InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I'm no expert at all but I would probably put holes in the milk jug for air
Or take it off a couple times a day? When I used an upside down Ziploc bag, I didn't add holes but I kept it very loose and open

It's not a perfect seal at the bottom but I plan on airing it out at least once a day for the first few days. I'll see how it's doing from there and probably punch a few holes in the top with each passing day. I'm betting the plastic bag will just have mold in it when I open it :)

Sunday afternoon in the clone box, and the status quo prevails. To wit:

1. Newer Gold Leaf looks pretty good and got a little out-of-the-box time as part of the transition to life in the shed/sun. This plant has a weird, almost spog-like shape so I will again be looking for advice on topping.

2. Older Gold Leaf looks like this:


which is to say about the same as it has been looking lately. Neither dead nor alive, neither hopeful nor hopeless.

3. Mystery seed is not fuzzy, but looks no different than the day I received it (and the seed on the DVR describes up the same):


The AK-47 cuttings from yesterday got their leaves sprayed and I also spritzed the inside of the milk-jug before I covered them up again. The plastic bag remains unopened as promised.

I hope your Sunday is going well!

So looks like my choice of #5 might be up next for germination? Can't wait to see what's in the clone mystery bag. I feel like we're in a perpetual waiting room here. Just ongoing anticipation we got here. ;)

I can't tell which was #5 anymore but I can tell you that the seed in the bowl and the one on the DVR in paper towel are the last two mystery seeds. I don't have high hopes for either after all the soaking they've been through :-O

Or just smash them out of frustration! Hopefully you'll catch a break on the clones. Speaking of which, I noticed that in my Bubbalator Clonatron 3000 that the cutting that rooted first is the one that didn't have the cut end in the water. It made me wonder if that's a thing.

Or just smash them out of frustration! Hopefully you'll catch a break on the clones. Speaking of which, I noticed that in my Bubbalator Clonatron 3000 that the cutting that rooted first is the one that didn't have the cut end in the water. It made me wonder if that's a thing.

Sounds like more testing would be needed and given that you are in sole possession of the Bubbalator Clonatron 3000, that job is in your hands.

I've got the AK-47 clone that I just topped so that's one, and it looks like I may not have killed the newer Gold Leaf yet so I may have one of each after all. Not yet though, no kibosh being put on anything. Just wishful thinking at this point! Of course, I didn't actually get those to root so I may be able to grow rooted clones, just not do actual cloning YET!

If I went down the hydro/aero cloning road I'd build this:

Monday in the clone box and nothing dead lately! That's always a good sign. Also, I made it to work alive, which is important because I was carrying the envelope with my life insurance premium so I could mail it today :).

Clone box:


The AK-47 tops that live under the milk jug? Still green!


Gold Leaf older is not dead, not alive. This box houses Schrödinger's clone:


And the newer Gold Leaf, which has been getting a few hours a day on top of the box. Colder yes, but dryer as well. So far so good:


AK-47 transplanted clone is doing fine, and the seeds are doing absolutely nothing :).

High ITS,

All but one clone is looking alright. I'm thinking you may have a handle on the clone problem. Always a bonus when we master something that seems difficult!

High ITS, All but one clone is looking alright. I'm thinking you may have a handle on the clone problem. Always a bonus when we master something that seems difficult!

I appreciate the support! Not sure I can say I've mastered anything yet but I feel like with everyone's help I've gotten off the starting line (to mix metaphors!) :)

I can see new growth on a couple of those! The not dead one, I'd probably keep treating it like the others until it decides to live (or not)

As long as it doesn't look like the ones I've tossed before I'll keep it. Once it looks like an Alaskan twig in January it goes. I already have one living AK-47 clone (not one I rooted) and the cuttings from that under the milk jug, and whatever might be in the plastic bag. If it looks dead, it's dead to me.

Good luck on the cloning. It can be such a crap shoot sometimes. It's all about trying different methods imo and finding out what works with your setup. Happy growing!

Acrid Tuesday in Los Angeles today. Fires are burning north of here and in Ventura as well. The sky around my office is grey and the air is smokey, and people are walking around in dust masks. It's weird because it wasn't smokey by my house but I was wearing a P100 respirator this morning when I sprayed the autos with spinosad. Then I drive to work and there are dust masks all over the place! Not that I would have worn the respirator had I's not Halloween :)

I'm not leaving the building but I can smell it inside as well. We're miles away from the fires (and not in any danger) but the wind is blowing the smoke and ash all over LA County.

Quick clone update this morning.





