InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Welcome to page 1800 everyone! Thanks for being here. :green_heart:

...I get the feeling you would be successful in whatever direction your calling brought you... ...cheerz......h00k...
That's a very kind thing to say. Thank you h00k!
Ha! It's becoming something...
I gave her @Derbybud 's root coring treatment yesterday to see if it might help- poked about 60 holes in the SIP soil....seemed fairly compacted, so we'll see....
Well I hope that fixes whatever is troubling it, but I lose a "few" leaves in flower too. Not sure if anyone really noticed what's missing from flip day 3 to flip day 53. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Not sure if anyone really noticed what's missing between flip day 3 and flip day 53. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Well, when you put it that way.... 😄 ...yeah, I'm probably whining about nothing...nothing I can do anything about anyhow..I'm just going to watch her do her thing from here on- trying to fix her any more will probably cause more problems than solutions...
For me, when in doubt add worms :) aeration, nutrient availability etc it’s always my first go too. Don’t know about SIP but I suspect it will work well for most scenarios.
Heya Shedster!!! Those outside girls are looking phat my man!!! The Wendy's frosty order comment had me cracking up!! Whatcha smoking on today? I got some venom runtz im gonna try with my brother. Smells good. Hope your Saturday is goin good buddy!! 😎✌️
Heya Shedster!!! Those outside girls are looking phat my man!!! The Wendy's frosty order comment had me cracking up!! Whatcha smoking on today? I got some venom runtz im gonna try with my brother. Smells good. Hope your Saturday is goin good buddy!!
Thanks Scottay, and a happy Tuesday to you! Opening weekend of college football so I watched the Michigan, UCLA, and Oregon games. All closer than I was hoping but they all came out on top. :thumb:
Hey folks! Didn't get any pics outside this morning but I did take some tiny testers off each of the Summer grow plants:
Tuesday update

CapJunky and Purple Ghost Candy are both on flip day 60 so I thought I would let these dry for a day and then have the missus try them out.

Other than that, not much going on other than the waiting game. Thanks for stopping by and I'll post some plant pics next time. :)
Hey folks! Didn't get any pics outside this morning but I did take some tiny testers off each of the Summer grow plants:
Tuesday update

CapJunky and Purple Ghost Candy are both on flip day 60 so I thought I would let these dry for a day and then have the missus try them out.

Other than that, not much going on other than the waiting game. Thanks for stopping by and I'll post some plant pics next time. :)
Love the sentiment, personally I’d dry a little more slowly for her, about a week in a paper bag at least to avoid skewing the opinion based on harshness of a quick dry :) cheers
Both look nice and sticky buddy!! Hellyeah!!
Thanks Scottay! Both plants are really sticky and they each smell like their own version of sweet. I'm hoping at harvest I'll be able to put a better name to that but describing scents isn't my (or my family's) strong suits.
Love the sentiment, personally I’d dry a little more slowly for her, about a week in a paper bag at least to avoid skewing the opinion based on harshness of a quick dry
That would be a good idea if I was handing it to a friend to try, but I just tell my wife to ignore the green and the harsh and tell me how it hits. Most times I just take it off the plant, flash dry it in a toaster canoe, and have her test within the hour! :)

Enjoying a nice stoogie and some Barbados rum with a few bootheels under my belt. It really is better in September.
I’m pretty baked now too :bongrip:
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