InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Okay, disregard my "okay." It probably wasn't a fair assessment. I've only used it once and I'm not even certain I was using it properly. I only used moderate pressure when brushing. To me, it seemed to leave a lot of the small, dry sugar leaves that I was trying to brush off. Things could have been better -- maybe -- had I applied a little more pressure. I reserve the right to amend my "review" after further use.

I know Stone from 420 only and -- at my age -- I'm much too cautious to even "feel" like I know him personally (I've got skin in the game and my neck is always on a swivel.). But I feel like I do know him, if that makes any sense. So I'll amend my previous statement: "I suspect I like is so much because no one that lives near me has one!" :)
So one thing about the brush. The plant has to be good and dry. When you touch a leaf it needs to be brittle enough to snap off without much brushing at all. I tried it a day or two early and that wasn't good so I hung them again for a few days. After that it went well.
Highya SO,

On the deer discussion, I use dill, basil, cilantro planted near where they come up a trail. That keeps them away all summer. after I harvested the herbs, the deer came back and ate to tops off the beets, but never touch my cannabis. Happy Smokin'
Highya SO,

On the deer discussion, I use dill, basil, cilantro planted near where they come up a trail. That keeps them away all summer. after I harvested the herbs, the deer came back and ate to tops off the beets, but never touch my cannabis. Happy Smokin'
That's a simple deterrent Bode! I like it! Thanks!
You're going to love the CJ Shedster.. Smoking a J now of it! You definitely don't need much of it, very strong smoke but energizing in a way.
Had that cut over a year and this is my last grow with her because I don't keep mother's, just repetitive cloning which she is still holding up great.
Well done on her bro, she looks great 👍
:ciao: all you deer haters! I was checking on the two Candida germination tests that have been flowering outside and one of them looked like the top had some rot. I started pulling off the dead flower bits and found an interloper:

Must have been there a while to get that big! I plucked it off and tossed in the huge Jasmine bush on the other side of the garden where it can eat whatever it likes.

top of the day to Mr. Sheddy & the Shedster’s
Sheddy and the Shedsters, another band name!

Add that to the list of "What Shed Said" and "Rectangular Cuboid of Dankness."
They swear by drilling small hole in the little bars of Dial soap and tie wire hanging them at the ends of every row
When I had Covid a few years back, my first indication was that when I went to pee in the middle of the night I noticed the bathroom did not smell like Dial. :)
Okay, disregard my "okay." It probably wasn't a fair assessment. I've only used it once and I'm not even certain I was using it properly. I only used moderate pressure when brushing. To me, it seemed to leave a lot of the small, dry sugar leaves that I was trying to brush off. Things could have been better -- maybe -- had I applied a little more pressure. I reserve the right to amend my "review" after further use.
Fair enough but do let us know when/if you try it again.
Or carry apples and throw them in view but out of way
As John Mulaney said in his Street Smarts bit (Kid Gorgeous): "You want it? Go get it!"
I threw stinky rotten potatoes at them which they didn't like and walked off...
Solid solution. :welldone:
Probably, though try it on both to see. They look scrumptious!
Thanks Otter, maybe I'll do that!
So one thing about the brush. The plant has to be good and dry. When you touch a leaf it needs to be brittle enough to snap off without much brushing at all. I tried it a day or two early and that wasn't good so I hung them again for a few days. After that it went well.
Do the leaves get that dry while the bud is still damp enough to jar and burp? I've never had leaves on a dried flower before. 🤷‍♂️
On the deer discussion, I use dill, basil, cilantro planted near where they come up a trail. That keeps them away all summer. after I harvested the herbs, the deer came back and ate to tops off the beets, but never touch my cannabis.
The cilantro alone would keep me away. :cough:
You're going to love the CJ Shedster.. Smoking a J now of it! You definitely don't need much of it, very strong smoke but energizing in a way. Had that cut over a year and this is my last grow with her because I don't keep mother's, just repetitive cloning which she is still holding up great. Well done on her bro, she looks great
I sure hope so Sparkey, and I'm glad those clones are still going strong!
How did you get him to pose like that?


That is an Incredible shot!
Book Worthy! ❤️
:ciao: all you deer haters! I was checking on the two Candida germination tests that have been flowering outside and one of them looked like the top had some rot. I started pulling off the dead flower bits and found an interloper:

Must have been there a while to get that big! I plucked it off and tossed in the huge Jasmine bush on the other side of the garden where it can eat whatever it likes.


Sheddy and the Shedsters, another band name!

Add that to the list of "What Shed Said" and "Rectangular Cuboid of Dankness."

When I had Covid a few years back, my first indication was that when I went to pee in the middle of the night I noticed the bathroom did not smell like Dial. :)

Fair enough but do let us know when/if you try it again.

As John Mulaney said in his Street Smarts bit (Kid Gorgeous): "You want it? Go get it!"

Solid solution. :welldone:

Thanks Otter, maybe I'll do that!

Do the leaves get that dry while the bud is still damp enough to jar and burp? I've never had leaves on a dried flower before. 🤷‍♂️

The cilantro alone would keep me away. :cough:

I sure hope so Sparkey, and I'm glad those clones are still going strong!
holy shit! that little bugger must be fried look at the trichs on it Lol! great pic Shed & good catch
holy shit! that little bugger must be fried look at the trichs on it Lol! great pic Shed & good catch
LOL thanks con!
He certainly has the “munchies”!
And he's got a few layers of fat to prove it. o_O
What a great shot Shed, and well caught!
Thank you Carmen!
That is a very good picture. 🍋
Thanks Keith, and it's easy with a slow moving subject. :)
They did on PGC. We'll have to see about more leafy plants.
On the plus side the RH is no longer in the 20s here, so I should get a slower dry. But I found a few little caterpillars on the CapJunky this morning (then I sprayed them both with castille and BT) so I'll still have to go over it carefully when it comes down, trimmers or no.
I don't hate them, I find them yummy! Cute too!
When in doubt, get worms...gotcha. :) Thanks budnoob!
All joking aside, worms are natures true miracle. They manage their own population, deliver nothing but goodness to the garden and make everything better just being themselves- put them everywhere and see for yourselves !!!!
People laugh at me about the worms and all purpose unbleached flour stuff but laugh all you want,?grandpas tricks have saved lives and made some of the best smoke ever so keep laughing till you prove me wrong :)
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