InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

After sleeping on it I hope you came to the realization that the bonsai/mini/SPOG® should have a journal all its own! It may not be the busiest place but it will end up being a good resource for anyone who wants to do the same. Having it in the clone journal makes it more difficult to track.

Yes I have come to that conclusion. Separate journal for lemon kush will go up later today. .

Monday morning and I'm still waiting for any late voters for the "pick the seed" game (see four posts back, #178).

I'm having trouble keeping the clone box in the mid 70's because November, and newer heating pads have a "safety" feature that turns them off after 60 minutes. It was 64° in there when I got up this morning. I don't fee like investing in a warming mat but there isn't a warm spot in my house. Maybe in front of the fridge where the compressed air comes out tho there's no light there. Hmmm...

Anyway, here is a pic of clones 2.0® on day 3 just to prove they are still alive!


I like the peat pots because I can feel them start to dry out and then I can water them with the cal-mag/great-white mixture until they're damp.

Morning shed! Hope your weeks off to a great start bro :high five: I love the rapid rooters for cloning!!! Looks like you do too

I had a whole thought lined up for typing until I seen it was topping and not popping. But the new moons coming up so now's the time to pop some seeds.

So when do you plan on topping if at all?

I had a whole thought lined up for typing until I seen it was topping and not popping. But the new moons coming up so now's the time to pop some seeds.

I'll be topping and popping! Though I can't really decide when to top until I get them actually growing! I will definitely have to top because these need to be kept small until the end of March when they can be left outside after the vernal equinox. Therefore popping comes first...

And so, here to announce the seed contest winner is me, announcing that it will be seed #3 that gets dunked in the bowl!

Now I just have to figure out which one was seed #3 :)

Morning shed! Hope your weeks off to a great start bro :high five: I love the rapid rooters for cloning!!! Looks like you do too

Have some of those rioters under the sink from back in February. Think they’re still good? No photos to clone though! Well.....not yet! Lol. There is that one xmas cookie in there!:thumb:

Here is our seed winner, #3, floating in a bowl. In the morning I'll tap it and see if it sinks.


I put the bowl in the box with the clones on the heating pad and after this photo I covered the bowl to keep it dark (which is how seeds normally germinate!):


Good night all. Thanks for your votes!

Damn, I been so busy, I didn’t get to vote. #3 looks awesome though. What is it? I might need to throw another auto in water, as I’m around 50 days on these! I need a 3x2’ space or there about. Or just wait till these are finished, cause tent might be a drying room. Didn’t think of that far in advance till just now! Crappers!!

Thanks all for the good wishes and cheering me up! Unfortunately (unrelated to my dad so no one panic) let me tell you about my perfectly terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day...

Ok, everything is relative but still. I had a nice day planned. I got a pretty good night's sleep (thanks xanax!) and woke up ready to plant the AK-47 clone. After that I was going to move the autos out of the shed and into the sun, and then my wife and I were going out to look at fire tables and furniture for the back yard remodel.

I come down the hall and my wife is on the phone and she does not look or sound happy. Turns out my son and his friend got caught on a extra-curricular school trip with a vape and booze. They got kicked out of the program for the entire year (something that was supposed to look good on their college applications!) and the two of us immediately needed to drive up to get him and his friend. We were both incredibly pissed at him for blowing this opportunity, not to mention the fact that this is 220 miles each way!!! But before I left for the drive I figured I'd take a few minutes to plant the clone.

Every picture tells a story, don't it?

Ready for the big moment:


Check out the roots on this baby!


Just gotta add the soil and we're done...

20171111_093943.jpg's where the transplant goes sideways. I decided that maybe I should put the leaves in a plastic bag to keep them moist for a while longer and leave the soil open for air. And while getting the top in the bag, this happened:


WTF??? All those roots obviously were not very well attached as I was left with a stick. AGAIN! So I figured if I could get it to root once I could do it again, so I cut it shorter and into a peat pot it went:


And now it sits in the box with the Gold Leaf clones.


I hope it works...

Also, we had a long discussion with the 15 year old about making better decisions. That and he's grounded until new year's hanging out with friends, no phone. And he has to find a meaningful community service gig to replace the program.

Definitely not what I had planned.
Damn bro. So sorry to hear that. Don't forget to remind him how awesome he is, & that he just fucked up is all! I just had an incredibly un expected with our almost 13 yo and his language on Twitter!! Wtf....12 years old....twitter? He'll no!! Lol. I'm so lame!

I just read my last post. I did vote for numero tres! I feel better now

You did vote for the winner! And when I tapped it this morning it sunk right on cue. Update tonight with possible news of a tail!

Damn, I been so busy, I didn’t get to vote. #3 looks awesome though. What is it? I might need to throw another auto in water, as I’m around 50 days on these! I need a 3x2’ space or there about. Or just wait till these are finished, cause tent might be a drying room. Didn’t think of that far in advance till just now! Crappers!!

Dry in a box like I did so you can free up the tent. See my first grow journal. All harvest pages are listed in the grow summary so you can find the drying box info there. If you get lost let me know and I can PM you the posts.

I have no idea what these seeds are. They were a gift from my wife's hairdresser's husband who got them from a guy who likes to breed his own strains. All are mysteries and all will be cloned as they grow in case any are worth repeating!

Damn bro. So sorry to hear that. Don’t forget to remind him how awesome he is, & that he just fucked up is all! I just had an incredibly un expected with our almost 13 yo and his language on Twitter!! Wtf....12 years old....twitter? He’ll no!! Lol. I’m so lame!
Another life saved through responsible cloning!!! Sorry to read about your child testing the boundaries. It brings back memories of my kids, and getting caught myself. G

Yeah, my wife and I cooled down with the 7 hours of driving, and by the time we sat him down in the living room it was really about making stupid choices. Told him this is a life lesson and not about getting caught with a pen in his hand. this a good idea or a bad idea and that can save you a whole lotta hurt in your life. It's having that moment to think that makes all the difference. Girls, dope, driving, school.

I never got caught but when we were young it was easier to get away with everything!

I was that kid who always got caught.

I was just a fast runner!

It's Wednesday and there is very little to report. The box was 66° when I got up this morning, not good for clones or seeds in bowls. Damn 60-minute heating pad!

No action in the bowl:


But nothing dead yet!


I've got one of those parabolic heaters in that room now but my wife is wary about leaving it on all day. I don't know if she turned it off when she left after I did this morning. November is not a good time to be doing plant things in the house obv! We hardly ever turn the heat on.

I was just a fast runner!

It's Wednesday and there is very little to report. The box was 66° when I got up this morning, not good for clones or seeds in bowls. Damn 60-minute heating pad!

No action in the bowl:


But nothing dead yet!


I've got one of those parabolic heaters in that room now but my wife is wary about leaving it on all day. I don't know if she turned it off when she left after I did this morning. November is not a good time to be doing plant things in the house obv! We hardly ever turn the heat on.

Get a temp/humidity control switch or a ceramic heater. Just set it and forget it.

In the mean time I'll stare at the bean.


Get a temp/humidity control switch or a ceramic heater. Just set it and forget it. In the mean time I’ll stare at the bean. G
The clones look good even with the low temps but I agree ceramic heater

Wouldn't that just be like the parabolic heater I already have...something that heats the room? I think I'm going to get a plant mat like this to just heat the box:
Seedling Heat Mat Heating Mat Hydroponic Heating Pad Waterproof for Seed Germination, Cloning and Plant Propagation (S)

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