InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Remember when I said "nothing dead"? Woke up this morning thinking everything would be hunky dory. Last night I mixed up new foliar spray water with 3ml GrowBig and 3ml cal/mag+ and pH'd it to 5.2. Mixed up some nute water with cal/mag+ and Great White pH'd to 6.4. Got the warming mat settled in around 77°. Sprayed and watered and went to bed.

But AK-47 just took a dump last night!



Who knows what changed its mind between last night and this morning but it obviously is pissssssssed! Soil wasn't dry or anything and the Gold Leaf looks fine. Too much light? I don't think it's a hot spot in the heating pad but hard to know. I did raise each saucer off the pad though just in case but it seems pretty even to me. Anyway I'm treating it like it will come back to life for some reason.
It occurred to me in the middle of the night that I did not abrade either of the seeds in the sandpaper matchbox like I usually do, so I went to take them out of the water and do that, but the one-that-is-not-number-3 had split. I took #3 out and put it back in the fridge.


12 hours later and the split pretty much looks the same. Slow grower this one will be if it ever sprouts a tail.

I'm curious... what does cutting the tips across do?
Wow! This journal has exploded in a very short time. I'm going to keep reading sequentially and help out where I can, so apologies if I answer questions that have already been responded to. At least I won't have to go back and try to find the question at the end of catching up.

Cutting the leaves reduces transpiration. Without roots the cutting can't uptake much water and it's possible that the leaves will lose more water than can be replaced by transpiration. That's why a humid environment is also beneficial to cuttings.

OK, I got to page 5 and I'm jumping in with both left feet. I'd have to say that you're way overthinking this. You didn't use a rooting hormone so it'll take a while longer but they'll get there. You've already trimmed leaves, which is good. And your experience with non-cannabis cloning indicates that you knew to strip the lower leaves, which your cuttings seem to be doing for you. You don't need to foliar feed or hit them with cal-mag. You're in Ready Rooters or something similar, right? Keep them in a warm (70ish degree) place with soft diffuse 24hr light under a humidity dome. Mist the inside of the dome (not the plants) occasionally if it stops looking like a rain forest. Don't worry about what the humidity meter is telling you. Uber cleanliness in setting up your cloning station is paramount so you don't end up fighting nasties. Then you ignore them unless the dome needs a spray. Don't kill them with kindness. When you start to see roots then reduce humidity gradually back to veg standards. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

Now I'm going to jump to the end and see how you're doing. It's like time travel. LOL

Gaaah! That poor AK47. I should report you to the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Plants! :rofl:

Any idea what happened? I suppose I could go back a page or two and find out. "I'll be back", (in my best Schwarzenegger voice) :)

Thanks for reading through Rider! There are so many fits and starts with these clones that almost nothing would make sense unless you go through the whole thing, which is completely unnecessary unless you really want all the gory details.

In case you haven't read it all, this is what's current:
2 Gold Leaf clones, both surviving on day, I dunno, 12?
1 decrepit AK-47 that did well until I somehow ripped the roots off on the Nov 11, so I'm trying to root it again in the peat pot. Seemed ok until Friday night and now here it sits.

This is what's so crazy about growing dope...there are so many different recommendations for almost everything! Foliar spray/no foliar spray, spray the leaves/don't spray the leaves, 70°/75-80°, etc. Until I get one right I have no idea which works!

So let's take a break for from freaked-out clone for a minute and talk about these mystery seeds. The seed that managed to split after 2 days in the bowl has not grown a tail after 3 days, so I've planted it anyway with no expectations.

No tail:


Planted in peat, assuming that this is tap root down (I did push it down further before covering):


And since I have very little faith in these seeds to grow now, I took #3 and another seed out of the fridge, scarified them in the matchbox of doom®, and dropped them into a bowl together. If everything sprouts I will be giving plants away!


So now the clone box is now a nursery of sorts, with the clones, planted seed, and bowl-o'soak (which gets covered after photos).


There should really be a Vegas line on my grows lately!

So let's take a break for from freaked-out clone for a minute and talk about these mystery seeds. The seed that managed to split after 2 days in the bowl has not grown a tail after 3 days, so I've planted it anyway with no expectations.

No tail:


Planted in peat, assuming that this is tap root down (I did push it down further before covering):


And since I have very little faith in these seeds to grow now, I took #3 and another seed out of the fridge, scarified them in the matchbox of doom., and dropped them into a bowl together. If everything sprouts I will be giving plants away!


So now the clone box is now a nursery of sorts, with the clones, planted seed, and bowl-o'soak (which gets covered after photos).


There should really be a Vegas line on my grows lately!

Subbing up for cloning learning. We will be doing that soon and want to learn as much as possible.

What's the over under on surviving clones? 2? I'll take the over . Gotta get over and check on the spog. But old seeds can take longer to sprout sometimes "ya gotta have faith"

It's aliiiiive! The AK-47 is going to pull through! The seeds though are anybody's guess. I'd be flowering by now if I hadn't spent so much time trying to germ seeds that had been subjected to desiccating heat all summer. I hope they pop for you.

Sweet baby jeebus! I went back to see what tragedy befell the AK-47 to have it looking so abused and mangled and... I'm with TheMadDabber. After the initial shock I was laughing my ass off. SO MANY ROOTS and then that stick with leaves! :rofl:

'memeber what I tol' ya 'bout killin' 'em with kindness? :cheesygrinsmiley:

Tuesday morning in the clone box!

Here's the box with the (meh) seeds uncovered. Also, I've been keeping a glass bowl over the planted seed to keep the heat up and the moisture in. It's off in this pic:


No new roots to report so here is a closeup of the still living AK-47 (for all you fans :)):


And a shot of the growth site on the Gold Leaf with no visible roots:


Thanks for your "thoughts and prayers" on the looks like it's working. Ergo god exists! ;)

Also, got more fabric pots for whatever comes out of this box. Not the quality of the SmartPots I already have (these are thinner) but they seem fine for me. I rinsed them out and hung them to dry bc they smelled a bit out of the package.

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