InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

They need to breathe better lower the humidity some air is good just find a balance and feel watch your plants..its better to nurture them than to go strictly from what science me..i have killed plenty of plamts from powder mildew to root rot..

Give it to Tunkers! He can save it! I swear Sal looked worse than that at one point and he nursed her back from the brink of death.
This plant definitely suffered from root rot..the roots have to be able to touch moist but dry but moist land...its a hard i use root riots and a plastic cover to make sure leaves dont dry out and roots dont recieve too much moisture by watering with a mist when needed....

When I used peat pucks and Rapid Rooters I'd keep them just on the moist side of dry, and mist them when the tops started to look dry. I'm in new territory now with the bubble cloner I built. The clones look vibrant but who the hell knows if roots are going to show. I'll be pissed if this doesn't work!

High Shed,

I remember SweetSue talking about her clones. She put them in one of those produce bags at the store blew air in, then clamped shut. Left under a veg light pattern for 2 weeks untouched. She had 100% success with hers. Just a heads up if you choose.

High Shed,

I remember SweetSue talking about her clones. She put them in one of those produce bags at the store blew air in, then clamped shut. Left under a veg light pattern for 2 weeks untouched. She had 100% success with hers. Just a heads up if you choose.

That might work for SweetSue but the woman is a genius canna-witch with two green thumbs. The rest of us mere mortals have to do it the hard way and constantly reinvent the wheel. :)

I think my second Lilly cutting survived afterall!!! Just stopped misting it when I thought it was dead but heard riders voice (or what I think riders voice sounds like) in my head never give up on a clone. Damn, wise words

Unfortunately, when I hear Rider's voice, I hear Master Po calling me Grasshopper and telling me "mist the inside of the dome (not the plants)" until a few days later when he says "mist them when the tops started to look dry" using his regular voice. No wonder I can't get a clone to survive...I even get conflicting recommendations from the same person!

Gaaaah :-0

I'm pretty sure I can't grow a clone.

It has to be ok to give up on a clone that looks like this:


With absolutely no roots:


Here is the second clone with roots that I've killed, Gold Leaf:


Here is the AK-47 clone bowl:


And here is the clone box. The modded cheez-its box has the mystery seed in the bowl, keeping dark and warm. It will go in a baggie with paper towel on the DVR tomorrow if there's no root by then:


Oy. I know I've been persistent with these, but after this round I'm out of the cloning business!

And yet another update! My clone guy had two surviving clones, one AK-47 and one we think is a Gold Leaf. He wants to get out of the grow business for a while so he offered them to me! He keeps his clones in a cabinet in his garage, about 18h x 12d x 36w with a couple of dim T5s above. The AK-47 has grown enough so that he transplanted it a couple of days ago, so that one is in the shed next to the lights on the autos.

Your job, should y'all choose to accept it, is to keep the Gold Leaf alive for me. Let's get a consensus here if we can.

Here is a pic of what he gave me:


Here is the AK-47 clone in the shed:


And here is the possible Gold Leaf, in the box of failure®:


The box sits on a folded towel on a plant heat mat that keeps the thermometer reading in the high 70s to low 80s. The lid is now cracked and the RH is around 85%. I have an LED reading light above it now, pretty dim but evenly lit. All he ever did was water the plants, no spraying or heating or environmental control of any kind. Maybe I shouldn't even have it in the box at all since its previous space wasn't kept damp.

Let's find a way for me not to kill this one. I promised him clones of them in June.

Unfortunately, when I hear Rider's voice, I hear Master Po calling me Grasshopper and telling me "mist the inside of the dome (not the plants)" until a few days later when he says "mist them when the tops started to look dry" using his regular voice. No wonder I can't get a clone to survive...I even get conflicting recommendations from the same person!

Gaaaah :-0

I'm pretty sure I can't grow a clone.

Ah grasshopper, your confusion lies in that which we were misting. Were we not speaking of grow pucks in the second case?


Your job, should y'all choose to accept it, is to keep the Gold Leaf alive for me. Let's get a consensus here if we can.

The box sits on a folded towel on a plant heat mat that keeps the thermometer reading in the high 70s to low 80s. The lid is now cracked and the RH is around 85%. I have an LED reading light above it now, pretty dim but evenly lit. All he ever did was water the plants, no spraying or heating or environmental control of any kind. Maybe I shouldn't even have it in the box at all since its previous space wasn't kept damp.

Let's find a way for me not to kill this one. I promised him clones of them in June.

Do the OPPOSITE of whatever you've been doing? :)

I don't know, Shed, it sounds like you've got them in an ideal environment. The only thing that stands out as a problem it that the peat pucks always looked like they were soaked.

Does the lid have holes in it?

It does not, but I have now offset the lid by about 2" along the long side, and the RH has dropped to 62%. I'm trying to mimic what was probably the RH in the cabinet this came from. I'll probably close it a bit as that's the ambient RH in the neighborhood.

Ah grasshopper, your confusion lies in that which we were misting. Were we not speaking of grow pucks in the second case? :geek:

Yes master, but I'm not sure what you meant then. If they are in peat pucks then mist the leaves but if they are in pots mist the tub?

Do the OPPOSITE of whatever you've been doing? :) I don't know, Shed, it sounds like you've got them in an ideal environment. The only thing that stands out as a problem it that the peat pucks always looked like they were soaked.

I think they look soaked because the ambient RH in there has been 99% and they never had a chance to dry out. So now I've misted the ones in the pucks and not the new one from the cabinet. I've closed the lid a bit so I can get the RH closer to the 80s, but the new one is closest to the vent so maybe that side will be dryer. Kind of like a micro climate in the box.

How's that for a plan?
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