Still green:


The dying Gold Leaf is a shame because it's another one that had roots that I killed, this one probably with too much water. The living Gold Leaf's new leaves look a little crunchy (the old ones obviously do) so its time out of the box is still limited to an hour twice a day. I want to see solid roots coming out of the bottom before I believe it's ready for a transition.

The AK-47 toppings are still green under the milk jug. I uncover them twice a day just to mist the inside of the jug.

Hope your skies are clear and your air breathable!

PM me a shipping address and I'll send you the Bubblator Clonatron 3000 and air pump/stone once I'm done with it. It's working fine, they're all showing roots, but I prefer Ready Rooters and a humidity dome.

edit: It sounds like you're describing typical LA air quality from what I remember back in the 70s/80s. Flying home into either LAX or Burbank it was like landing in a bowl of noxious orange soup.

PM me a shipping address and I'll send you the Bubblator Clonatron 3000 and air pump/stone once I'm done with it. It's working fine, they're all showing roots, but I prefer Ready Rooters and a humidity dome.
edit: It sounds like you're describing typical LA air quality from what I remember back in the 70s/80s. Flying home into either LAX or Burbank it was like landing in a bowl of noxious orange soup.

:thanks: Thanks for the offer Rider! That's very generous of you, but it would definitely take the Y out of DIY. If I go that route I want to make it with my own hands like you did with your [large number of capital letters] water grow system. I appreciate the thought though.

In terms of LA air, it used to be terrible with the smog, but since the SCAQMD [large number of capital letters ;)] and the clean air rules passed in California it is much improved. Very few days/year and many fewer places where they recommend indoor exercise or restrict outside activity. Nowadays it's more often because somewhere nearby is on fire.

Sounds like more testing would be needed and given that you are in sole possession of the Bubbalator Clonatron 3000, that job is in your hands.

I've got the AK-47 clone that I just topped so that's one, and it looks like I may not have killed the newer Gold Leaf yet so I may have one of each after all. Not yet though, no kibosh being put on anything. Just wishful thinking at this point! Of course, I didn't actually get those to root so I may be able to grow rooted clones, just not do actual cloning YET!

If I went down the hydro/aero cloning road I'd build this:

:) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need to make a pale cloner!!!!! This is awesome and would save me so much space once I'm done gearing up for outdoor.
What size pump is in there I'd definitely have to buy a smaller one. I opted for the big pump when I got one, which is great and all but it heats up the water.

Ps. Plane just landed and im here now shed

:) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!I need to make a pale cloner!!!!! This is awesome and would save me so much space once I’m done gearing up for outdoor. What size pump is in there I’d definitely have to buy a smaller one. I opted for the big pump when I got one, which is great and all but it heats up the water.
Ps. Plane just landed and im here now shed

Hope you had a great flight! The pump in the video is an Eco 185 and runs about $23 but I found one at amazon that's a bit smaller for $19. It should still be fine for one little sprinkler head: EcoPlus Fixed Flow Submersible/Inline Water Pump - 158 GPH : Swimming Pool Water Pumps


I'm not building one yet but if I do, it's in my amazon shopping list for later.

Wednesday clone update. By tomorrow I'm going to call this Gold Leaf dead. Any objections????


I was so torn, but I gave the living Gold Leaf some water this morning from the bottom. The leaves were looking crinkly and I felt bad for them. We'll see if I've killed the last chance at a GL clone;


On the other hand, the AK-47 toppings look pretty good for 4 days since they were taken.


I just spray the inside of the jug twice a day. And that's all the air they've gotten other than what gets under the bottom edge. Friday I prop up one corner of the jug to increase air flow. Or should I drill a hole in the top?

Here is the mystery seed, just to prove I have not forgotten to check the cheez-its box. I did forget to check the seed on the DVR, but when I did this morning it looked no different than ever.


I'm going to ask for a few more seeds if he has any, to see if I can get at least 1 to germinate.

Wednesday clone update. By tomorrow I'm going to call this Gold Leaf dead. Any objections????


I was so torn, but I gave the living Gold Leaf some water this morning from the bottom. The leaves were looking crinkly and I felt bad for them. We'll see if I've killed the last chance at a GL clone;


On the other hand, the AK-47 toppings look pretty good for 4 days since they were taken.


I just spray the inside of the jug twice a day. And that's all the air they've gotten other than what gets under the bottom edge. Friday I prop up one corner of the jug to increase air flow. Or should I drill a hole in the top?

Here is the mystery seed, just to prove I have not forgotten to check the cheez-its box. I did forget to check the seed on the DVR, but when I did this morning it looked no different than ever.


I'm going to ask for a few more seeds if he has any, to see if I can get at least 1 to germinate.

Man i got like 50 sour seeds right now. Wish I could give ya some
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