InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I'm here shed! Sorry long weekends make for little 420 time....


My cut look almost like the first pic you posted... I think it's alive right? I took it like 10 to 15 days ago... I picked off all the dead killed over bits...

So stick with it cause yours look 100000 times better. He'll I stopped misting this sucker after 3 days when I thought it died.... Well hope you had a great turkey day weekends buddy!


And yet another update! My clone guy had two surviving clones, one AK-47 and one we think is a Gold Leaf. He wants to get out of the grow business for a while so he offered them to me! He keeps his clones in a cabinet in his garage, about 18h x 12d x 36w with a couple of dim T5s above. The AK-47 has grown enough so that he transplanted it a couple of days ago, so that one is in the shed next to the lights on the autos.

Your job, should y'all choose to accept it, is to keep the Gold Leaf alive for me. Let's get a consensus here if we can.

Here is a pic of what he gave me:


Here is the AK-47 clone in the shed:


And here is the possible Gold Leaf, in the box of failure®:


The box sits on a folded towel on a plant heat mat that keeps the thermometer reading in the high 70s to low 80s. The lid is now cracked and the RH is around 85%. I have an LED reading light above it now, pretty dim but evenly lit. All he ever did was water the plants, no spraying or heating or environmental control of any kind. Maybe I shouldn't even have it in the box at all since its previous space wasn't kept damp.

Let's find a way for me not to kill this one. I promised him clones of them in June.
Try keeping your heat mat inside of your box of failure lol. I've learned that clones love the direct heat and some water to "search" for. Keep some water at the bottom but let the peat pellets dry and keep spraying the leaves. I've had success with this. Good luck!

Try keeping your heat mat inside of your box of failure lol. I've learned that clones love the direct heat and some water to "search" for. Keep some water at the bottom but let the peat pellets dry and keep spraying the leaves. I've had success with this. Good luck!

I feel like that pad gets too hot to be directly in contact with the peat pellets. That's why I have the folded towel on top of dissipate some of the heat. It got to the upper 80s when in direct contact.

I can take the clones out of the bowls and put them directly on the floor of the box though and keep it wet on the bottom. I will have to raise the new clone out of the water now that I have different "pots" in there. And the new one is the one I really need to survive as it seems to be in the best shape right now (because it wasn't mine to screw up until today!).

I'm not sure what you meant then. If they are in peat pucks then mist the leaves but if they are in pots mist the tub?
I only meant that I lightly misted the grow pucks, be they Rapid Rooters or soako-expando peat pots, when the pseudo-soil seemed to be getting dry. I kept the green bits in a nice humid environment but tried to not get them too wet. And here I am trying to clone in a DIY bubble box despite my previous successes with grow pucks because life is nothing if not an adventure.

I thought your tub was sitting on the heat mat? If you have just a towel separating them from the heat mat you should be golden. Here's my setup if it helps

Obviously don't have any clones atm but it's worked well for me. Hope this helps

Monday and nothing new dead!

Left the lid offset by 2" last night:


And lid off (with more light for the pic):


Temp looks ok but the RH was 52%


So I took everything out and sprayed the box and lid, put a tiny bit of water in the bottom of the bowls, and put everything back the way it was. Here are some closeups of where we are now:




Here is the AK-47 transplanted clone that was in the shed last night:


And in case you're wondering where the cheez-its box mystery seed went, it's on top of the DVR in a baggie:



I hope everything looks about the same when I get home tonight! Thanks to all for your input :thanks:

Tuesday morning, and maybe some dying in the box, tho nothing statistically significant given that I have a living AK-47 clone!

Here is the box this morning. 52% RH and the pucks were pretty dry, so I put some distilled water under each and it got sucked right up.


Here are the AK-47 clones. The two at 9:00 and 11:00 look to be on their way out and maybe the one at 6:00 as well, but the other two have some life left, particularly the one at 1:00.


Here is my Gold Leaf clone, not dead yet...


And here is clone guy's Gold Leaf clone (which becomes mine once it gets transplanted ;)):


The box and lid got misted, and I gave a light spray to the clones in the bowls, and they got left with the lid open 2" as it has been the last two days.

I had the transplanted AK-47 clone out in the sun for 45 minutes, then I moved it into open shade. It will take the rest of the week to get accustomed to full sun. Penny said a while back it was too early to discuss topping, but given the height of the transplant and its new growth, we're going to have to discuss it soon!

Clone update for Wednesday. It's obvious, but I have recently proven that it's very difficult if not impossible to have clones at various stages of growth in the same box. The clone guy's Gold Leaf is almost ready for freedom so needs much lower RH than the five AK-47 clones in the bowl that really need 90% RH. And my Gold Leaf could probably use something in the middle. The bottom line is that I have an AK-47 clone (see below for that discussion) and just need one of the two Gold Leafs to survive.

Here they are this morning. RH was down to 48% :-O



Gold Leaf old:


Gold Leaf new:


Now here is where I would like to discuss topping the AK-47 transplanted clone. I'll restate my intentions here for those who haven't read from the beginning: the plan is to veg these outside and inside until after the vernal equinox and then leave them outside until fall. After the autumnal equinox I will need to move them into the shed at night for 12 hours of darkness because nowhere outside is it totally dark. So I'd like to keep it small for at least a month, but I don't want to end up with a scrog shape because I will need to carry it in and out of the shed.

Here is what it looks like. Once it gets used to this transplant (which happened about a week ago, week ago) I need to top. Can I top it as low as 1 or should I top it closer to 2? This is a 50/50 sativa/indica but I would like to get it more into a bush shape if I can, given how long it will be in veg:


Let's find a way for me not to kill this one. I promised him clones of them in June.

I can't believe you're having so much trouble with clones... especially since you inspired me to do it.

Mine are 43 days old and didn't do much the first 3-4 weeks (except grow roots I guess) Just when they started to show signs of upward growth, we left town for 9 days and left my mom in charge When we got back they had doubled in size but are both growing 1 and 3 finger leaves. Other than that they appear healthy.

What I did was dip the stem in honey as soon as I cut it (at a sharp angle) and put it directly into very moist coco in a solo cup with holes poked all along the sides and bottom. I used clonex and spayed them daily; a plastic bag covered them for a couple weeks. After the roots hit the bottom, I stopped the clonex and switched to a light feed with HG Flora trio (1/4 strength) and have just upped it to half strength.



I also repotted them just before vaca
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