InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

That's Boy!
My GF and I giggled like little school girls tonight. Out enjoying the early September evening. I love the giggle weed!
I can’t even believe what a great day it’s been for the mondayest Tuesday ever. Perfect weather, laughing and joking around all day. Only drawback is the sore tummy from laughing all day :)
That's Boy!
My GF and I giggled like little school girls tonight. Out enjoying the early September evening. I love the giggle weed!
That is awesome:)

My wife often “loses feeling” on the back of her head. So I know she has arrived when I see here patting the back of her head and we both bust into laughter that can turn into and episode LOL
That is awesome:)

My wife often “loses feeling” on the back of her head. So I know she has arrived when I see here patting the back of her head and we both bust into laughter that can turn into and episode LOL
That's fantastic!
Morning In The Shed and company . Sorry for the long delay coming to say high but just did a factory reset on my phone so I thought I'd stop in while it's still safe . Can't lose these hackers except through factory reset , only temporary.
Headed to put a final on my last grow boy was that a nightmare of hermies.
Wednesday update with plant pics! I forgot to get an overhead shot of the CapJunky in case you notice it missing. 🤷‍♂️

Herewith is the Summer grow on flip day 61:

Purple Ghost Candy feature pics:

CapJunky feature pics:

This is one of the CJ pollinated flowers:

It's been about 40 days, and I have no idea where the seeds are because it was so small when I pollinated it. This is what it looked like at the time on flip day 21:


Seems like I'll be digging around in those flowers to find the seeds at harvest.

And finally, The Wizard auto on day 74 above ground:

@Justin Goody how many days does a full-sized version of this plant tend to go? It's still drinking with its 4 or 5 roots (I'll show them at harvest) so I figure not yet, but I'm curious.

I'll scope the big ones again this weekend, but @beez0404 said his CJ's run around 68-71 days indoors. That would mean chopping the following weekend if the timing is the same. PGC seem to run from 71 (Otter) to 106 days (P9 :eek:) so a look at the trichs could be helpful there.

I give them 1/2 gallon/day most of the time, and a full gallon each if it's going to be a hot one like today. They definitely don't drink like my big ones that veg closer to 100 days rather than ~70 for these two, which makes it harder for me to gauge when they're slowing down. On the plus side I'm not sick of looking at them yet. :)

That's it from me, and thanks for cruising through. :cool:

Hey Shed you can add me to the list. It's the best!
Will do!
I can’t even believe what a great day it’s been for the mondayest Tuesday ever. Perfect weather, laughing and joking around all day. Only drawback is the sore tummy from laughing all day
Working that core in the best possible way. :thumb:
Perfect weather here too. We wait all summer here for days like today. It really is better in September.
We usually get at least one heat wave in September but I hope this one isn't it. I could use some warmth for a few more weeks.
That is awesome
My wife often “loses feeling” on the back of her head. So I know she has arrived when I see here patting the back of her head and we both bust into laughter that can turn into and episode LOL
Wait what? I'd love a neurologist's take on that one.
Morning In The Shed and company . Sorry for the long delay coming to say high but just did a factory reset on my phone so I thought I'd stop in while it's still safe . Can't lose these hackers except through factory reset , only temporary.
Headed to put a final on my last grow boy was that a nightmare of hermies.
:ciao: WH! It's always a good day when you cruise through with a proof-of-life post. You know how I worry. Sorry about the hermies but the seeds smash in the press too!
My full size versions go for 75-80 days (90 if they are huge) so you’re about there.
Thanks! I'll take a look when I scope the big ones this weekend but it's still dry every other day so I figure there's some time.
CJ looking awesome, as they do. Tough to beat her balance/strength/taste combo (for me)
I'm looking forward to being able to pass the CJ around to get some feedback. Just in time for a Halloween handout?
A lovely trio, Shed, even the little auto!

It's prolly best to ask Justin about when she might be done. Not a lot of leeway for testers from that one!

