage to take some trichome shots early Saturday morning, but enough are the pics. :surf:

Given the heat I've been watering TWa daily so it's hard to tell how much it's drinking, but it should be cooling off tomorrow so that will give me a better idea on when to snip that one.

That's all from my sticky neck of the woods! I hope you're all having a great last few weeks of summer, and thanks for cruising thrui. ☀️
Meanwhile it's been in the low to mid 50's the past few nights here and not even up to 80 daytime... methinks(mehopes?) I'll get some color on these outdoor plants...
I thought I'd share a simple chart I made of this season's outdoor plant - Obama Runtz.
Obama Runtz Growth.jpg

This is typical of my outdoor plants. The growth rate doesn't seem to change once they go into flowering mode.
I'll bet if we slowly transitioned our indoor plants to flowering, as it occurs outside, then the indoor girls wouldn't stretch so drastically either! :Rasta:
Highya ITS,

What gorgeous looking ladies you have!! They are so frosty. Trichomes look more ready on the PGC than the CJ. Such heavy buds, they just want to lay down! Very nice job/buds!! Happy Smokin'
I’ve only seen a handful of the PGC from this comparative that actually have had purple!!!

I’m hoping I get some, just like your CJ, my PGC has had purple stems almost from the beginning it seems like.
Purple stems are a good start!
Never would have guessed the CJ had purple stems I may have missed a page or 2 lol
Miss all you like N, I'm not picky. :)
Sharpen your axe Shed! Their time is near! Man they look nice too!
Thanks Otter, probably Friday would be the first opportunity to break out the pruners.

I'm thinking of dry trimming the CJ given how many sugar leaves there are. If I do I'll probably go find that cool trimming tool you got.
Is that the 90 feels like 105 F weather ,, the first pic looked awful brown must have been the light , you got a lot of trimming to do being your not use to it LOL hey a microscope
No humidity so 90 is just 90, but still hot enough to burn some leaves on the lemon trees too.
I'll bet if we slowly transitioned our indoor plants to flowering, as it occurs outside, then the indoor girls wouldn't stretch so drastically either!
I slam my plants into 12/12 just like indoor growers, and BL flowers his by the sun...same type of stretch.
What gorgeous looking ladies you have!! They are so frosty. Trichomes look more ready on the PGC than the CJ. Such heavy buds, they just want to lay down! Very nice job/buds!! Happy Smokin'
Very nice of you, thanks Bode! The buds are heavier than the branches are strong.
Heya Shedster!! They're looking fat and sticky!! Nice job. Well done. Happy Tuesday!!
Thanks Scottay, and very very sticky!
Two days in a row I had to check out your thread Shedster. Hope you n yours are doing well. CL🍀
Check in here anytime you have a moment Captain. :thumb:
I'm thinking of dry trimming the CJ given how many sugar leaves there are. If I do I'll probably go find that cool trimming tool you got.
I found it different on my one try and will go to it next time too. Pulling leaves manually and letting them hang was way less work to start. Then dry it felt more relaxed as I plinked off what I wanted. More enjoyable maybe? Give it a try, you might like it.
I found it different on my one try and will go to it next time too. Pulling leaves manually and letting them hang was way less work to start. Then dry it felt more relaxed as I plinked off what I wanted. More enjoyable maybe? Give it a try, you might like it.
I like mine. Though I think it only works "okay," I suspect I like is so much because no one that I personally know has one! :)
I slam my plants into 12/12 just like indoor growers, and BL flowers his by the sun...same type of stretch.
If nothing else, I'm consistent! 😁
I found it different on my one try and will go to it next time too. Pulling leaves manually and letting them hang was way less work to start. Then dry it felt more relaxed as I plinked off what I wanted. More enjoyable maybe? Give it a try, you might like it.
I'll go find your post on it since I didn't save it in Amazon. Wasn't expensive as I recall.
I like mine. Though I think it only works "okay," I suspect I like is so much because no one that I personally know has one!
"Okay" isn't much of a recommendation, so what didn't you like about it? And I feel like I know Otter personally. :)
If nothing else, I'm consistent!
Something to be said for consistency! :high-five:
It might matter what kind of bud we're working with. Leafy or not. Those Purple Ghost Candy colas were just right I think.
I was thinking more for the CapJunky since there's so much frost on the sugar leaves that normally get cut wet and discarded. With a dry trim I'd be more likely to kief them. The PGC flowers seem more traditional to me so I was going to wet-trim those.
top of the day to Mr. Sheddy & the Shedster’s

Was catching up on reading and I’ve seen several comments here as well as over at GDB’s place about his buddies garden so wanted to drop this off about deer.

