InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

:ciao: Age! I moved my reply over to your thread so as not to have to cross post.
Hi Agemon clawing like that (& dark green leaves) usually mean a nitrogen toxicity, to much nitrogen

The clawing looks to have stopped already as the very top growth seems fine. I would agree with Con and say that it was a nitrogen issue though how that happened, I can't say. Looks like a nice plant though.

Thank you all, I will keep my thumbs crossed, hope for the best and feed slowly. I'm not seeing hairs yet so hopefully some recovery time before the onset of flower.

The deer on one of the golf courses I play at will not move out of your way. If the deer is right next to where your ball landed, you have to move your ball if the deer is in your line of sight, because the deer won't friggin' move! :Rasta:
My freezer would be stocked full of backstrap if the deer were that tame around here.
🦌💚 🔪 No one will hear the shots. 🤫😘
While we wait for Carcass to reappear 🔭 here's the CapJunky harvest update!

I scoped the trichomes on all three flowering plants and found that the CJ had the fewest clear, so yesterday was chop day (flip day 72 after 70 days in veg).

Here it was just before I got out the snips:

Here's the flop pic, and I was actually expecting more flop than this:

I saved about 10 ladybugs during the (plain water only) wash process and put them back on the bones while they dried off, but I think they flew away before I took this pic:

Here are the flowers after the wash:

I trimmed them myself while I watched the Chiefs game, leaving a lot of the sugar leaves on this time, so most of what's here are the smooth fans and some now-dead caterpillars:

And here is the drying box with the results:

I pointed a fan at the lower holes and left it on overnight, but today I moved it to be on for 30 minutes every 3 hours to make sure they don't dry too quickly. RH in the garage (where the box is) is around 55%, and not being home during the day makes me want to err on the side of caution.

I hope you all had a great weekend and your teams either won or put up a performance that bodes well for the future. :high-five:

Excellent harvest, CapJunky looked amazing!:high-five::thumb::Namaste::woohoo: The height you reached and all that dragging in and out… paying off very ver nicely!:drool::jawdropper::drool::high-five::bravo:

PS I’m sure there are more out there, but you are the first person I have seen using boxes to initially dry your herb! That’s exactly what I used in my first grow here and plan on doing again. I love it! Only difference is that I use clothes line to hang in my boxes. My strings drooped on me.
Over the counter or do it yourself recipes
Any organic option will work in both cases, even inorganic will work but I avoid non organic options personally
Over the counter or do it yourself recipes
Great thanks. I am aware of the efficacy of citric acid sprays. I am now particularly interested in Shed's experiments with the canola oil spray.
And when I grew in SOUTH, even outdoor plants had a fan on them for flower, Mother Nature can be brutal as much as it’s beautiful down there…
Great thanks. I am aware of the efficacy of citric acid sprays. I am now particularly interested in Shed's experiments with the canola oil spray.
I suspect it will work as long as citric acid is a component thereof.
She should be.named Capt. Chunky, nice fat lady
I wish my garage was ever 55 rh and not the normal 80 plus ha
Thanks Tim! I actually put the Vicks Vaporizer in there to raise the RH since it was drying too quickly.
I think I remember you Keeping her tidy as she grew just leaving the fan leaves though? I do a pre flip trim so she looks naked but come mid flower she's burst out buds all the way down even by the dirt! So surprised you don't have that either. Maybe that should be another selling point of self lollypoppin strains
That I do: branches go but fans remain, but the self-lollipopping is completely unintentional :rolleyes:
Damn…. Budzilla i can smell it from here
LOL thanks 70s!
good luck with the divorce, i had one of those about 10yrs ago, not easy even when its easy, which mine was not.
Not me, Agemon. I just celebrated 31 years last week. :love:
Been married 10yrs now to a wonderful person, it comes around
:welldone: on finding the best Mrs 70s!
I hate mean women sorry man ,, Nice looking harvest Shed , hard to patient something you don't know LOL
I hate mean people generally. ;) Thanks sb!
Yeah, my wife during harvest time! Running to me like I can control the smell in the house..
Har! My wife, who never complains about my growing (since it's for her), said that the day after harvest the garage smelled like piss and left the door open. That's when I shut it and added the vaporizer. 🤷‍♂️

That smell is gone today luckily.
Excellent harvest, CapJunky looked amazing! The height you reached and all that dragging in and out… paying off very ver nicely!
Thank you Granny! Dragging would probably wear out the bottoms of the cloth bags, so I'm a schlepper. That's my daily workout. 💪
PS I’m sure there are more out there, but you are the first person I have seen using boxes to initially dry your herb! That’s exactly what I used in my first grow here and plan on doing again. I love it! Only difference is that I use clothes line to hang in my boxes. My strings drooped on me.
I first saw a high end drying box here and completely scaled it down for my uses. And I tape the excess string to the outside of the box to keep the lines taut. You can see my build post here:

Shed, does the canola oil prevent pm?
I try not to spray anything as a preventative, so I only know that it's effective on visible PM. It would be hard to prove a negative unless I was running a multi-plant test.
Any citric acid spray including OTC or DIY will help in this regard… and proper airflow. I suspect it will work as long as citric acid is a component thereof.
I found the damage from citric acid more than I wanted to see on the plant, and there's no citric acid in the canola oil spray. If you haven't seen my post on it I think it's worth a read!
And when I grew in SOUTH, even outdoor plants had a fan on them for flower, Mother Nature can be brutal as much as it’s beautiful down there…
Everywhere you grow outside there's gonna be something that's a pain in the ass! 🍑
And to help dispel any myths about not getting buds wet, I’ve always used foliar sprays with no ill effects when using citric acid weekly as well whether indoors or outdoors. Trick with indoors is making sure rh is close to 50%, lights aren’t too close and temp is as close to 70° as possible and proper airflow for flower which varies for strain/cultivar but in general those values will keep you safe for most of what were growing, incidentally very similar to what you want for drying…
To your point, less is more for me always, we all have a tendency to overdue everything in the beginning, a light spray is more than what’s required :)
Oh, and keep any foliar feeds to night or very early am at least 3 hours before sunrise. Don’t want any wet leaves under full sun!!! Never want that!
To your point, less is more for me always, we all have a tendency to overdue everything in the beginning, a light spray is more than what’s required
I didn't have much PM in flower this summer, but the Purple Ghost Candy showed a few leaves here and there. Rather than spray the whole plant I just did those leaves and it never spread.

@KeithLemon is using the canola oil spray on all three of his plants now and is having good results.
Yeah, like. I haven't seen the sun yet in the UK this year. Plenty of water though🧜‍♀️🐳💦🫖🏊‍♂️⛵🚾🏴‍☠️🇬🇧
:welldone: finding all those water emojis Professor! And we don't even have WC's here in the states. :)
Oh, and keep any foliar feeds to night or very early am at least 3 hours before sunrise. Don’t want any wet leaves under full sun!!! Never want that!
I get my spraying done when the sun is really low in the evening sky, since by the time I'm awake the sun is already hot in the morning.
What happens then?
It can brown the pistils.
Rainy days are the only exception to those statements, if you expect rain close to feeding, go nuts an hour or so before rain starts
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