InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thanks Shed!

That’s my concern, typically it’s fairly dry here until around the middle to end of September then we get into the rainy season for the foreseeable future. I told my buddy I’ll get them over the finish line but the harvest is his deal hopefully he has a big drying room🤣
Great to see you bro! I was wondering if you're still kicking around out there!
Do you have a journal? Haven't seen you around year +. Hope you and family are well N420:high-five:
Great to see you bro! I was wondering if you're still kicking around out there!
Do you have a journal? Haven't seen you around year +. Hope you and family are well N420:high-five:
Thanks Sparky Me and the family are doing well. I haven’t been growing at all over the last year or so, the pics I posted above are some plants I’m growing out for a friend that I’ve had for a few months now so they’re basically mine lol. No journals going, I’m considering starting another grow just haven’t made up my mind yet lol. Good to see you again bro!
Speaking of lucky, how'd you get it to stop stretching?

I have no idea...the sun? Neither @BeezLuiz nor I get that big stretch in our outside potted plants like indoor folks (or yours in the ground) get. I thought it had something to do with the schlepping but since BL's are always outside that can't be it. Even my biggest plants never get close to doubling during stretch, and it's a damn good thing too!
I thought I'd share a simple chart I made of this season's outdoor plant - Obama Runtz.
Obama Runtz Growth.jpg

This is typical of my outdoor plants. The growth rate doesn't seem to change once they go into flowering mode.
Wednesday update with plant pics! I forgot to get an overhead shot of the CapJunky in case you notice it missing. 🤷‍♂️

Herewith is the Summer grow on flip day 61:

Purple Ghost Candy feature pics:

CapJunky feature pics:

This is one of the CJ pollinated flowers:

It's been about 40 days, and I have no idea where the seeds are because it was so small when I pollinated it. This is what it looked like at the time on flip day 21:


Seems like I'll be digging around in those flowers to find the seeds at harvest.

And finally, The Wizard auto on day 74 above ground:

@Justin Goody how many days does a full-sized version of this plant tend to go? It's still drinking with its 4 or 5 roots (I'll show them at harvest) so I figure not yet, but I'm curious.

I'll scope the big ones again this weekend, but @beez0404 said his CJ's run around 68-71 days indoors. That would mean chopping the following weekend if the timing is the same. PGC seem to run from 71 (Otter) to 106 days (P9 :eek:) so a look at the trichs could be helpful there.

I give them 1/2 gallon/day most of the time, and a full gallon each if it's going to be a hot one like today. They definitely don't drink like my big ones that veg closer to 100 days rather than ~70 for these two, which makes it harder for me to gauge when they're slowing down. On the plus side I'm not sick of looking at them yet. :)

That's it from me, and thanks for cruising through. :cool:


Will do!

Working that core in the best possible way. :thumb:

We usually get at least one heat wave in September but I hope this one isn't it. I could use some warmth for a few more weeks.

Wait what? I'd love a neurologist's take on that one.

:ciao: WH! It's always a good day when you cruise through with a proof-of-life post. You know how I worry. Sorry about the hermies but the seeds smash in the press too!
Nice looking buddage there Shed nice & frosty & nice colors
Monday update! It's been a sweltering (for West L.A. so don't @ me desert-dwellers) with temps in the 90s and 86º in the house during the day. I've had a fan of one type or another pointed at me for the last 3 days and the plants are showing signs of heat stress on the leaves. I did manage to take some trichome shots early Saturday morning, but enough are the pics. :surf:

Summer grow this morning on flip day 66, and the last time you'll see them both together:

CapJunky featured:

The CJ can come down at any time as it has pretty much stopped drinking (even in the heat), and I probably would have taken it down yesterday if it hadn't been hot as blazes. I might try to do a night chop tomorrow just to get it washed and hung, and given the amount of sugar on the leaves this could be my first dry trim. We'll see...

Purple Ghost Candy featured:

PGC is still drinking a bit so it lives on, at least until this weekend.

Now let's look at the trichomes from Saturday (flip day 64), starting with the CJ:

Here's the PGC:

And finally, The Wizard auto:

Given the heat I've been watering TWa daily so it's hard to tell how much it's drinking, but it should be cooling off tomorrow so that will give me a better idea on when to snip that one.

That's all from my sticky neck of the woods! I hope you're all having a great last few weeks of summer, and thanks for cruising thrui. ☀️

That’s my concern, typically it’s fairly dry here until around the middle to end of September then we get into the rainy season for the foreseeable future. I told my buddy I’ll get them over the finish line but the harvest is his deal hopefully he has a big drying room
We're gonna need pics of those festivities for sure!
That sounds good Shed , I am still good on the Sour G s waiting to see what other goodies you come up with. I really wanted to grow the Candida but if i can only have so much would rather be a get you high weed
I certainly get that, and the Candida at my house is strictly for oil.
I thought I'd share a simple chart I made of this season's outdoor plant - Obama Runtz.
This is typical of my outdoor plants. The growth rate doesn't seem to change once they go into flowering mode.
:thanks: BL! I bet if you overlaid all of yours and my charts they'd pretty much look the same.
Nice looking buddage there Shed nice & frosty & nice colors
Thanks con!
Monday update! It's been a sweltering (for West L.A. so don't @ me desert-dwellers) with temps in the 90s and 86º in the house during the day. I've had a fan of one type or another pointed at me for the last 3 days and the plants are showing signs of heat stress on the leaves. I did manage to take some trichome shots early Saturday morning, but enough are the pics. :surf:

Summer grow this morning on flip day 66, and the last time you'll see them both together:

CapJunky featured:

The CJ can come down at any time as it has pretty much stopped drinking (even in the heat), and I probably would have taken it down yesterday if it hadn't been hot as blazes. I might try to do a night chop tomorrow just to get it washed and hung, and given the amount of sugar on the leaves this could be my first dry trim. We'll see...