I know 2 old geezers who are hobby winemakers, like 1/2 acre of vineyard. They swear by drilling small hole in the little bars of Dial soap and tie wire hanging them at the ends of every row… the other one said he uses a few different brands of soap to mix up the scent profile.

This above and the use of distraction, you’ve seen it in old school vegetable gardens. Use of shiny tinfoil pie pans, bits of thin ribbon like bright colored or reflective foil strand. This stuff makes them cray-cray

Anyway there you have it….full disclosure- never tried it on our crop but yeah might be something there.

So if few of you outdoor peeps try it, then would you please report back here on its effectiveness or lack thereof?

Peace out
"Okay" isn't much of a recommendation, so what didn't you like about it? And I feel like I know Otter personally. :)
Okay, disregard my "okay." It probably wasn't a fair assessment. I've only used it once and I'm not even certain I was using it properly. I only used moderate pressure when brushing. To me, it seemed to leave a lot of the small, dry sugar leaves that I was trying to brush off. Things could have been better -- maybe -- had I applied a little more pressure. I reserve the right to amend my "review" after further use.

I know Stone from 420 only and -- at my age -- I'm much too cautious to even "feel" like I know him personally (I've got skin in the game and my neck is always on a swivel.). But I feel like I do know him, if that makes any sense. So I'll amend my previous statement: "I suspect I like is so much because no one that lives near me has one!" :)
top of the day to Mr. Sheddy & the Shedster’s

Was catching up on reading and I’ve seen several comments here as well as over at GDB’s place about his buddies garden so wanted to drop this off about deer.

I know 2 old geezers who are hobby winemakers, like 1/2 acre of vineyard. They swear by drilling small hole in the little bars of Dial soap and tie wire hanging them at the ends of every row… the other one said he uses a few different brands of soap to mix up the scent profile.

This above and the use of distraction, you’ve seen it in old school vegetable gardens. Use of shiny tinfoil pie pans, bits of thin ribbon like bright colored or reflective foil strand. This stuff makes them cray-cray

Anyway there you have it….full disclosure- never tried it on our crop but yeah might be something there.

So if few of you outdoor peeps try it, then would you please report back here on its effectiveness or lack thereof?

Peace out
LOL, the deer would probably EAT the soap and stomp on the foil...they stand across the street from the bear and chuff and will only run away from me if I get close enough to punch 'em in the nose. I've hit half a dozen with half-fist size rocks and they just shrug it off...
top of the day to Mr. Sheddy & the Shedster’s

Was catching up on reading and I’ve seen several comments here as well as over at GDB’s place about his buddies garden so wanted to drop this off about deer.

I know 2 old geezers who are hobby winemakers, like 1/2 acre of vineyard. They swear by drilling small hole in the little bars of Dial soap and tie wire hanging them at the ends of every row… the other one said he uses a few different brands of soap to mix up the scent profile.

This above and the use of distraction, you’ve seen it in old school vegetable gardens. Use of shiny tinfoil pie pans, bits of thin ribbon like bright colored or reflective foil strand. This stuff makes them cray-cray

Anyway there you have it….full disclosure- never tried it on our crop but yeah might be something there.

So if few of you outdoor peeps try it, then would you please report back here on its effectiveness or lack thereof?

Peace out
A buddy of mine tried that and he said whenever it rained the deer would come to his place, lather up and shower. :straightface:
LOL, the deer would probably EAT the soap and stomp on the foil...they stand across the street from the bear and chuff and will only run away from me if I get close enough to punch 'em in the nose. I've hit half a dozen with half-fist size rocks and they just shrug it off...
The deer on one of the golf courses I play at will not move out of your way. If the deer is right next to where your ball landed, you have to move your ball if the deer is in your line of sight, because the deer won't friggin' move! :Rasta:
Nice course!! umm err yeah meant to say maybe try a frigging full auto pellet gun :rofl:
Or carry apples and throw them in view but out of way :)
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