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What happens then?
If I spray during sun/lights on I can fully expect to see burning of leaves in my experience and know it’s my own darned fault :)
Most of what I say is crap we all have to learn on our own. Which is all well and good as long as we all learn it eventually. Save yourself some pain and learn what we know, just as we try to learn and know what you know. Don’t let any of us get stuck in the trap of trying to diagnose deficiencies or overfeeding symptoms that are based entirely on environment vs the opposite. Reduce variables and focus on helpful things like @Bill284 layering method which promises to be greatest thing for us since invention of bread in my opinion is goal!
I can speak on the canola oil I got PM early with my plant. I used neem before flower but once it starts to flower, I used citric acid once and thought I had it under control. Now I have been spraying all 3 plants and it is working but for me I have to spray at least every other day. My flowers look great all white pistils no browning at all. So for me it works as long as I keep at it. :thumb: 🍋
If I spray during sun/lights on I can fully expect to see burning of leaves in my experience and know it’s my own darned fault :)
Once, someone convinced me that it was a good idea to spray my entire plant with milk. I can tell you that it's not. At least not an indoor plant with grow lights. It got a bit messy and smelly.
Thanks Tim! I actually put the Vicks Vaporizer in there to raise the RH since it was drying too quickly.
Interesting. How.much does it raise humidity? Does the vapor rub smell take away from the cannabis smell?
If I spray during sun/lights on I can fully expect to see burning of leaves in my experience and know it’s my own darned fault
I've sprayed neem in full Los Angeles sun and never burned a leaf, so there's that. Pistils on the other hand will burn from the sun when wet.
I can speak on the canola oil I got PM early with my plant. I used neem before flower but once it starts to flower, I used citric acid once and thought I had it under control. Now I have been spraying all 3 plants and it is working but for me I have to spray at least every other day. My flowers look great all white pistils no browning at all. So for me it works as long as I keep at it. 🍋
:thanks: Keith!
Once, someone convinced me that it was a good idea to spray my entire plant with milk. I can tell you that it's not. At least not an indoor plant with grow lights. It got a bit messy and smelly.
Oof. I tried milk for PM and not only didn't it work for me but it went from smelling like nice cannabis to a broken fridge full of food. Never again!
Interesting. How.much does it raise humidity? Does the vapor rub smell take away from the cannabis smell?
LOL no vapor rub, just the vaporizer! Pure unscented steam, and I put it right behind the fan that's aimed at the holes in box. It raised the RH of the air coming out of the box by about 6% so I backed it up a bit.
Once, someone convinced me that it was a good idea to spray my entire plant with milk. I can tell you that it's not. At least not an indoor plant with grow lights. It got a bit messy and smelly.
I did it on my plant and have dried milk all over my leaves. Live and learn. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
You guys should check out post on fishcakes and tunes about growing with milk vs orange juice. Not recommended but hysterical all the same :)
Once, someone convinced me that it was a good idea to spray my entire plant with milk. I can tell you that it's not. At least not an indoor plant with grow lights. It got a bit messy and smelly.
Was that a certain fellow uk 420 member from years past that recommended that? I’m pretty sure I remember him doing the milk sprays lol
I will never recommend milk or orange juice sprays but in a pinch I’ll admit to tums dissolved in warm water for a quick indoor Ca fix. Some of the bro science crap does work :)
Once, someone convinced me that it was a good idea to spray my entire plant with milk. I can tell you that it's not. At least not an indoor plant with grow lights. It got a bit messy and smelly.
I believe you said:
[He] advised me to spray my plants using milk at first. It didn't work and it stunk like stale milk in my grow room for the remainder of the grow lol. Don't use milk.

Was that a certain fellow uk 420 member from years past that recommended that? I’m pretty sure I remember him doing the milk sprays
Yes. He loved the milk
Not only that, he was using his wife's beast milk! He had a never ending supply by keeping her pregnant as I recall. o_O
Not only that, he was using his wife's beast milk! He had a never ending supply by keeping her constantly pregnant as I recall. o_O
Oh yes it’s all coming back to me now:rofl:

He was also good for a dirty joke that would make you blush!
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