InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I can't believe you're having so much trouble with clones... especially since you inspired me to do it. �� �� Mine are 43 days old and didn't do much the first 3-4 weeks (except grow roots I guess) Just when they started to show signs of upward growth, we left town for 9 days and left my mom in charge �� When we got back they had doubled in size but are both growing 1 and 3 finger leaves. Other than that they appear healthy.

What I did was dip the stem in honey as soon as I cut it (at a sharp angle) and put it directly into very moist coco in a solo cup with holes poked all along the sides and bottom. I used clonex and spayed them daily; a plastic bag covered them for a couple weeks. After the roots hit the bottom, I stopped the clonex and switched to a light feed with HG Flora trio (1/4 strength) and have just upped it to half strength. I also repotted them just before vaca ��

Welcome back! I was wondering where you went after creating your bonsai journal :)

I'm glad I inspired you and you have successful clones! But I have no honey left, nor clonex, nor the ability to not screw up the first, second, third, or maybe fourth times at this! However, I will be topping the transplanted AK-47 this weekend and maybe I'll try cloning the top just to try again! And assuming some of the clones make it out of the box, I can keep perfecting the technique with the bits I'll be taking of in the natural course of pruning.

Never Stop Never Stopping :)

Never Stop Never Stopping :)

That's the main thing Try, try again.... then try some more

I was surprised at how I barely gave the girls a thought while I was out of town. Such a relief to have someone to trust with this delicate task My poor mom was quite nervous about it but she did a stellar job.

Early on I heard (read) that the best thing for plants is to ignore them ☹ and I've tried this as much as possible with the clones.

Quickie update for Thursday. AK-47s in the bowl look pretty meh because of the low RH needed to keep the Gold Leafs alive. No visible roots in either GLs but the new one looks like it should survive and the old one might. I'm thinking of tossing the AKs or putting them in a plastic bag and walking away for a week. Maybe I can get GreenThunder's mom to look after them!


Quickie update for Thursday. AK-47s in the bowl look pretty meh because of the low RH needed to keep the Gold Leafs alive. No visible roots in either GLs but the new one looks like it should survive and the old one might. I'm thinking of tossing the AKs or putting them in a plastic bag and walking away for a week. Maybe I can get GreenThunder's mom to look after them!

Right she did great! Hang tough. My mama g clone from a month ago is finally starting to look healthy and grow! So just keep giving them tlc bud. Hey and you can try the bag! Newty used a little sting to hold the bag up off the plant even. Certianly couldn't hurt!

That's the main thing Try, try again.... then try some more

Early on I heard (read) that the best thing for plants is to ignore them ☹ and I've tried this as much as possible with the clones.

High G.T., Shed,

I believe this is correct. Difficult in practice, though. ;)

Like most of you, it's hard to sit still when it comes to growing. As my autoflowers are pretty much on autopilot they don't take up much time (unlike Moonshine's ;)). So the clones are where all my focus is! Can't sit still! Gotta check for roots!


Anyway, I got home and decided to go the plastic bag route with the AK-47s that look like crap anyway. I tossed two that were dead.


And I put sprayed them down, wet the pucks a bit, and put them in a plastic bag.


I held up the top with a skewer, a twist tie, and tape.


But it wouldn't fit in the box so I had to supercrop the stick.


Then I rearranged the box so the Gold Leaf that needed higher RH was at one end and the new GL that needs it dryer was at the other...the long way this time.


And I left the short edge of the box open rather than the long one.


That should make it easier to maintain two separate micro-climates in there. We'll see! And I promise not to open the bag for...a week?

Friday, first day of the last month of the year. Looks like my micro-climate project was a success! This is the reading from the moist end of the box:


And here is the box. After this pic I gave the older Gold Leaf a bit of water and then moved it into a dryer area of the box:


You may notice that the cheez-its box is back. I have dropped the last mystery seed in the bowl (didn't sink after 12 hours), as the one on the DVR looks the same as it did when it was in the fridge. Oh well...maybe I can get a few more from the seed guy to try. If not, I'll just live with the clones.