I forgot to get an overhead shot of the CapJunky in case you notice it missing.
You could have gotten most of the overhead by shooting from the side! She's leaning like she's posing for it. :)
A lovely trio, Shed, even the little auto!
Thank you GDB, and the auto might even be two joints in the end!
It's prolly best to ask Justin about when she might be done. Not a lot of leeway for testers from that one!
He beat you to it. ↓↓↓
My full size versions go for 75-80 days (90 if they are huge) so you’re about there.

You could have gotten most of the overhead by shooting from the side! She's leaning like she's posing for it.
Leaning like I wasted a lot of money on silica I'd say, just like every other outside plant I've grown! It could make for an excellent flop though.
Thank you GDB, and the auto might even be two joints in the end!

He beat you to it. ↓↓↓

Leaning like I wasted a lot of money on silica I'd say, just like every other outside plant I've grown! It could make for an excellent flop though.
He beat me to it?!

You had already asked him by the time I made my comment!
@Justin Goody how many days does a full-sized version of this plant tend to go? It's still drinking with its 4 or 5 roots (I'll show them at harvest) so I figure not yet, but I'm curious.
You sure you don't partake, Shed? :)
Wednesday update with plant pics! I forgot to get an overhead shot of the CapJunky in case you notice it missing. 🤷‍♂️

Herewith is the Summer grow on flip day 61:

Purple Ghost Candy feature pics:

CapJunky feature pics:

This is one of the CJ pollinated flowers:

It's been about 40 days, and I have no idea where the seeds are because it was so small when I pollinated it. This is what it looked like at the time on flip day 21:


Seems like I'll be digging around in those flowers to find the seeds at harvest.

And finally, The Wizard auto on day 74 above ground:

@Justin Goody how many days does a full-sized version of this plant tend to go? It's still drinking with its 4 or 5 roots (I'll show them at harvest) so I figure not yet, but I'm curious.

I'll scope the big ones again this weekend, but @beez0404 said his CJ's run around 68-71 days indoors. That would mean chopping the following weekend if the timing is the same. PGC seem to run from 71 (Otter) to 106 days (P9 :eek:) so a look at the trichs could be helpful there.

I give them 1/2 gallon/day most of the time, and a full gallon each if it's going to be a hot one like today. They definitely don't drink like my big ones that veg closer to 100 days rather than ~70 for these two, which makes it harder for me to gauge when they're slowing down. On the plus side I'm not sick of looking at them yet. :)

That's it from me, and thanks for cruising through. :cool:


Will do!

Working that core in the best possible way. :thumb:

We usually get at least one heat wave in September but I hope this one isn't it. I could use some warmth for a few more weeks.

Wait what? I'd love a neurologist's take on that one.

:ciao: WH! It's always a good day when you cruise through with a proof-of-life post. You know how I worry. Sorry about the hermies but the seeds smash in the

press too!
I was always afraid of the seeds in the press you know how bad it taste in a joint . I'm sure some seeds snuck in there .
Wished I'd never smoked cigarettes life would be so much better .

Girls are looking great . Good luck on new seeds .
Fantastic plants Shed. 🍋
Thanks Keith!
He beat me to it?!
You had already asked him by the time I made my comment!
I was actually trying not to make it obvious. ;)
I was always afraid of the seeds in the press you know how bad it taste in a joint . I'm sure some seeds snuck in there .
Wished I'd never smoked cigarettes life would be so much better.
Would the seeds have any effect on the rosin? I would think they would just get crushed and nothing more.
Girls are looking great . Good luck on new seeds .
Thank you WH! There won't be many seeds if they're in there, but I'm hoping for a few CapJunky x Candida and Purple Ghost Candy x Candida in case anyone is interested.
Your plants are looking fan-frikin-tastic!!!

Wait what? I'd love a neurologist's take on that one.
I’ve been telling her she needs to have her head checked for years!!! It never gets a good response LOL
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