InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

First of two Sunday updates and a happy 12/12 day (1st day of Fall to those north of the equator, Spring to those below the belt-line)!

Before I could harvest the PGC yesterday, I had to cut the CapJunky off the lines after a week. When I did that I had to give them a second trim because the sugar leaves definitely were not dry enough to snap off. After a quick post-hang trim:

I bagged them up for burping:

Except for the ones I had pollinated with Candida pollen early in flower:

It took some digging, but here's what I ended up with:

I think that's around 35 viable seeds, with the rest either pale or deformed. They're sitting in a jar with the lid off to dry.

And the RH in the bags of buds was too high, so I dumped them in a box with a mini dehumidifier:

Before I go to sleep I'll bag them up again and see how they are in the morning.

That's the CJ update, and here's the PGC harvest... ↓↓↓↓
awesome job.
Sunday harvest update!

Saturday was chop day for the Purple Ghost Candy (flip day 78 after 73 days in veg), so let's take a final look at that:

Here it is after I pulled off the pipe cleaners, with a bit of flop:

I washed the flowers in plain warm tap water:

And here are the bones:

After another round of solo trimming (during the very close Michigan/USC game...go BLUE!), I hung them in the box to dry:

I did my normal trim so that I don't have to mess with a second trim next weekend. :)

The ambient RH has been in the upper 60s today so the fan remains on continuously, and I'll play it by ear for the rest of the week.

That leaves me with The Wizard auto (still) and a Candida mother (which I really need to take cuttings from to start again). I'll get some pics of those later this week.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope your day of 12/12 was equally fun and relaxing. 🏖️


Thank you Captain! I do hope it gets someone high. 🤞

The RH by me is usually higher than 62%, so most of the time it's the dehuey I'm digging around for.

:thanks: for all the anniversary wishes. I passed them along to the missus and she says thanks as well!
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