InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Or maybe not a survivor...


AK-47 is not looking too happy but I'm not going to worry about anything in this clone box today...


I was so hopeful for the mystery seeds, but no movement yet. I know old seeds take longer, but how long can I leave them in the bowl:


The good Gold Leaf has some more roots, so I'll have at least one photo to grow!



The other Gold Leaf is not as happy:



The planted seed hasn't done anything yet. So far, the mystery seeds are 0 for 3.

:Namaste: and happy Thanksgiving tomorrow if I don't see you before then!

I've learned a ton from Tunkers but the one thing that was hammered home was that you never give up on these plants. Give it time and they'll recover. The seeds can be soaked for up to about 5 days and then into paper towels in a ziplock someplace dark and warm. If they don't pop taproots in a couple more weeks it isn't going to happen.

LOLOLOL! Where the hell did you come up with that pic? Or do we have another photoshopper in our midst?

Message received...give seeds time. Though Penny, what constitutes a "sign of life" for a seed?

Just a bit of photoshop from when I was suffering the same fate as you. Damned things refused to germinate.

BTW I again forgot to clip the leaves, which I did after this pic was taken!

Someday, grasshopper, you may learn to clone without clipping. Ehhh, don't hold your breath. bwahahaha!



Someday, grasshopper, you may learn to clone without clipping. Ehhh, don't hold your breath. bwahahaha

And someday I may learn to clone period!

Nothing new with the clones this morning and I know all the Americans are busy with Thanksgiving, but I wanted to let y'all know that there was Penny's dreaded fuzz on the seeds this morning:


So into a bowl goes yet another mystery seed. Start the 5-day clock!


Happy Thanksgiving fellow citizens, and a happy Thursday to those who reside elsewhere in our changing world!


The dreaded fuzz. I'm all too familiar with that. There's something about being stored at 100+ degrees and 20%rH that doesn't much agree with seeds. :/

Sounds like they'd be great ground into a facial scrub after all that dessication! And mine are mystery seeds so I have no idea how they were stored bf I got them. So I keep dropping them in the bowl and hoping for the best.

High Shed,

What an ordeal, trying so many things that didn't work (like Edison). Persistance will pay off. Down the road, you'll laugh at all this.

My experience with clones was a homemade water spray in a bucket with cuttings in the top dangling into the water spray 24/7. Still took 10-14 days but mortality was much, much lower (although when temp went down a little more, I lost the whole batch). I also didn't have a humidity dome. Temps were 65F most of the time.I did 3 batches (6-8) that did very well. Worth considering. Good Luck!

High Shed, What an ordeal, trying so many things that didn't work (like Edison). Persistance will pay off. Down the road, you'll laugh at all this. My experience with clones was a homemade water spray in a bucket with cuttings in the top dangling into the water spray 24/7. Still took 10-14 days but mortality was much, much lower (although when temp went down a little more, I lost the whole batch). I also didn't have a humidity dome. Temps were 65F most of the time.I did 3 batches (6-8) that did very well. Worth considering. Good Luck!

Thanks for the comparison to Edison! Although I think the trying is about the only thing we have in common ;)

I wish I had space to try out more complicated methods like hydro for the clones but the box alone is taking up a good percentage of the available floor space! And def no place for water.

The good looking Gold Leaf hasn't put out any new roots since that last pic so I don't know what's up with that. I turned off the heat mat bc it was getting to the low 80s and I thought maybe the roots were getting cooked. It was 71° this morning so I'll see if that helps.

Nothing new in the box beyond that. I did manage to get the latest mystery seed to drop in the bowl, so there's that!

Saturday and the original AK-47 is dead. Not surprising after what it went through:


I have serious doubts about this Gold Leaf as well, though I haven't tossed it yet:


Here is the Gold Leaf that is doing fairly well, though it stopped putting out roots a few days ago so there's nothing happening that I can see in the peat. Is it on its way out? Hot roots? Too wet? Not enough/too much light? This is not my bailiwick obviously:


Here is the clone box, though after this pic I took out the peat with the seed it in because it wasn't warm enough for germination in there. I have it under a CFL at 2" now. I'm sure it's dead:


And lastly, here is the mystery seed, in the bowl for 48 hours. So far...nada:


I'm thinking of giving up cloning as it doesn't seem to be my thing. I'm usually better with seeds tho, just not mystery ones.

Saturday and the original AK-47 is dead. Not surprising after what it went through:


Give it to Tunkers! He can save it! I swear Sal looked worse than that at one point and he nursed her back from the brink of death.
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