InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Wednesday update with plant pics! I forgot to get an overhead shot of the CapJunky in case you notice it missing. 🤷‍♂️

Herewith is the Summer grow on flip day 61:

Purple Ghost Candy feature pics:

CapJunky feature pics:

This is one of the CJ pollinated flowers:

It's been about 40 days, and I have no idea where the seeds are because it was so small when I pollinated it. This is what it looked like at the time on flip day 21:


Seems like I'll be digging around in those flowers to find the seeds at harvest.

And finally, The Wizard auto on day 74 above ground:

@Justin Goody how many days does a full-sized version of this plant tend to go? It's still drinking with its 4 or 5 roots (I'll show them at harvest) so I figure not yet, but I'm curious.

I'll scope the big ones again this weekend, but @beez0404 said his CJ's run around 68-71 days indoors. That would mean chopping the following weekend if the timing is the same. PGC seem to run from 71 (Otter) to 106 days (P9 :eek:) so a look at the trichs could be helpful there.

I give them 1/2 gallon/day most of the time, and a full gallon each if it's going to be a hot one like today. They definitely don't drink like my big ones that veg closer to 100 days rather than ~70 for these two, which makes it harder for me to gauge when they're slowing down. On the plus side I'm not sick of looking at them yet. :)

That's it from me, and thanks for cruising through. :cool:


Will do!

Working that core in the best possible way. :thumb:

We usually get at least one heat wave in September but I hope this one isn't it. I could use some warmth for a few more weeks.

Wait what? I'd love a neurologist's take on that one.

:ciao: WH! It's always a good day when you cruise through with a proof-of-life post. You know how I worry. Sorry about the hermies but the seeds smash in the press too!
Fantastic looking flowers Shedster! :high-five:
Please don't enter them on the "POTM" brother.. 😂
Great trich production on those girls brother! Well done my friend.
Not sorted out as such, but at a guess next month.
Your PGC is one of the better more closely budded phenos Shed! Lucky!
Thanks Otter, and I'll take whatever it gives!
Speaking of lucky, how'd you get it to stop stretching?
I have no idea...the sun? Neither @BeezLuiz nor I get that big stretch in our outside potted plants like indoor folks (or yours in the ground) get. I thought it had something to do with the schlepping but since BL's are always outside that can't be it. Even my biggest plants never get close to doubling during stretch, and it's a damn good thing too!
Plants look good shed the leaves should be gone by the time you harvest.. Did you get a take on the testers you had pulled ?
Har, thanks sb! I'm kinda glad the CapJunky has lost a lot of those leaves since it looked like trimming was going to be a not so much.

Things were a bit disjointed last night so I'll see if I can get the testers tested tonight.

Also, the plan for this winter is to try to sprout, sex, clone, reverse, and make more of the 20+ year old seeds you hand delivered...I haven't forgotten about them!
Fantastic looking flowers Shedster! Great trich production on those girls brother! Well done my friend.
Thanks Sparkey, and I'm hoping they hit the way everyone else's here do! It's not often I grow varieties that others here have recently harvested.
Please don't enter them on the "POTM" brother..
LOL no problem. I don't think either of mine would be winners so I'll be sitting this year out. :high-five:

Thanks Otter, and I'll take whatever it gives!

I have no idea...the sun? Neither @BeezLuiz nor I get that big stretch in our outside potted plants like indoor folks (or yours in the ground) get. I thought it had something to do with the schlepping but since BL's are always outside that can't be it. Even my biggest plants never get close to doubling during stretch, and it's a damn good thing too!

Har, thanks sb! I'm kinda glad the CapJunky has lost a lot of those leaves since it looked like trimming was going to be a not so much.

Things were a bit disjointed last night so I'll see if I can get the testers tested tonight.

Also, the plan for this winter is to try to sprout, sex, clone, reverse, and make more of the 20+ year old seeds you sent...I haven't forgotten about them!

Thanks Sparkey, and I'm hoping they hit the way everyone else's here do! It's not often I grow varieties that others here have recently harvested.

