InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thanks con, and I think my hesitation is that historically my autos have never filled a 7 gallon pot with roots. I'll be buying a new bag of soil tomorrow so at least I won't be lacking there!

I got a 2x4 tent so two 7s will definitely fit.

That third sprout has turned up to the light but is no taller than it was when I put it in. I'll let it ride though and see what happens! And the QGa that is growing seems to be growing just looks slow compared to the RTa which is really working it. :thumb:

Why would that be? It's about where I normally upcan my photos now. And I've already got roots coming out of the QGa bottom as well, but not enough in the rest of the soil to hold it together on a transplant.

7's sure seems to be the consensus! I'll skip the 1 gallon pots, especially if I won't be schlepping them. :)


No 1 gallon stage...I'm sold!

You handled it brilliantly, so you were the best person to have that unique experience. Right place, wrong time, perfect person!
You’re 2 kind Shedster. CL🍀. :thanks:
Thanks con, and I think my hesitation is that historically my autos have never filled a 7 gallon pot with roots. I'll be buying a new bag of soil tomorrow so at least I won't be lacking there!

I got a 2x4 tent so two 7s will definitely fit.

That third sprout has turned up to the light but is no taller than it was when I put it in. I'll let it ride though and see what happens! And the QGa that is growing seems to be growing just looks slow compared to the RTa which is really working it. :thumb:

Why would that be? It's about where I normally upcan my photos now. And I've already got roots coming out of the QGa bottom as well, but not enough in the rest of the soil to hold it together on a transplant.

7's sure seems to be the consensus! I'll skip the 1 gallon pots, especially if I won't be schlepping them. :)


No 1 gallon stage...I'm sold!

You handled it brilliantly, so you were the best person to have that unique experience. Right place, wrong time, perfect person!
I agree with the consensus that bigger is always better. Examples include but not limited to, horsepower, caliber or bank accounts are just some examples of things being bigger. lol 😂 CL🍀 :thanks:
Highya ITS,

Love the vigor of the Ruby Tuesday auto! She has strong genes. Gotta love an auto that growes that well!! I'd go with a 5 gal, only because I think they won't fill out a 7 gal pot. Just my 2 cents and it's your decision. Happy Smokin'
Thanks con, and I think my hesitation is that historically my autos have never filled a 7 gallon pot with roots. I'll be buying a new bag of soil tomorrow so at least I won't be lacking there!

I got a 2x4 tent so two 7s will definitely fit.

That third sprout has turned up to the light but is no taller than it was when I put it in. I'll let it ride though and see what happens! And the QGa that is growing seems to be growing just looks slow compared to the RTa which is really working it. :thumb:

Why would that be? It's about where I normally upcan my photos now. And I've already got roots coming out of the QGa bottom as well, but not enough in the rest of the soil to hold it together on a transplant.

7's sure seems to be the consensus! I'll skip the 1 gallon pots, especially if I won't be schlepping them. :)


No 1 gallon stage...I'm sold!

You handled it brilliantly, so you were the best person to have that unique experience. Right place, wrong time, perfect person!
Why would that be? It's about where I normally upcan my photos now. And I've already got roots coming out of the QGa bottom as well, but not enough in the rest of the soil to hold it together on a transplant.
i was just thinking since the autos roots shock easy that when you remove it from the solo that the roots being pulled through those drain holes might put it into shock, but then again i learned a lot of my growing experience from you & hope the transplant goes well, plus kinda buzzed so overthinking, just want to see you smash your record for autos
Thursday update with an autoflower check-in!

Here are the Ruby Tuesday and Queen G autos this morning, with RTa on day 14 and QGa on day 11:

And here are the roots. RTa first:

And QGa:

RTa will be upcanned this weekend and I'm not sure if I should go into 1 gallons first or into the final pot now. :hmmmm: I also don't know if I will bother with 7 gallon pots or stick with 5s. :hmmmm:

Auto-grower thoughts appreciated!



You do attract the coolest ones though!

Three of the most important factors in growing outside are mitigation, mitigation, mitigation!
i planted mine from seed in a 5g..:popcorn:
my nl auto 28 days in.

Thursday update with an autoflower check-in!

Here are the Ruby Tuesday and Queen G autos this morning, with RTa on day 14 and QGa on day 11:

And here are the roots. RTa first:

And QGa:

RTa will be upcanned this weekend and I'm not sure if I should go into 1 gallons first or into the final pot now. :hmmmm: I also don't know if I will bother with 7 gallon pots or stick with 5s. :hmmmm:

Auto-grower thoughts appreciated!



You do attract the coolest ones though!

Three of the most important factors in growing outside are mitigation, mitigation, mitigation!
I’d skip the one and go to the final. For me, with autos only, I like to uppot earlier than one normally would. Pretty much as soon as the entire solo cup will hold together long enough for the drop. Reasons is two fold - one, the veg/training game with autos gives you the best results when you do just about everything earlier than you maybe would normally. I include uppotting in that. The second part is, I feel when you uppot before the roots are all wrapped around, they transition into the new soil more readily and without a hitch. With autos, in veg, the target is zero lag days of no growth. I feel it helps in that regard. And since you are in soil, you’d likely be okay with a five vs the seven. Although I always like to have unused soil in a larger pot at the end than root compromise cuz I went too small. Caveat: I missed this, but if you’re doing SIP or anything that’ll give you bigger plants like that, use the sevens. Two cents for you. Great start.
Early Saturday update, the one where I transplant the Ruby Tuesday auto on day 15!

