InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Sunday's double post starts here if you missed it!

Thanks Scottay! Stop by between 6 and 9pm...we'll be sitting on the front porch handing out candy to the kids and weed to our friends. :thumb:
I soooooo soooo much would like to burn one up with you (and several others on here) Truly so many funny and kind people on here. You're alright for a stoner!! 💯😎✌️🎶
Thanks Carmen! I moved the drying operation from the garage to my daughter's old room and now the house smells

I've got my rack of branches drying in the basement and even with a HEPA air filter going it is pungent upstairs. The backyard, the back decks, from one end of the house to the other, closest to the garden, smells like skunk almost constantly. I don't remember it smelling so much last harvests...

I've got my rack of branches drying in the basement and even with a HEPA air filter going it is pungent upstairs. The backyard, the back decks, from one end of the house to the other, closest to the garden, smells like skunk almost constantly. I don't remember it smelling so much last harvests...
Nothing better than a house that smells like freshly harvested cannabis I'd say!
Nice haul as always Shed! Most impressive!
Thanks, and thanks for stopping by Rob! :ciao:
Nothing better than a house that smells like freshly harvested cannabis I'd say!

Thanks, and thanks for stopping by Rob! :ciao:
I’ve been stopping by, just been in lurk mode for a while. I’m thinking about starting another one of my amazing journals though… :lot-o-toke: :p
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