Speaking of clones, the AK-47 transplant will get topped tomorrow per guidance from 420d. Not sure if I need to give it nutes as I don't need vigorous growth out of it yet. Maybe just cal/mag and pH water.

My God! Finally some good news on this one! I re-read the whole thing today. What an adventure! This might be a newb question or perhaps you already said it and I missed it , but why don't you get some Clonex or the likes. Everyone keeps mentioning it on your show. Also, can you dial in the temperature on your seedling mat. I was looking at that exact one for my next show and would like to be able to control the temp. It seemed that a few pages back it was running a bit hot for your comfort and that's why you put layers between...right?

My God! Finally some good news on this one! I re-read the whole thing today. What an adventure! This might be a newb question or perhaps you already said it and I missed it , but why don't you get some Clonex or the likes. Everyone keeps mentioning it on your show. Also, can you dial in the temperature on your seedling mat. I was looking at that exact one for my next show and would like to be able to control the temp. It seemed that a few pages back it was running a bit hot for your comfort and that's why you put layers between...right?

Funny thing about the clonex is I never thought this was going to be so complicated so I didn't prepare in any way. My clone guy kept saying he just stuck them in dirt and kept them wet. So that's what I did and here we are today! Of course, the two best clones are ones HE grew so there's that :). I did use honey on the first ones and the AK-47 grew roots until I killed it, and it looks like the Gold Leafs are harder to clone anyway. If I get into cloning on a regular basis I will def invest in rooting hormone of some sort!

The seedling mat is just heat and no control. It says on it that it raises the temp 15-20 above ambient, and that's why I put the towel down. If I was feeling fiddly I could put it on a dimmer but I'd rather go with layers than start messing with the electrical.

Glad you're enjoying the adventure! I'm sticking with your roller coaster too :)

Saturday clone update!

Well, it was topping day for the AK-47 transplant, so first I gave it a drink of water with a bit of cal/mag and a bit of Grow Big in it, pH ~6.4. Then it was snipping time. I took off the top per 420d's suggestion and then noticed that there was another bit next to it of the same height, so that had to get cut as well. Of course, those two snips needed to go into the clone box for practice. I found some honey so I dipped them and put them in peat pucks.


Into the box they went:


And I covered them with the bottom of a milk jug to keep them moist. Should I drill holes in the top for air circulation?:


It's getting mighty crowded in there now!

Here is the AK-47 transplant after topping:


I put honey on the cut spots:


Here is the older Gold Leaf:


And the newer one, which I think I can see some roots on. Might be time to move it out soon! And try not to kill it:


No news from the cheez-its box this morning. I'll check again tomorrow!

Wow, still exciting. I can see where your thought process is. I love that never stop going for it. That is what's so energetic about it, is that you always have something else to try. Also next time you take some clippings you could take 3 nodes instead of one or two. I take a minimum of 3 nodes, next time I hope to go 5 nodes and cut down my time on vegetation. So many experiments to try with clones. Keep going!!! I guess you got the action you were asking for...hahahahaha


It's getting mighty crowded in there now!
No news from the cheez-its box this morning. I'll check again tomorrow!

Yer killin' me, Smalls!
If you're not successful at cloning it def isn't because you didn't try everything! :thumb:

Wow, still exciting. I can see where your thought process is. I love that never stop going for it. That is what's so energetic about it, is that you always have something else to try. Also next time you take some clippings you could take 3 nodes instead of one or two. I take a minimum of 3 nodes, next time I hope to go 5 nodes and cut down my time on vegetation. So many experiments to try with clones. Keep going!!! I guess you got the action you were asking for...hahahahaha

I'm sure that 3 nodes is better but a) I could really use a challenge ;) and b) I was really just topping the AK and that's all I wanted to take off. As this plant grows I'll be doing a lot of topping and pruning to keep it under control, so I hope to perfect my cloning skills then. Seeds are really expensive so I don't want to buy many (unlike some of the crazy seed-hounds here :)).

Yer killin' me, Smalls!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
If you're not successful at cloning it def isn't because you didn't try everything! :thumb:

So does that mean I should put holes in the milk jug or nah?

Never stop Never stopping!
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