LOL no problem. I don't think either of mine would be winners so I'll be sitting this year out. :high-five:
I seriously doubt that brother! Respect though! Nice yield on them too
As Promised…

I have no idea what strain these are, my buddy told me they are a Northern Lights and Kush cross at least that’s what the guy told him he got the clones from.
They are in 25 gallon pots in Promix I’ve been feeding them GH Flora nova. They drink like crazy right now I have to water them every other day! It takes 10 gallons of water to water them to run off, I fill 2 5 gallon buckets and pour them into the pot found it was the easiest way to go about watering them.
The pictures at the top are the most recent and they are truckin along and pushing out some Pom Poms. The bottom 2 pics are from the middle of August, the one in the front took a beating in a wind storm and I lost some branches so she isn’t as full as she was. We will see how these ladies fair the rest of the way!
there Afghani from a big grow back in 1994-95, we had 88 plants at that time and some/ most cross over to the other side but was still very strong . as far as I know it is pure with no other breeding other than its self .
Sounds good Shed we can just hope for the best at least I know there in good hands . Heck the only thing that came up for me this year was the Sour G that you bread , even this years bought seeds didnt do shit ..
I seriously doubt that brother! Respect though! Nice yield on them too
Thanks Sparkey!
As Promised…
And delivered! If you have to babysit someone's plants those are the best babies around. :welldone: N.
We will see how these ladies fair the rest of the way!
As long as the weather holds you're in for a hell of a spell in trim jail. :eek:
Yessssss Hurry up and wait!!!
First lesson in growing!
Yessssss the waiting !!! nice heavy looking budzz there shed
Thank you ThirdUncle! It's too hot to scope them so far today, but maybe after 5 it will be cool enough to get out there.
there Afghani from a big grow back in 1994-95, we had 88 plants at that time and some/ most cross over to the other side but was still very strong . as far as I know it is pure with no other breeding other than its self .
Sounds good Shed we can just hope for the best at least I know there in good hands . Heck the only thing that came up for me this year was the Sour G that you bread , even this years bought seeds didnt do shit ..
Thanks sb, I think I knew and forgot that. I'm going to try out the banana germination technique on some, and I hope you have a few more Sour G beans for the next grow!
Thanks Sparkey!

And delivered! If you have to babysit someone's plants those are the best babies around. :welldone: N.

As long as the weather holds you're in for a hell of a spell in trim jail. :eek:

First lesson in growing!

Thank you ThirdUncle! It's too hot to scope them so far today, but maybe after 5 it will be cool enough to get out there.

Thanks sb, I think I knew and forgot that. I'm going to try out the banana germination technique on some, and I hope you have a few more Sour G beans for the next grow!
You can prolly grow bananas where you are, Shed, no? I put out 3 small hardy bananas last year when I moved here and only one survived, but it's like 10 feet tall now with a dozen more baby pips that I could plant (some a couple feet tall already)...
You can prolly grow bananas where you are, Shed, no? I put out 3 small hardy bananas last year when I moved here and only one survived, but it's like 10 feet tall now with a dozen more baby pips that I could plant (some a couple feet tall already)...
Looks good Schnookie! I probably could grow bananas but I've got no place to plant them in the ground without ripping up some other mature fruit trees (pomegranates and lemons). If I had a spot I'd love to put in a cannabis plant too. 🤷‍♂️
Wednesday update with plant pics! I forgot to get an overhead shot of the CapJunky in case you notice it missing. 🤷‍♂️

Herewith is the Summer grow on flip day 61:

Purple Ghost Candy feature pics:

CapJunky feature pics:

This is one of the CJ pollinated flowers:

It's been about 40 days, and I have no idea where the seeds are because it was so small when I pollinated it. This is what it looked like at the time on flip day 21:


Seems like I'll be digging around in those flowers to find the seeds at harvest.

And finally, The Wizard auto on day 74 above ground:

@Justin Goody how many days does a full-sized version of this plant tend to go? It's still drinking with its 4 or 5 roots (I'll show them at harvest) so I figure not yet, but I'm curious.

I'll scope the big ones again this weekend, but @beez0404 said his CJ's run around 68-71 days indoors. That would mean chopping the following weekend if the timing is the same. PGC seem to run from 71 (Otter) to 106 days (P9 :eek:) so a look at the trichs could be helpful there.

I give them 1/2 gallon/day most of the time, and a full gallon each if it's going to be a hot one like today. They definitely don't drink like my big ones that veg closer to 100 days rather than ~70 for these two, which makes it harder for me to gauge when they're slowing down. On the plus side I'm not sick of looking at them yet. :)

That's it from me, and thanks for cruising through. :cool:


Will do!

Working that core in the best possible way. :thumb:

We usually get at least one heat wave in September but I hope this one isn't it. I could use some warmth for a few more weeks.

Wait what? I'd love a neurologist's take on that one.

:ciao: WH! It's always a good day when you cruise through with a proof-of-life post. You know how I worry. Sorry about the hermies but the seeds smash in the press too!
those are the best babies around. :welldone: N.
Thanks Shed!
As long as the weather holds you're in for a hell of a spell in trim jail. :eek:
That’s my concern, typically it’s fairly dry here until around the middle to end of September then we get into the rainy season for the foreseeable future. I told my buddy I’ll get them over the finish line but the harvest is his deal hopefully he has a big drying room🤣
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