InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Jeez I hope not Lerugged, I've had way too many of those!

It's the background that makes it beautiful. :)

Thanks Jon! I hope it stays happy. :thumb:

Thanks Otter! What could be bad?

Oh ha, I guess that could do it. :laugh:


Yeah, y'know...those folks!

Thank you h00k! If it makes LOS grows more like bottle-fed ones, I wonder how I can use it to mess up a bottle grow. :hmmmm:

Thanks Justin! So good in hydro/aero and organic, but what of synthetic grows in soil? The answer is hard to find in places other than sites that sell humic acid, but I did find this:

"In the combination of humic acid/NPK, the best growth and yield were obtained with the application of 25% humic acid + 75% NPK fertilizers. Therefore, for the sustain ability of chili cultivation, the use of humic acid needs to be accompanied with NPK fertilizers at a reduced amount, along with the increase in the dose of humic acid."

So do I make a special batch with lower nute numbers and added humic acid (and at what ratios), or skip the whole thing so as not to mess with the autoflowering karma? I'll probably skip it since it's an experiment I never asked for! After all, I still have @Vulx to try. ;)
Have never tried in autos but that 75/25 formula looks about right if you have your nutes dialed in for photos.
I agree with you in this case and wouldn’t try a new method if the old one ain’t broke.
Upcan news here if you missed it!

Thanks Justin! And out of curiosity, what would 25% humic acid look like in a mix in terms of numbers? Is it in PPM? I have no idea how I would calculate that if I wanted to!
I think it depends on the product. Has been way too long since I used that to give the right answer. I just remember when I had a giant reservoir of nutes, I’d add something like 2 cups of that to an 8 cup mixture. I don’t remember it affecting nutrient EC much. Been too long sorry 😂
Early Saturday update, the one where I transplant the Ruby Tuesday auto on day 15!

My hydro shop was plum out of Fox Farms Happy Frog, so I got two bags of Ocean Forest:

They gave me this humic acid for free because they're not going to carry it anymore:

Any idea what I do with it and why?

Anyway, it was time to transplant the RTa into a 7 gallon home. Here it was before the move:

I blended Dynomyco into the soil and sprinkled it on the roots before I planted it, and I only lost about 1" off one root on the move. Otherwise it was completely event-free. Here it is after the upcan:

And now it lives in the tent, at least until it's done with stretch:

I watered it in with about 3.5g/gal of MC, and I've got it around 23,000 lux for now. I'll raise the light some tomorrow and bump the wattage to increase the spread from the Mars SP250, and the added heat will also mean the oil heater can be set lower in the room.

I'm thinking the Queen G auto will go into a 5 gallon pot since it's smaller, and my Amnesia Lemon Kush photo (65 day veg, 70 day flower) did just fine in that size with a 5.2oz harvest. Still, I reserve the right to change my mind. :)

In swallowtail news, here the eggs I rolled off the lime tree (the green bits are pieces of lime leaves):

I dropped in a little lime branch I took off:

And zip-tied it to one of my lemon trees:

We'll see!

That's it from me, and I hope your weekend it cruising along nicely. :surf:


It looks amazeballs Mark! #autogoals :thumb:

Thanks sb. 5g probably would be fine, but I don't want anyone saying "it's because you went with a small pot" if everything goes sideways. ;)

Thanks Jon, and done! I got it out before any roots wrapped in the solo but I do have to say it got away from me with the fast growth down there. I'll try to get the QGa out a little earlier.

No SIP here, just a cloth pot, but like I said, the 7 seemed reasonable and I'll reuse the soil for the spring grow since the plant won't be in there anywhere near as long as my photos would be.
glad the up pot went well with no snags, had me sweating for a bit
I think it depends on the product. Has been way too long since I used that to give the right answer. I just remember when I had a giant reservoir of nutes, I’d add something like 2 cups of that to an 8 cup mixture. I don’t remember it affecting nutrient EC much. Been too long sorry
No worries Justin, I'm just going to stick this bottle on a shelf in the shed with all the other nutes I'll never use. 🤷‍♂️
glad the up pot went well with no snags, had me sweating for a bit
Thanks con! Sorry to have you on edge there, and I promise to get an earlier jump on the Queen G auto. :)
No worries Justin, I'm just going to stick this bottle on a shelf in the shed with all the other nutes I'll never use. 🤷‍♂️

Thanks con! Sorry to have you on edge there, and I promise to get an earlier jump on the Queen G auto. :)
On a shelf? I would have thought that you would have a Shed for it since you are the Shedster. lol Nice upcaning btw. CL🍀
No pics today (not much has changed) but I did bump the watts in the tent from 35 to 50 and raised the light to maintain the existing lux. The added heat from the driver has raised the tent temp about 3ºF so I could lower the setting on the oil heater in the room. :thumb:

I also watered the Ruby Tuesday auto with 4.5g/gallon full-strength veg nutes but left the outside 2" dry until I think there are roots working their way out that far. Queen G auto is still in the solo cup for a few more days before it goes in a 5 gallon pot this weekend. It's getting around 3.5g/gallon and spends its days outside in the sun.

The only wonder I have is if using it in a soil that is so full of nutrients (my LOS) that nute burn occurs.
I have no idea, but I thought humic acid was more for organic growers. :hmmmm:
On a shelf? I would have thought that you would have a Shed for it since you are the Shedster. lol Nice upcaning btw. CL🍀
On a shelf. I still gots shelf space but gots no more shed space. Thanks Captain!
Glad everything is going as planned , don't understand why you took the eggs out the lime tree then put them back in that location maybe they just like the smell ?
Thank you sb! I moved the eggs off the lime leaves and put them in a cup zip-tied to my biggest in-ground lemon tree, where they can happily munch away at the leaves without damaging the tree or the harvest. 🐛
I won some humic + fulvic acid a few years ago and I asked advice from the manufacturer. I add a toothpick tip of the powder to a liter of water to feed plants. I have no idea if this was helpful or not. I was growing outdoors, some in pots and some in the ground. Most LOS have it in already though don't they?
Me too. Might be.
Well I can tell you it's not a project I'll be running! I've got so many other comparisons I'd like to run when I retire :popcorn:and none of them involve building my own soil. :)
I won some humic + fulvic acid a few years ago and I asked advice from the manufacturer. I add a toothpick tip of the powder to a liter of water to feed plants.
A toothpick tip per liter? Whoa, that's strong stuff!
I have no idea if this was helpful or not. I was growing outdoors, some in pots and some in the ground. Most LOS have it in already though don't they?
I have no idea what's added to LOS recipes but I know that neither of my Fox Farms soils lists it.
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