My hydro shop was plum out of Fox Farms Happy Frog, so I got two bags of Ocean Forest:

They gave me this humic acid for free because they're not going to carry it anymore:

Any idea what I do with it and why?

Anyway, it was time to transplant the RTa into a 7 gallon home. Here it was before the move:

I blended Dynomyco into the soil and sprinkled it on the roots before I planted it, and I only lost about 1" off one root on the move. Otherwise it was completely event-free. Here it is after the upcan:

And now it lives in the tent, at least until it's done with stretch:

I watered it in with about 3.5g/gal of MC, and I've got it around 23,000 lux for now. I'll raise the light some tomorrow and bump the wattage to increase the spread from the Mars SP250, and the added heat will also mean the oil heater can be set lower in the room.

I'm thinking the Queen G auto will go into a 5 gallon pot since it's smaller, and my Amnesia Lemon Kush photo (65 day veg, 70 day flower) did just fine in that size with a 5.2oz harvest. Still, I reserve the right to change my mind. :)

In swallowtail news, here the eggs I rolled off the lime tree (the green bits are pieces of lime leaves):

I dropped in a little lime branch I took off:

And zip-tied it to one of my lemon trees:

We'll see!

That's it from me, and I hope your weekend it cruising along nicely. :surf:

i planted mine from seed in a 5g. my nl auto 28 days in.
It looks amazeballs Mark! #autogoals :thumb:
Final pot from solo is what I always did , worked for me sure it will for you 5 gals. should bee enough . Looking good shed
Thanks sb. 5g probably would be fine, but I don't want anyone saying "it's because you went with a small pot" if everything goes sideways. ;)
I’d skip the one and go to the final. For me, with autos only, I like to uppot earlier than one normally would. Pretty much as soon as the entire solo cup will hold together long enough for the drop. Reasons is two fold - one, the veg/training game with autos gives you the best results when you do just about everything earlier than you maybe would normally. I include uppotting in that. The second part is, I feel when you uppot before the roots are all wrapped around, they transition into the new soil more readily and without a hitch. With autos, in veg, the target is zero lag days of no growth. I feel it helps in that regard.
Thanks Jon, and done! I got it out before any roots wrapped in the solo but I do have to say it got away from me with the fast growth down there. I'll try to get the QGa out a little earlier.
And since you are in soil, you’d likely be okay with a five vs the seven. Although I always like to have unused soil in a larger pot at the end than root compromise cuz I went too small. Caveat: I missed this, but if you’re doing SIP or anything that’ll give you bigger plants like that, use the sevens. Two cents for you. Great start.
No SIP here, just a cloth pot, but like I said, the 7 seemed reasonable and I'll reuse the soil for the spring grow since the plant won't be in there anywhere near as long as my photos would be.
Early Saturday update, the one where I transplant the Ruby Tuesday auto on day 15!

My hydro shop was plum out of Fox Farms Happy Frog, so I got two bags of Ocean Forest:

They gave me this humic acid for free because they're not going to carry it anymore:

Any idea what I do with it and why?

Anyway, it was time to transplant the RTa into a 7 gallon home. Here it was before the move:

I blended Dynomyco into the soil and sprinkled it on the roots before I planted it, and I only lost about 1" off one root on the move. Otherwise it was completely event-free. Here it is after the upcan:

And now it lives in the tent, at least until it's done with stretch:

I watered it in with about 3.5g/gal of MC, and I've got it around 23,000 lux for now. I'll raise the light some tomorrow and bump the wattage to increase the spread from the Mars SP250, and the added heat will also mean the oil heater can be set lower in the room.

I'm thinking the Queen G auto will go into a 5 gallon pot since it's smaller, and my Amnesia Lemon Kush photo (65 day veg, 70 day flower) did just fine in that size with a 5.2oz harvest. Still, I reserve the right to change my mind. :)

In swallowtail news, here the eggs I rolled off the lime tree (the green bits are pieces of lime leaves):

I dropped in a little lime branch I took off:

And zip-tied it to one of my lemon trees:

We'll see!

That's it from me, and I hope your weekend it cruising along nicely. :surf:


It looks amazeballs Mark! #autogoals :thumb:

Thanks sb. 5g probably would be fine, but I don't want anyone saying "it's because you went with a small pot" if everything goes sideways. ;)

Thanks Jon, and done! I got it out before any roots wrapped in the solo but I do have to say it got away from me with the fast growth down there. I'll try to get the QGa out a little earlier.