Purple Ghost Candy featured:

PGC is still drinking a bit so it lives on, at least until this weekend.

Now let's look at the trichomes from Saturday (flip day 64), starting with the CJ:

Here's the PGC:

And finally, The Wizard auto:

Given the heat I've been watering TWa daily so it's hard to tell how much it's drinking, but it should be cooling off tomorrow so that will give me a better idea on when to snip that one.

That's all from my sticky neck of the woods! I hope you're all having a great last few weeks of summer, and thanks for cruising thrui. ☀️


We're gonna need pics of those festivities for sure!

I certainly get that, and the Candida at my house is strictly for oil.

:thanks: BL! I bet if you overlaid all of yours and my charts they'd pretty much look the same.

Thanks con!
Monday update! It's been a sweltering (for West L.A. so don't @ me desert-dwellers) with temps in the 90s and 86º in the house during the day. I've had a fan of one type or another pointed at me for the last 3 days and the plants are showing signs of heat stress on the leaves. I did manage to take some trichome shots early Saturday morning, but enough are the pics. :surf:

Summer grow this morning on flip day 66, and the last time you'll see them both together:

CapJunky featured:

The CJ can come down at any time as it has pretty much stopped drinking (even in the heat), and I probably would have taken it down yesterday if it hadn't been hot as blazes. I might try to do a night chop tomorrow just to get it washed and hung, and given the amount of sugar on the leaves this could be my first dry trim. We'll see...

Purple Ghost Candy featured:

PGC is still drinking a bit so it lives on, at least until this weekend.

Now let's look at the trichomes from Saturday (flip day 64), starting with the CJ:

Here's the PGC:

And finally, The Wizard auto:

Given the heat I've been watering TWa daily so it's hard to tell how much it's drinking, but it should be cooling off tomorrow so that will give me a better idea on when to snip that one.

That's all from my sticky neck of the woods! I hope you're all having a great last few weeks of summer, and thanks for cruising thrui. ☀️


We're gonna need pics of those festivities for sure!

I certainly get that, and the Candida at my house is strictly for oil.

:thanks: BL! I bet if you overlaid all of yours and my charts they'd pretty much look the same.

Thanks con!
Stay hydrated and cool Shedster. CL🍀
Thanks marcus!
i want cj!
First we'll see if it gets anyone high. ;)
Damn!! Plants look great!!!!
Sorry about the heat! We are back in the mid 80°s here and I just shut the windows and turned on the AC
Thank you Ke0ncp! Still 87º at home now at 4:30 but I'm in an air conditioned office. :) Hope it cools off before I leave.
Looking good even with the heat. 🍋
Thanks Keith, and the heat baking the trichomes made the backyard smell divine! I hope there's some smell left at harvest. :rolleyes:
Man Shed the ladies look frosty. Love those trichome pictures. Hopefully things cool down for you and the ladies.
Thank you RR! Cool and sunny would be a welcome relief.
Stay hydrated and cool Shedster. CL🍀
Oh damn, a visit from the Captain! Thanks for stopping by, and this weekend was filled with water, V8, and seltzer (not all together).
Full fat and loaded with sugar! Every wo/mans dream
Appreciate it GV, and for covering all the possibilities as well!
Shit honky The way I get trichomes packed on my plants when I grow we can call that cj a fuzzy navel.,.. I believe Captain junkie would be wonders in a scrog....
Fuzzy is the calling card of the CapJunky, so I'm hoping my version lives up to the hype. Everyone else grows it indoors.
Lookin great Shed especially the Cap Junky! She has a pretty purple hue and all that frost makes her look like you dipped her in sugar! The Purple Ghost Candy is no
Slouch either :welldone:
I’ve only seen a handful of the PGC from this comparative that actually have had purple!!!

I’m hoping I get some, just like your CJ, my PGC has had purple stems almost from the beginning it seems like.
Thanks N, I got purple on the CJ but not on the Purple Ghost Candy...funny that! The CJ has had purple stems from a very early age, so it must be in the blood. 💜
Never would have guessed the CJ had purple stems I may have missed a page or 2 lol
Thanks marcus!

First we'll see if it gets anyone high. ;)

Thank you Ke0ncp! Still 87º at home now at 4:30 but I'm in an air conditioned office. :) Hope it cools off before I leave.

Thanks Keith, and the heat baking the trichomes made the backyard smell divine! I hope there's some smell left at harvest. :rolleyes:

Thank you RR! Cool and sunny would be a welcome relief.

Oh damn, a visit from the Captain! Thanks for stopping by, and this weekend was filled with water, V8, and seltzer (not all together).

Appreciate it GV, and for covering all the possibilities as well!

Fuzzy is the calling card of the CapJunky, so I'm hoping my version lives up to the hype. Everyone else grows it indoors.
with your skills i say sky high! Sour g!

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