No SIP here, just a cloth pot, but like I said, the 7 seemed reasonable and I'll reuse the soil for the spring grow since the plant won't be in there anywhere near as long as my photos would be.
Quality up can Shed. Perfect timing for an auto imo. They look strong.
Any idea what I do with it and why?
Hehe, I have a bag of humic acid from a trade show on the shelf for years waiting for that answer Shed! Here's a little something Royal Queen put out on it.
In a nutshell from that RQ art.:

Here are some of the benefits of using humic and fulvic acids for your cannabis plants:

Improves nutrient uptake and mobility via chelating action
Improves water retention and drainage of soil
Improves buffering capacity and cation exchange
Supports healthy microbial activity
Decreases plant uptake of toxins in soil
Improves photosynthesis
Boosts plant metabolism and cell division for better growth
Reduces amount of nutrients plants need
Moving right along!

Thanks sb. 5g probably would be fine, but I don't want anyone saying "it's because you went with a small pot" if everything goes sideways. ;)
Who would say such a thing?

Oh, I know who. The same person that would say "it's because you went a big pot" if everything goes sideways! :Rasta:
"Using Humic in your grow comes with a number of benefits including increasing root growth, stimulating beneficial microbes while reducing harmful ones, increasing soil moisture retention, improving the soil and strengthening a plant's immune system." an organic soil grower, the above is why I have used it for years now...I use mostly dry amendments when building a batch of soil, so the release of nutrients is slower than a bottled nute regimen I would suppose, so having the molecule that nutrients attach to and get to the plant as they become available is a plus...I've seen a few other high end overpriced, fancy named products that make similar claims...key ingredient=humic/fulvic acid...:rolleyes:...jmho...:hmmmm:...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...
"Using Humic in your grow comes with a number of benefits including increasing root growth, stimulating beneficial microbes while reducing harmful ones, increasing soil moisture retention, improving the soil and strengthening a plant's immune system." an organic soil grower, the above is why I have used it for years now...I use mostly dry amendments when building a batch of soil, so the release of nutrients is slower than a bottled nute regimen I would suppose, so having the molecule that nutrients attach to and get to the plant as they become available is a plus...I've seen a few other high end overpriced, fancy named products that make similar claims...key ingredient=humic/fulvic acid...:rolleyes:...jmho...:hmmmm:...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...
It was also a must in hydro/aero I did 20 years ago. Liquid gold
Chunky looking auto Shed. Looks better than any of the few I've grown.
I've had a few that size finish flower haha
Jeez I hope not Lerugged, I've had way too many of those!
Behold the majesty of the increasingly inaccurately named Red Mimosa XL Auto at 73/80 days
It's the background that makes it beautiful. :)
Quality up can Shed. Perfect timing for an auto imo. They look strong.
Thanks Jon! I hope it stays happy. :thumb:
Hehe, I have a bag of humic acid from a trade show on the shelf for years waiting for that answer Shed! Here's a little something Royal Queen put out on it.
In a nutshell from that RQ art.:

Here are some of the benefits of using humic and fulvic acids for your cannabis plants:

Improves nutrient uptake and mobility via chelating action
Improves water retention and drainage of soil
Improves buffering capacity and cation exchange
Supports healthy microbial activity
Decreases plant uptake of toxins in soil
Improves photosynthesis
Boosts plant metabolism and cell division for better growth
Reduces amount of nutrients plants need
Thanks Otter! What could be bad?
So basically the humic acid will screw up a nutrient routine that has been perfected over time because it "reduces the amount of nutrients needed" No wonder the store was giving it away ha
Oh ha, I guess that could do it. :laugh:
Moving right along!
Who would say such a thing?
Oh, I know who. The same person that would say "it's because you went a big pot" if everything goes sideways!
Yeah, y'know...those folks!
"Using Humic in your grow comes with a number of benefits including increasing root growth, stimulating beneficial microbes while reducing harmful ones, increasing soil moisture retention, improving the soil and strengthening a plant's immune system." an organic soil grower, the above is why I have used it for years now...I use mostly dry amendments when building a batch of soil, so the release of nutrients is slower than a bottled nute regimen I would suppose, so having the molecule that nutrients attach to and get to the plant as they become available is a plus...I've seen a few other high end overpriced, fancy named products that make similar claims...key ingredient=humic/fulvic acid......jmho.....cheerz......h00k...
Thank you h00k! If it makes LOS grows more like bottle-fed ones, I wonder how I can use it to mess up a bottle grow. :hmmmm:
It was also a must in hydro/aero I did 20 years ago. Liquid gold
Thanks Justin! So good in hydro/aero and organic, but what of synthetic grows in soil? The answer is hard to find in places other than sites that sell humic acid, but I did find this:

"In the combination of humic acid/NPK, the best growth and yield were obtained with the application of 25% humic acid + 75% NPK fertilizers. Therefore, for the sustain ability of chili cultivation, the use of humic acid needs to be accompanied with NPK fertilizers at a reduced amount, along with the increase in the dose of humic acid."

So do I make a special batch with lower nute numbers and added humic acid (and at what ratios), or skip the whole thing so as not to mess with the autoflowering karma? I'll probably skip it since it's an experiment I never asked for! After all, I still have @Vulx to try. ;)
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